python nltk返回wordnet相似性度量的奇数结果

2024-09-19 23:44:36 发布

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from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn

xx = wn.synsets("game")
yy = wn.synsets("leonardo")
for x in xx:
    for y in yy:
        print x.definition
        print y.definition
        print x.wup_similarity(y)
        print '\n'


game.n.01 a contest with rules to determine a winner leonardo.n.01 Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance (1452-1519) 0.285714285714

game.n.02 a single play of a sport or other contest leonardo.n.01 Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance (1452-1519) 0.285714285714

game.n.03 an amusement or pastime leonardo.n.01 Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance (1452-1519) 0.25

game.n.04 animal hunted for food or sport leonardo.n.01 Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance (1452-1519) 0.923076923077

game.n.05 (tennis) a division of play during which one player serves leonardo.n.01 Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance (1452-1519) 0.222222222222

game.n.06 (games) the score at a particular point or the score needed to win leonardo.n.01 Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance (1452-1519) 0.285714285714

game.n.07 the flesh of wild animals that is used for food leonardo.n.01 Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance (1452-1519) 0.5

plot.n.01 a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal) leonardo.n.01 Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance (1452-1519) 0.2

game.n.09 the game equipment needed in order to play a particular game leonardo.n.01 Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance (1452-1519) 0.666666666667

game.n.10 your occupation or line of work leonardo.n.01 Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance (1452-1519) 0.25

game.n.11 frivolous or trifling behavior leonardo.n.01 Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance (1452-1519) 0.222222222222

bet_on.v.01 place a bet on leonardo.n.01 Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance (1452-1519) -1

crippled.s.01 disabled in the feet or legs leonardo.n.01 Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance (1452-1519) -1

game.s.02 willing to face danger leonardo.n.01 Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance (1452-1519) -1



animal hunted for food or sport


Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance (1452-1519)



Tags: andofthegamemostleonardoarchitectpainter
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-19 23:44:36

根据the docswup_similarity()方法返回。。。在

...a score denoting how similar two word senses are, based on the depth of the two senses in the taxonomy and that of their Least Common Subsumer (most specific ancestor node).


>>> from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
>>> game = wn.synset('game.n.04')
>>> leonardo = wn.synset('leonardo.n.01')
>>> game.lowest_common_hypernyms(leonardo)
>>> organism = game.lowest_common_hypernyms(leonardo)[0]
>>> game.shortest_path_distance(organism)
>>> leonardo.shortest_path_distance(organism)





I want some measurement which will show that dissimilarity('game', 'chess') is much much less than dissimilarity('game', 'leonardo')


from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
from itertools import product

def compare(word1, word2):
    ss1 = wn.synsets(word1)
    ss2 = wn.synsets(word2)
    return max(s1.path_similarity(s2) for (s1, s2) in product(ss1, ss2))

for word1, word2 in (('game', 'leonardo'), ('game', 'chess')):
    print "Path similarity of %-10s and %-10s is %.2f" % (word1,
                                                          compare(word1, word2))


Path similarity of game       and leonardo   is 0.17
Path similarity of game       and chess      is 0.25

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