
2024-05-03 17:19:07 发布

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  1. 设置初始条件(初始函数u0
  2. 通过使用一个求积例程(我使用的是scipy INTEGLE)计算u1,该例程在u0上进行了一些修改(移动函数并将其参数与一些基本函数合并)
  3. 继续计算u2等等,过程与u1相同,但取决于u1而不是u0(等等)


import numpy as np
import math
from scipy import interpolate, integrate, stats

# Some values that determine the Differential Equation
y = 0.024
o = 0.115
p = 0.35

#Defining the initial value, i.e. the function we start with
def u0(x):
    return stats.beta.pdf(x, 2.7, 3.05)

#Determining the spatial and time grid on which I'd like the function to show me results
L = 1
N = 1000

dx = L / N
x = np.arange(0, L, dx)

t = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
dt = 0.001

#Simulating the Brownian motion on which the Differential equation depends
cov = np.zeros((len(t), len(t)))
B_i = np.zeros((len(t), len(t)))

for i in range(len(t)):
    for j in range(i + 1):
        B_i[i, j] = np.sqrt(dt)

mean = np.zeros_like(t)
B = np.dot(B_i, np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, np.identity(len(t))))
B = np.concatenate(([0], B), axis=-1)

#This is a shift operator that is used for the solution, it is part of the analytical solution and shifts the inserted parameter by another parameter a
def shift(func, a):
    def shift(x):
        return func(x - a)
    return shift

#This is a scale operator that is used for the solution, it is part of the analytical solution and multiplies the function by some parameter
def scale(func, a=1):
    return a*func

#This truncates a function (I only need results in the area of 0<x<1)
def trunc(func):
    def trunc(x):
        if x <= 0:
            return 0
        elif x >= 1:
            return 0
            return func(x)
    return trunc

#This is the quadrature routine
def quad(func, a, b):
    return integrate.quad(func, a, b)

#Interpolation on the grid
def myinterpolate(func):
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
    y = func(x[:])
    return interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind = 'cubic', fill_value="extrapolate")

#Modification function such that the Differential equation can be solved for the next time step
def gauss(func, t):
    def gauss(x):
        def pregau(z):
            arg = x + t ** (1 / 2) * z
            return func(arg) * math.exp(-(z**2)/2)

        integration = integrate.quad(pregau, -np.inf, np.inf)[0]
        return (2 * math.pi) ** (-1/2) * integration

    return gauss

#Function that is used in each time step to calculate the solution for the new time step
def f_temp(ui, B):
    def f_temp(x):
        arg = o * np.sqrt(1 - p ** (2)) * dt
        increment = o * p * B + y * dt
        return shift(gauss(ui, arg), increment)(x)

    return np.vectorize(f_temp)

#This is the function that gives me (for inital value u0) the solution at every time step for a specific x that I feed it
def vundl(x, u=u0):
    v = [myinterpolate(u)]
    vx = [myinterpolate(u)(x)[()]]

    #In my case  1000, but it takes a lot of time to get to even go to i=100
    for i in range(1, 1000):

        vi = trunc(myinterpolate(f_temp(v[i-1], B[i] - B[i-1]))) 
        vxi = vi(x)

    return list(map(lambda x: x[()], vx)) 

print(vundl(0.01, u0))


Tags: thetoinforlenreturnthattime