
2024-05-06 01:34:42 发布

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tour = [ [3, 2, 1,], 
         [4, 7, 9,], 
         [5, 6, 8,], ]

我想让我的代码检查这个列表,看看一个国王(国际象棋)是否能正常通过它。 我所做的代码可以应用于N×N 2d列表。它的作用是从数字1开始,检查它周围的所有9个空格是否有数字2,重复这个过程直到N×N。问题是,当数字在列表的一侧时,代码会给出一个索引器,为了克服这个问题,我做了一个try: except: IndexError,但现在当它到达i = 6时,它会无限继续运行

def in_list(number, listname):
    this function detects where a certain number is in a 2d list and returns the index of 
    for i, sublist in enumerate(listname):
        if (number in sublist):
            return [i, sublist.index(number)]
    return -1

def is_king_tour_3by3(tour):
    this function checks for all 9 areas around this number and if it's an IndexError
    i.e. it's at the end of the list it ignores that case
    start = in_list(1, tour)
    i = 2
    counter = len(tour) * len(tour)
    while True:
        counter -= 1
            if(tour[start[0]][start[1] - 1] == i): #starting from checking the number on the left and going counter-clockwise
                i += 1
                start[1] -= 1
            elif(tour[start[0] + 1][start[1] - 1] == i):    
                i += 1
                start[0] += 1
                start[1] -= 1
            elif(tour[start[0] + 1][start[1]] == i):
                i += 1
                start[0] += 1
            elif(tour[start[0] + 1][start[1] + 1] == i):
                i += 1
                start[0] += 1
                start[1] += 1
            elif(tour[start[0]][start[1] + 1] == i):
                i += 1
                start[1] += 1
            elif(tour[start[0] - 1][start[1] + 1] == i):
                i += 1
                start[0] -= 1
                start[1] += 1
            elif(tour[start[0] - 1][start[1]] == i):
                i += 1
                start[0] -= 1
            elif(tour[start[0] - 1][start[1] - 1] == i):
                i += 1
                start[0] -= 1
                start[1] -= 1
        except IndexError:
        if(i == (len(tour) * len(tour))):
            return True
        elif(counter == 0):
            return False


Tags: the代码innumber列表lenreturnif
1楼 · 发布于 2024-05-06 01:34:42

通过将start[0] < len(tour)-1 and start[1] > 0添加到行中,可以检查您是否在2d列表之外,而不是使用try: except:。只要start为>;则此代码将解决此问题;0及<len(tour)(如果start[0]或start[1]为-1或len(tour),则可能会失败):

def in_list(number, listname):
    this function detects where a certain number is in a 2d list and returns the index of 
    for i, sublist in enumerate(listname):
        if (number in sublist):
            return [i, sublist.index(number)]
return -1

def is_king_tour_3by3(tour):
    this function checks for all 9 areas around this number and if it's an IndexError
    i.e. it's at the end of the list it ignores that case
    start = in_list(1, tour)
    i = 2
    counter = len(tour) * len(tour)
while True:
    counter -= 1
    if(start[1] > 0 and tour[start[0]][start[1] - 1] == i): #starting from checking the number on the left and going counter-clockwise
        i += 1
        start[1] -= 1
    elif(start[0] < len(tour)-1 and start[1] > 0 and tour[start[0] + 1][start[1] - 1] == i):    
        i += 1
        start[0] += 1
        start[1] -= 1
    elif(start[0] < len(tour)-1 and tour[start[0] + 1][start[1]] == i):
            i += 1
            start[0] += 1
    elif(start[0] < len(tour)-1 and start[1] < len(tour)-1 and tour[start[0] + 1][start[1] + 1] == i):
        i += 1
        start[0] += 1
        start[1] += 1
    elif(start[1] < len(tour)-1 and tour[start[0]][start[1] + 1] == i):
        i += 1
        start[1] += 1
    elif(start[0] > 0 and start[1] < len(tour)-1 and tour[start[0] - 1][start[1] + 1] == i):
        i += 1
        start[0] -= 1
        start[1] += 1
    elif(start[0] > 0 and tour[start[0] - 1][start[1]] == i):
        i += 1
        start[0] -= 1
    elif(start[0] > 0 and start[1] > 0 and tour[start[0] - 1][start[1] - 1] == i):
        i += 1
        start[0] -= 1
        start[1] -= 1
    if(i == (len(tour) * len(tour))):
        return True
    elif(counter == 0):
        return False

tour = [ [3, 2, 1,], 
         [4, 7, 9,], 
         [5, 6, 8,], ]

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