
2024-09-30 20:29:09 发布

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Index    close    bool       condrolmax
0        1        True       1
1        3        True       3
2        2        True       3
3        5        True       5
4        3        False      5
5        3        True       3 --> rolling/accumulative maximum reset (False cond above)
6        4        True       4
7        5        False      4
8        7        False      4
9        5        True       5 --> rolling/accumulative maximum reset (False cond above)
10       7        False      5
11       8        False      5
12       6        True       6 --> rolling/accumulative maximum reset (False cond above)
13       8        True       8
14       5        False      8
15       5        True       5 --> rolling/accumulative maximum reset (False cond above)
16       7        True       7
17       15       True       15
18       16       True       16


# initialise data of lists.
data = {'close':[1,3,2,5,3,3,4,5,7,5,7,8,6,8,5,5,7,15,16],
        'bool':[True, True, True, True, False, True, True, False, False, True, False,
                False, True, True, False, True, True, True, True],
        'condrolmax': [1,3,3,5,5,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,8,8,5,7,15,16]}
# Create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)



Tags: falsetruedataframeforclosedata条件above


def faster_condrolmax(df):
    df['cond_index'] = [df.index[i] if df['bool'][i]==False else 0 for i in 
    df['cond_comp_index'] = [np.max(df.cond_index[0:i]) for i in df.index]
    df['cond_comp_index'] = df['cond_comp_index'].fillna(0).astype(int)
    df['condrolmax'] = np.zeros(len(df.close))
    df['condrolmax'] = [np.max(df.close[df.cond_comp_index[i]:i]) if 
               df.cond_comp_index[i]<i else df.close[i] for 
               i in range(len(df.close))]
    return df


!pip install line_profiler
%load_ext line_profiler

要添加和加载line profiler并查看每行代码需要多长时间,请执行以下操作:

%lprun -f faster_condrolmax faster_condrolmax(df)

这将导致: Each line profiling results


%timeit faster_condrolmax(df)

这将导致: Total algorithm profiling result

如果你使用SeaBean函数,你可以得到更好的结果,速度是我建议的函数的一半。然而,SeaBean的估计速度似乎并不稳定,要估计他的函数,您应该在更大的数据集上运行它,然后再决定。这都是因为%timeit报告如下: SeaBean's function profiling result


group = (df['bool']&(~df['bool']).shift()).cumsum()
df.groupby(group)['close'].rolling(2, min_periods=1).max()


0     0      1.0
      1      3.0
      2      3.0
      3      5.0
      4      5.0
1     5      3.0
      6      4.0
      7      5.0
      8      7.0
2     9      5.0
      10     7.0
      11     8.0
3     12     6.0
      13     8.0
      14     8.0
4     15     5.0
      16     7.0
      17    15.0
      18    16.0
Name: close, dtype: float64


df['condrolmax'] = df.groupby(group)['close'].rolling(2, min_periods=1).max().droplevel(0)


    close   bool  condrolmax
0       1   True         1.0
1       3   True         3.0
2       2   True         3.0
3       5   True         5.0
4       3  False         5.0
5       3   True         3.0
6       4   True         4.0
7       5  False         5.0
8       7  False         7.0
9       5   True         5.0
10      7  False         7.0
11      8  False         8.0
12      6   True         6.0
13      8   True         8.0
14      5  False         8.0
15      5   True         5.0
16      7   True         7.0
17     15   True        15.0
18     16   True        16.0



# Set group: New group if current row `bool` is True and last row `bool` is False
g = (df['bool'] & (~df['bool']).shift()).cumsum()   

# Get cumulative max of column `close` within the group 
df['condrolmax'] = df.groupby(g)['close'].cummax()



    close   bool  condrolmax
0       1   True           1
1       3   True           3
2       2   True           3
3       5   True           5
4       3  False           5
5       3   True           3
6       4   True           4
7       5  False           5
8       7  False           7
9       5   True           5
10      7  False           7
11      8  False           8
12      6   True           6
13      8   True           8
14      5  False           8
15      5   True           5
16      7   True           7
17     15   True          15
18     16   True          16

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