
2024-07-04 13:34:55 发布

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import csv
import datetime
import time

class Contact:
    def __init__(self, index, name, last_time, last_level='unreliable', appdate=None, apporder=None, appnote=None):
        self.index = index
        self.name = name
        self.last_time = last_time #last time I received a message from this person to unlogg if it's 
                                    over 5min agoo
        self.last_level = last_level # can be unreliable,main,date,order,note as
                                     # unreliable= don't even send availibities
                                     # main=the person is logged send availibities
                                     # date=ask for date, order=ask for order, note=ask for note
        self.appdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(appdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').date()
        self.apporder = apporder
        self.appnote = appnote

class Appointment:
 # I'd like to create a class for all the appointments from the calcurse file listing all the appointments to be able to check for instances if any conflicts with any new appointments.

    def __init__(self, name, appdate, apporder, appnote):
        self.name = name
        self.appdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(appdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
        self.apporder = apporder
        self.appnote = appnote

def find_contact_in_file(name):
        with open("contact", 'r') as csvfile:
            reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
            index = 0
            for line in reader:
                index += 1
                if line[0] == name:
                    print(index, line)
                    contact = Contact(index, line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3], line[4], line[5])
                    return contact
            return contact.Contact(index + 1, name, int(time.time()), "unreliable", None, None, None)
    except IOError:
        print("I/O error")


Tags: tonameselfnonefordatetimeindextime
