
2024-06-01 11:27:25 发布

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 lines=[   '0021   Literacy and numeracy \n',
 'Literacy and numeracy are programmes or qualifications arranged mainly for adults, designed \n',
 'to  teach  fundamental  skills  in  reading,  writing  and  arithmetic.  The  typical  age  range  of \n',
 'participants  can  be  used  to  distinguish  between  detailed  field  0011  ‘Basic  programmes  and \n',
 'qualifications’ and this detailed field.  \n',
 'Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here: \n',
'0031   Personal skills \n',
 'Personal  skills  are  defined  by  reference  to  the  effects  on  the  individual’s  capacity  (mental, \n',
 'social  etc.).  This  detailed  field  covers  personal  skills  programmes  not  included  in  0011  ‘Basic \n',
 'programmes and qualifications’ or 0021 ‘Literacy and numeracy’, giving key competencies and \n',
 'transferable skills.  \n',
 'Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here: \n',



G= [ ['0021   Literacy and numeracy \n','0031   Personal skills \n']

G1=[['Literacy and numeracy are programmes or qualifications arranged mainly for adults, designed \n',
     'to  teach  fundamental  skills  in  reading,  writing  and  arithmetic.  The  typical  age  range  of \n',
     'participants  can  be  used  to  distinguish  between  detailed  field  0011  ‘Basic  programmes  and \n',
     'qualifications’ and this detailed field.  \n'], ['Personal  skills  are  defined  by  reference  to  the  effects  on  the  individual’s  capacity  (mental, \n',
 'social  etc.).  This  detailed  field  covers  personal  skills  programmes  not  included  in  0011  ‘Basic \n',
 'programmes and qualifications’ or 0021 ‘Literacy and numeracy’, giving key competencies and \n',
 'transferable skills.  \n',


    for l,i in enumerate(lines):
       if re.findall(r'd\d\d\d',i)!='':
            for j in range(10):
                while lines[l+2+j]!='\n':

这行if re.findall(r'd\d\d\d',i)!='':不太好用。我希望4位数字在开头,以0开头,但这样不行

Tags: orandthetoinfield列表are
lines = [
    '0021   Literacy and numeracy \n',
    'Literacy and numeracy are programmes or qualifications arranged mainly for adults, designed \n',
    'to  teach  fundamental  skills  in  reading,  writing  and  arithmetic.  The  typical  age  range  of \n',
    'participants  can  be  used  to  distinguish  between  detailed  field  0011  ‘Basic  programmes  and \n',
    'qualifications’ and this detailed field.  \n',
    'Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here: \n',
    '0031   Personal skills \n',
    'Personal  skills  are  defined  by  reference  to  the  effects  on  the  individual’s  capacity  (mental, \n',
    'social  etc.).  This  detailed  field  covers  personal  skills  programmes  not  included  in  0011  ‘Basic \n',
    'programmes and qualifications’ or 0021 ‘Literacy and numeracy’, giving key competencies and \n',
    'transferable skills.  \n',
    'Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here: \n',
definition = []
ocupation = []
for l, i in enumerate(lines):
    if i[:4].isnumeric():
        def1 = []
        for j in lines[l+2:]:
            if j == '\n':

print(ocupation, definition, sep='\n')


['0021   Literacy and numeracy \n', '0031   Personal skills \n']
[['Literacy and numeracy are programmes or qualifications arranged mainly for adults, designed \n', 'to  teach  fundamental  skills  in  reading,  writing  and  arithmetic.  The  typical  age  range  of \n', 'participants  can  be  used  to  distinguish  between  detailed  field  0011  ‘Basic  programmes  and \n', 'qualifications’ and this detailed field.  \n'], ['Personal  skills  are  defined  by  reference  to  the  effects  on  the  individual’s  capacity  (mental, \n', 'social  etc.).  This  detailed  field  covers  personal  skills  programmes  not  included  in  0011  ‘Basic \n', 'programmes and qualifications’ or 0021 ‘Literacy and numeracy’, giving key competencies and \n', 'transferable skills.  \n']]


lines=[   '0021   Literacy and numeracy \n',
 'Literacy and numeracy are programmes or qualifications arranged mainly for adults, designed \n',
 'to  teach  fundamental  skills  in  reading,  writing  and  arithmetic.  The  typical  age  range  of \n',
 'participants  can  be  used  to  distinguish  between  detailed  field  0011  ‘Basic  programmes  and \n',
 'qualifications’ and this detailed field.  \n',
 'Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here: \n',
'0031   Personal skills \n',
 'Personal  skills  are  defined  by  reference  to  the  effects  on  the  individual’s  capacity  (mental, \n',
 'social  etc.).  This  detailed  field  covers  personal  skills  programmes  not  included  in  0011  ‘Basic \n',
 'programmes and qualifications’ or 0021 ‘Literacy and numeracy’, giving key competencies and \n',
 'transferable skills.  \n',
 'Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here: \n',

import re
for l,i in enumerate(lines):
    #the findall always return match group,if not match the group will be 0
    #so make it easy we can use match,and the regex can replace with '\d{4}'
    if re.match(r'\d\d\d\d',i) is not None:

        #should init variable before for loop
        for j in range(2,10):
            #in your case the 6th line is a '\n' too,so I change the test case to double '\n'
            if lines[l+j] == '\n' and lines[l+j+2] == '\n':
            #bypass any '\n'
            elif lines[l+j]=='\n':


lines = [
    '0021   Literacy and numeracy \n',
    'Literacy and numeracy are programmes or qualifications arranged mainly for adults, designed \n',
    'to  teach  fundamental  skills  in  reading,  writing  and  arithmetic.  The  typical  age  range  of \n',
    'participants  can  be  used  to  distinguish  between  detailed  field  0011  ‘Basic  programmes  and \n',
    'qualifications’ and this detailed field.  \n',
    'Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here: \n',
    '0031   Personal skills \n',
    'Personal  skills  are  defined  by  reference  to  the  effects  on  the  individual’s  capacity  (mental, \n',
    'social  etc.).  This  detailed  field  covers  personal  skills  programmes  not  included  in  0011  ‘Basic \n',
    'programmes and qualifications’ or 0021 ‘Literacy and numeracy’, giving key competencies and \n',
    'transferable skills.  \n',
    'Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here: \n',
definition = []
ocupation = []
for l, i in enumerate(lines):
    if i[:4].isnumeric():
        ocupation += [i]
        definition += [lines[l+2:lines.index('\n', l+2)] if '\n' in lines[l+2:] else lines[l+2:]]
print(ocupation, definition, sep='\n')

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