
2024-09-24 22:28:04 发布

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microscopic worm in crescent formation


Correct mask of the first worm


Improper mask



lst = [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, ..., xn, yn]



Red on the inner edge of the mask






lst = [17, 297, 17, 303, 15, 305, 15, 309, 16, 310, 17, 310, 20, 313, 21, 313, 32, 324, 32, 326, 33, 326, 35, 328, 38,
       328, 39, 327, 39, 323, 38, 322, 37, 322, 36, 321, 36, 320, 35, 319, 35, 313, 36, 312, 42, 312, 43, 313, 44, 313,
       45, 314, 46, 314, 47, 315, 50, 315, 51, 316, 52, 316, 53, 317, 54, 317, 55, 318, 56, 318, 57, 319, 58, 319, 59,
       320, 60, 320, 62, 322, 63, 322, 67, 326, 70, 326, 74, 330, 75, 330, 78, 333, 79, 333, 83, 337, 83, 338, 84, 339,
       84, 340, 85, 340, 92, 347, 93, 347, 95, 349, 96, 349, 99, 352, 100, 352, 106, 358, 106, 359, 110, 363, 110, 364,
       112, 366, 113, 366, 116, 369, 117, 369, 119, 371, 119, 378, 118, 379, 112, 379, 110, 377, 109, 377, 105, 373,
       104, 373, 93, 362, 92, 362, 88, 358, 88, 357, 87, 357, 81, 351, 80, 351, 77, 348, 76, 348, 67, 339, 66, 339, 61,
       334, 60, 334, 58, 332, 57, 332, 56, 331, 55, 331, 54, 330, 48, 330, 48, 333, 49, 333, 50, 334, 51, 334, 52, 335,
       53, 335, 61, 343, 62, 343, 69, 350, 70, 350, 73, 353, 74, 353, 75, 354, 75, 355, 76, 355, 82, 361, 83, 361, 85,
       363, 85, 364, 86, 365, 87, 365, 99, 377, 100, 377, 104, 381, 105, 381, 107, 383, 108, 383, 109, 384, 111, 384,
       113, 386, 114, 386, 116, 388, 117, 388, 118, 389, 120, 389, 121, 390, 121, 392, 122, 393, 123, 393, 124, 394,
       125, 394, 126, 395, 127, 395, 128, 396, 128, 397, 129, 398, 130, 398, 133, 401, 142, 401, 143, 400, 143, 399,
       144, 398, 144, 394, 143, 393, 143, 389, 140, 386, 140, 385, 138, 383, 137, 383, 132, 378, 132, 377, 131, 376,
       130, 376, 128, 374, 128, 373, 127, 372, 127, 371, 119, 363, 118, 363, 114, 359, 114, 358, 113, 358, 110, 355,
       110, 353, 106, 349, 105, 349, 103, 347, 102, 347, 99, 344, 98, 344, 90, 336, 89, 336, 88, 335, 88, 334, 87, 333,
       87, 332, 85, 330, 84, 330, 81, 327, 80, 327, 79, 326, 78, 326, 76, 324, 75, 324, 73, 322, 72, 322, 68, 318, 67,
       318, 65, 316, 64, 316, 63, 315, 62, 315, 61, 314, 60, 314, 59, 313, 58, 313, 57, 312, 56, 312, 55, 311, 52, 311,
       51, 310, 50, 310, 49, 309, 48, 309, 47, 308, 46, 308, 45, 307, 44, 307, 43, 306, 42, 306, 41, 305, 40, 305, 39,
       304, 32, 304, 32, 308, 31, 309, 25, 309, 24, 308, 24, 302, 25, 301, 28, 301, 28, 299, 27, 299, 26, 298, 22, 298,
       21, 297]

Tags: 代码图像路径程序算法视频边缘光线
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-24 22:28:04

我继续写下了我的想法,到目前为止似乎效果不错。借用了this page中关于查找两条线段是否相交的内容

def ccw(A, B, C):
    return (C[1]-A[1]) * (B[0]-A[0]) > (B[1]-A[1]) * (C[0]-A[0])

# Return true if line segments AB and CD intersect
def intersect(A, B, C, D):
    return ccw(A, C, D) != ccw(B, C, D) and ccw(A, B, C) != ccw(A, B, D)

def rayEscape(point, degree, path, radius, indx=-1):
    """Returns True if a ray going from 'point' at an angle of 'degree' (defined like in polar coordinates)
    never intercepts with path. False otherwise."""
    ray_end_point = (point[0] + radius * cos(degree), point[1] + radius * sin(degree))
    for i in range(0, len(path), 2):
        j = (i + 2) % len(path)
        seg_point_0 = path[i:i+2]
        seg_point_1 = path[j:j+2]
        if indx != i and indx != j and intersect(point, ray_end_point, seg_point_0, seg_point_1):
            return False
    return True

def deleteInsidePoints(path, num_rays, cutoff=0.0):
    """For each point, calculates the proportion of rays that go from the point and never hit any
    part of the path again. If the proportion is strictly greater than the cutoff, the point is kept in the return list.
    Otherwise, it's ignored."""
    final = []
    max_len = ((min(path[::2]) - max(path[::2])) ** 2 + (min(path[1::2]) - max(path[1::2])) ** 2) ** 0.5
    for i in range(0, len(path), 2):
        point = path[i:i+2]
        num_escape = 0
        for j in range(num_rays):
            num_escape += int(rayEscape(point, 2 * pi * j / num_rays, path, max_len, i))
        if num_escape / num_rays > cutoff:
    return final

lst2 = deleteInsidePoints(lst, 25, 0.3)


bad 1good 1

bad 2good 2



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