
2024-09-22 16:27:01 发布

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L = [['kevin', 8.5, 17.1, 5.9, 15.0, 18], ['arsene', 7.1, 4.4, 15.0, 5.6, 18], ['toufik', 1.1, 2.2, 13.4, 3.1, 20], ['lubin', 16.3, 14.8, 13.1, 5.6, 20], ['yannis', 18.8, 2.4, 12.0, 8.0, 18], ['aurelie', 3.6, 18.8, 8.2, 18.2, 18], ['luna', 14.6, 11.5, 15.2, 18.5, 19], ['sophie', 7.4, 2.1, 18.1, 2.9, 19], ['shadene', 17.9, 7.1, 16.7, 2.5, 19], ['anna', 9.7, 12.8, 10.6, 6.9, 20]]

def triNom(L):
'''sorts names alphabetically'''
n = len(L)
for i in range(n):
    for j in range (n - i - 1):
        if L[j] > L[j + 1]:
            L[j], L[j + 1] = L[j + 1], L[j]
return L

print('\n'.join(['\t'.join([str(cell) for cell in row]) for row in L]))

Output :

kevin   8.5     17.1    5.9     15.0    18
arsene  7.1     4.4     15.0    5.6     18
toufik  1.1     2.2     13.4    3.1     20
lubin   16.3    14.8    13.1    5.6     20
yannis  18.8    2.4     12.0    8.0     18
aurelie 3.6     18.8    8.2     18.2    18
luna    14.6    11.5    15.2    18.5    19
sophie  7.4     2.1     18.1    2.9     19
shadene 17.9    7.1     16.7    2.5     19
anna    9.7     12.8    10.6    6.9     20


Tags: inforcellrangejoinkevinannasophie
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-22 16:27:01



L2 = {'kevin': [8.5, 17.1, 5.9, 15.0, 18], 'arsene': [7.1, 4.4, 15.0, 5.6, 18] }



L2: dict = {}

for item in L: # In pseudo-code L2[name] = nums
    L2[item[0]] = [i for i in item[1:len(item)]] # item[0] is name and 1:len(item) the rest of the data (the numbers)  


L = [] # Set this to empty because we are re-transfering the data
SORTED_L2 = sorted(list(L2)) # sort the list of L2 (only the names)
for name in SORTED_L2:
    numbers = L2[name] 
    L.append([name, *numbers]) # * is for unpacking

最后,通过调用print('\n'.join(['\t'.join([str(cell) for cell in row]) for row in L])),您可以很好地打印它们。输出

anna    9.7     12.8    10.6    6.9     20
arsene  7.1     4.4     15.0    5.6     18
aurelie 3.6     18.8    8.2     18.2    18
kevin   8.5     17.1    5.9     15.0    18
lubin   16.3    14.8    13.1    5.6     20
luna    14.6    11.5    15.2    18.5    19
shadene 17.9    7.1     16.7    2.5     19
sophie  7.4     2.1     18.1    2.9     19
toufik  1.1     2.2     13.4    3.1     20
yannis  18.8    2.4     12.0    8.0     18


def sortL(L):
    # Convert to dictionary for easy access
    L2: dict = {}
    for item in L:
        L2[item[0]] = [i for i in item[1:len(item)]]
    SORTED_L2 = sorted(list(L2)) # Sort the names
    L = [] 
    for item in SORTED_L2:
        L.append([item, *L2[item]])
    return L

def SortAndPrettyPrint(L):
    L = sortL(L)
    print('\n'.join(['\t'.join([str(cell) for cell in row]) for row in L]))

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