
2024-05-19 08:58:44 发布

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for batchList in all_List:
    result = getBatch_filter(batchList, entTotal, tripleList, neg_rate)

def getBatch_filter(batchList, entTotal, tripleList, neg_rate):
    result = []
    for item in batchList:
        a = corrupt_a(item, entTotal, tripleList, neg_rate)
        b = corrupt_b(item, entTotal, tripleList, neg_rate)
        result += a
        result += b
    return result

其中,batchList、a、b是嵌套列表,如:[[1,2,3],[3,4,1,4,6],[6,9,10,11]...] 我想对函数getBatch_filter中的for循环进行多处理。我尝试了Pool,但它运行整个文件而不是函数。任何帮助都将不胜感激

Tags: 函数代码inforrateresultallfilter
1楼 · 发布于 2024-05-19 08:58:44


from multiprocessing import Pool
def heavy_func(key):
    #do some heavy computation on each key 
    output = key**2
    return key, output 

output_data ={}     #< this dict will store the results
keys = [1,5,7,8,10] #< compute heavy_func over all the values of keys
with Pool(processes=40) as pool:
    for i in pool.imap_unordered(heavy_func, keys):
        output_data[i[0]] = i[1]


from multiprocessing import Pool
# assuming  entTotal, tripleList, neg_rate are globals and defined here
def getBatch_filter(batchList):
    result = []
    for item in batchList:
        a = corrupt_a(item, entTotal, tripleList, neg_rate)
        b = corrupt_b(item, entTotal, tripleList, neg_rate)
        result += a
        result += b
    return batchList, result

output_data ={}     #< this dict will store the results
keys = all_List #< compute heavy_func over all the values of keys
with Pool(processes=40) as pool:
    for i in pool.imap_unordered(getBatch_filter, keys):
        output_data[i[0]] = i[1]

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