
2024-10-05 14:27:29 发布

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# script to guess a user's number between 1 and 1000 within 10 guesses

# import random so we can use it to generate random numbers
from random import randint

# Variables
lowerBound = 1
upperBound = 1000
numGuesses = 1
myGuess = 500
failed = False

# Welcome Message
      "\n#                                                                                                   #"
      "\n#   Please think of a number between 1 and 1000.  I will attempt to guess the number in 10 tries.   #"
      "\n#                                                                                                   #"

while numGuesses <= 10:

    # if the lower and upper bounds match we've found the number
    if lowerBound == upperBound:
        print(f"\nYour number is {str(lowerBound)}.  It took me '{str(numGuesses)} guesses!")

    print(f"\nIs the number {str(myGuess)}?  If correct, type CORRECT.  If low, type LOW.  If high, type HIGH.")
    # uncomment for var output
    # print(f"\nGuesses = {str(numGuesses)}\nLower bound = {str(lowerBound)}\nUpper bound = {str(upperBound)}")
    userFeedback = input("\nResponse: ").upper()

    if userFeedback == 'HIGH':
        print(f"\nGuess #{str(numGuesses)} was too high")
        if numGuesses == 10:
            failed = True
        upperBound = myGuess - 1
        myGuess = randint(lowerBound, upperBound)
    elif userFeedback == 'LOW':
        print(f"\nGuess #{str(numGuesses)} was too low")
        if numGuesses == 10:
            failed = True
        lowerBound = myGuess + 1
        myGuess = randint(lowerBound, upperBound)
    elif userFeedback == 'CORRECT':
        print(f"\nYour number is {str(myGuess)}!  It took me {str(numGuesses)} guesses!")

    numGuesses += 1

if failed:
    print(f"\nMy final guess of {str(myGuess)} was not correct.  I wasn't able to guess your number in 10 tries.")



Tags: thetonumberif数字printguessbreak
myGuess = int(math.ceil((myGuess) / 2))



if userFeedback == 'HIGH':
    print(f"\nGuess #{numGuesses} was too high")
    upperBound = myGuess - 1
elif userFeedback == 'LOW':
    print(f"\nGuess #{numGuesses} was too low")
    lowerBound = myGuess + 1
myGuess = int(lowerBound + ((upperBound - lowerBound) / 2))


# script to guess a number between 1 and 1000 within 10 guesses

# Variables
lowerBound = 1
upperBound = 1000
numGuesses = 1
myGuess = 500

# Welcome Message
      "\n#                                                                                                   #"
      "\n#   Please think of a number between 1 and 1000.  I will attempt to guess the number in 10 tries.   #"
      "\n#                                                                                                   #"

while numGuesses <= 10:

    # uncomment next line for var output
    # print(f"\nGuesses = {numGuesses}\nLower bound = {lowerBound}\nUpper bound = {upperBound}")

    print(f"\nIs the number {myGuess}?  If correct, type CORRECT.  If low, type LOW.  If high, type HIGH.")
    userFeedback = input("\nResponse: ").upper()

    if userFeedback == 'HIGH':
        print(f"\nGuess #{numGuesses} was too high")
        upperBound = myGuess
        myGuess = (lowerBound + myGuess) // 2
    elif userFeedback == 'LOW':
        print(f"\nGuess #{numGuesses} was too low")
        lowerBound = myGuess
        myGuess = (upperBound + myGuess + 1) // 2
    elif userFeedback == 'CORRECT':
        print(f"\nYour number is {myGuess}!  It took me {numGuesses} guesses!")

    numGuesses += 1

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