
2024-06-01 18:45:25 发布

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id  gender  ses schtyp  prog        write
70  male    low public  general     52
121 female  middle  public  vocation    68
86  male    high    public  general     33
141 male    high    public  vocation    63      
172 male    middle  public  academic    47
113 male    middle  public  academic    44
50  male    middle  public  general     59
11  male    middle  public  academic    34      
84  male    middle  public  general     57      
48  male    middle  public  academic    57      
75  male    middle  public  vocation    60      
60  male    middle  public  academic    57  




Tags: 文件csv项目程序信息示例middlepandas


# Subsetting by using True/False:
subset = itu['CntryName'] == 'Albania'  # returns True/False values
itu[subset]  # returns 1x144 DataFrame of only data for Albania
itu[itu['CntryName'] == 'Albania']  # one-line command, equivalent to the above two lines

# Pandas has many built-in functions like .isin() to provide params to filter on    
itu[itu.cntrycode.isin(['USA','FRA'])]  # returns where itu['cntrycode'] is 'USA' or 'FRA'
itu[itu.year.isin([2000,2001,2002])]  # Returns all of itu for only years 2000-2002
# Advanced subsetting can include logical operations:
itu[itu.cntrycode.isin(['USA','FRA']) & itu.year.isin([2000,2001,2002])]  # Both of above at same time

# Use .loc with two elements to simultaneously select by row/index & column:
itu.loc[['USA','BHS'], ['CntryName', 'Year']]
itu.iloc[[204, 13], [0, 1]]

# Can do many operations at once, but this reduces "readability" of the code
itu[itu.cntrycode.isin(['USA','FRA']) & 
    itu.year.isin([2000,2001,2002])].loc[:, ['cntrycode','cntryname','year','mpen','fpen']]

# Finally, if you're comfortable with using map() and list comprehensions, 
you can do some advanced subsetting that includes evaluations & functions 
to determine what elements you want to select from the whole, such as all 
countries whose name begins with "United":
criterion = itu['CntryName'].map(lambda x: x.startswith('United'))
itu[criterion]['CntryName']  # gives us UAE, UK, & US


import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('fileName.txt', delim_whitespace=True)

#get all of the male students
data[data['gender'] == 'male']

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