
2024-09-29 00:11:37 发布

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Emm = {'name' : 'Emmylou', 'graduate' : 'Fall 2021', 'bill' : 'paid', 'major' : 'Archeology', 'clubs-' : 'Photography, Acting and Glee'}

for Key, Value in Emm.items():

print(f"Her {Key} is {Value} and she is on track to {Key} in {Value}; Her {Key} is {Value}; Her {Key} is {Value}; She belongs to these school {Key} {Value}")


Her name is Emmylou and she is on track to name in Emmylou; Her name is Emmylou; Her name is Emmylou; She belongs to these school name Emmylou
Her graduate is Fall 2021 and she is on track to graduate in Fall 2021; Her graduate is Fall 2021; Her graduate is Fall 2021; She belongs to these school graduate Fall 2021
Her bill is paid and she is on track to bill in paid; Her bill is paid; Her bill is paid; She belongs to these school bill paid
Her major is Archeology and she is on track to major in Archeology; Her major is Archeology; Her major is Archeology; She belongs to these school major Archeology
Her clubs- is Photography, Acting and Glee and she is on track to clubs- in Photography, Acting and Glee; Her clubs- is Photography, Acting and Glee; Her clubs- is Photography, Acting and Glee; She belongs to these school clubs- Photography, Acting and Glee

Tags: andtonameinisbillmajorfall



Emm = {
    'name' : 'Emmylou',
    'graduate' : 'Fall 2021',
    'bill' : 'paid',
    'major' : 'Archeology',
    'clubs-' : 'Photography, Acting and Glee'

items = []
for (key, value) in Emm.items():
    items = items + [key, value]
print("Her {} is {} and she is on track to {} in {}; Her {} is {}; Her {} is {}; She belongs to these school {} {}".format(*items))



Emm = [
    ('name', 'Emmylou'),
    ('graduate', 'Fall 2021'),
    ('bill', 'paid'),
    ('major', 'Archeology'),
    ('clubs-', 'Photography, Acting and Glee'),

flat_items = [item for pair in Emm for item in pair]
print("Her {} is {} and she is on track to {} in {}; Her {} is {}; Her {} is {}; She belongs to these school {} {}".format(*flat_items))




Emm = {'name' : 'Emmylou', 'graduate' : 'Fall 2021', 'bill' : 'paid', 'major' : 'Archeology', 'clubs-' : 'Photography, Acting and Glee'}
print(f"Her name is {Emm['name']} and she is on track to graduate in {Emm['graduate']}; Her major is {Emm['major']}; Her clubs - is {Emm['clubs-']}")

迭代字典可能面临的另一个问题是,除非您使用的是python 3.7或更高版本,否则无法保证在字典中保存项目的顺序。因此,您的键/值对可能不会以它们进入的相同顺序出现

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