
2024-09-28 22:34:03 发布

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这里有一个例子。 假设列表dateprices在程序的其他地方动态填充了对象。每个项目(datePriceObj)都有变量:date是datetime对象,而price是该日期的价格(假设它是Amazon上某个产品的价值或其他东西,没关系)



class DatePriceCreator():
    def __init__(self, datetimeObj, priceFloat):
        self.date = datetimeObj
        self.price = priceFloat


datePrices = [datePriceObj, datePriceObj, datePriceObj, datePriceObj, datePriceObj]

# datePrices[0].date is equal to 25th October 2019 (this is a datetime object)
# datePrices[1].date is equal to 23rd November 2019 (this is a datetime object)
# datePrices[2].date is equal to 26th February 2020 (this is a datetime object)
# datePrices[3].date is is equal to 26th March 2020 (this is a datetime object)
# datePrices[4].date is equal to 15th May 2020 (this is a datetime object)

# datePrices[0].price is equal to 1000.0 (this is a float)
# datePrices[1].price is equal to 1056.0 (this is a float)
# datePrices[2].price is equal to 1700.0 (this is a float)
# datePrices[3].price is equal to 1750.0 (this is a float)
# datePrices[4].price is equal to 2007.0 (this is a float)


# Expected Output:
datePrices = [datePriceObj, datePriceObj, datePriceObj, datePriceObj. datePriceObj, datePriceObj, datePriceObj, datePriceObj]

# datePrices[0].date is equal to 25th October 2019 (this is a datetime object)
# datePrices[1].date is equal to 23rd November 2019 (this is a datetime object)
# datePrices[2].date is equal to 31st December 2019 (this is a datetime object)
# datePrices[3].date is equal to 31st January 2020 (this is a datetime object)
# datePrices[4].date is equal to 26th February 2020 (this is a datetime object)
# datePrices[5].date is is equal to 26th March 2020 (this is a datetime object)
# datePrices[6].date is is equal to 30th April 2020 (this is a datetime object)
# datePrices[7].date is equal to 15th May 2020 (this is a datetime object)

# datePrices[0].price is equal to 1000.0 (this is a float)
# datePrices[1].price is equal to 1056.0 (this is a float)
# datePrices[2].price is equal to 1056.0 (this is a float)
# datePrices[3].price is equal to 1056.0 (this is a float)
# datePrices[4].price is equal to 1700.0 (this is a float)
# datePrices[5].price is equal to 1750.0 (this is a float)
# datePrices[6].price is equal to 1750.0 (this is a float)
# datePrices[7].price is equal to 2007.0 (this is a float)


我面临的问题是如何做到这一点,所以无论是哪一年,都会有下一个月。这显示在datePrices[2]datePrices[3]的预期输出上,其中它认识到年份已经改变。我不知道该怎么做。可能使用某种形式的while循环继续生成对象并插入列表,直到datePrices[x+1].date.month - 1等于datePrices[x].date.month,但这仅在datePrices[x].date.month is <= 11时有效。如果是12,则下个月必须是13,但没有第13个月


Tags: to对象列表datetimedateobjectis价格
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-28 22:34:03


import datetime
import random 

class DatePriceCreator():
    def __init__(self, datetimeObj, priceFloat):
        self.date = datetimeObj
        self.price = priceFloat
    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.date} with {self.price}"

def next_month_last_day(d):
    c = d
    c += datetime.timedelta( 28-d.day)
    while c.month != ((d.month+1)%12+1):
        c += datetime.timedelta(1)
    c -= datetime.timedelta(1)
    return c

price = DatePriceCreator(datetime.datetime(2020,1,1), 47.22)

while price.date.year < 2021 or price.date.month < 3:
    next_m = next_month_last_day(price.date)
    price.date = next_m



2020-01-01 00:00:00 with 47.22
2020-02-29 00:00:00 with 47.22
2020-03-31 00:00:00 with 47.22
2020-04-30 00:00:00 with 47.22
2020-05-31 00:00:00 with 47.22
2020-06-30 00:00:00 with 47.22
2020-07-31 00:00:00 with 47.22
2020-08-31 00:00:00 with 47.22
2020-09-30 00:00:00 with 47.22
2020-10-31 00:00:00 with 47.22
2020-11-30 00:00:00 with 47.22
2020-12-31 00:00:00 with 47.22
2021-01-31 00:00:00 with 47.22
2021-02-28 00:00:00 with 47.22
2021-03-31 00:00:00 with 47.22 


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