
2024-05-04 05:06:15 发布

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我的流程是这样的: -当机器人启动时,获取JSON数据并将其保存到文件中,以便我们可以将更新的数据与此文件进行比较, -现在是时候通过从同一链接获取新数据并将其保存到新文件来检查是否有人联机了, -将这两个文件作为JSON加载,这样我们就可以找到其中的所有项目,并比较其中是否有一些项目同时存在或仅存在于其中一个文件中, -在比较它们并执行诸如向通道发送消息之类的操作之后,让我们将新数据保存到旧的_data.json文件中,然后进入睡眠状态X分钟(我将其设置为5)



atc = ["ADR_CTR", "ADR_W_CTR", "ADR_U_CTR", "ADR_E_CTR"] #this is short version of array which needs to be checked. This will most likely be moved to the config file so code is cleaner
    async def atcAnnoucements(self):
        #Load old and new VATSIM Data for comparing!
        with open("VATSIM_Data_old.json", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            data = json.load(f)
        file = open("VATSIM_Data_new.json", "w", encoding="utf-8")
        with open("VATSIM_Data_new.json", encoding="utf-8") as s:
            data1 = json.load(s)

        #Check if new VATSIM data contains some changes in online atc
        #If callsign from atc array is present in VATSIM_Data_old it will check is same controller active or not
        #If the controller is not changed it will skip, if new controller comes online it will send a message that the ATC station came online
        for item in data1['clients']:
            if item['callsign'] in data['clients']:
                if item['callsign'] in atc:
                    time_start = item['time_logon']
                    time_logg = time_start[:19]
                    logon_start = datetime.strptime(time_logg, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
                    time_logon = logon_start.strftime('%H:%M')
                    channel = self.bot.get_channel(781834455765483562)
                    embed = Embed(title="ATC Annoucement", description="`New controller just logged in!`", color=0x00ff4c)

                    embed.add_field(name='Position', value=f"`{item['callsign']}`", inline=False)
                    embed.add_field(name='Frequency', value=f"`{item['frequency']}`", inline=False)
                    embed.add_field(name='Controller', value=f"`{item['realname']}`", inline=False)
                    embed.set_footer(text=f"Logged on at: {time_logon}")
                    await channel.send(embed=embed)

            if item['callsign'] in data['clients'] and atc and not data1['clients']:
                channel = self.bot.get_channel(781834455765483562)
                embed2 = Embed(title="ATC Logged off!", description=f"{item['callsign']} just logged off!", color=0xff8800)
                await channel.send(embed=embed2)

        file = open("VATSIM_Data_old.json", "w", encoding="utf-8")
        print("Saved new VATSIM Data!")

编辑: 在我第一次尝试只获取一条消息时,我做了一些类似于下面代码的事情,并且成功了。但一旦我改变了上面的代码,它就会再次发送相同的消息

json1 = open("VATSIM_Data_old.json", "r", encoding="utf-8").read()
        xy = json.dumps(json1)
        s1 = json.loads(xy)
        t = requests.get('https://data.vatsim.net/vatsim-data.json').json()
        xx = json.dumps(t)
        s = json.loads(xx)

                for item in s['clients']:
            if item['callsign'] in atc:
                if item['callsign'] in s1: 
                    if item['callsign'] in atc:
                        time_start = item['time_logon']
                        time_logg = time_start[:19]
                        logon_start = datetime.strptime(time_logg, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
                        time_logon = logon_start.strftime('%H:%M')
                        channel = self.bot.get_channel(781834455765483562)
                        embed = Embed(title="ATC Annoucement", description="`New controller just logged in!`", color=0x00ff4c)

                        embed.add_field(name='Position', value=f"`{item['callsign']}`", inline=False)
                        embed.add_field(name='Frequency', value=f"`{item['frequency']}`", inline=False)
                        embed.add_field(name='Controller', value=f"`{item['realname']}`", inline=False)
                        embed.set_footer(text=f"Logged on at: {time_logon}")
                        await channel.send(embed=embed)```

Tags: 文件代码injsondataiftimechannel