
2024-06-01 11:02:34 发布

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    ID        change         SX      Supresult
0  UNITY        NaN           0        NaN
1  UNITY    -0.009434        100     -0.015283 (P1)
2  UNITY     0.003463         0        NaN
3  TRINITY   0.008628        100     -0.043363 
4  TRINITY  -0.027374        100      0.008423 (P2)
5  TRINITY  -0.011002         0        NaN
6  TRINITY  -0.004987        100       NaN
7  TRINITY   0.007566         0        NaN


df['Supresult'] = df[df.SX == 100].index.to_series().apply(lambda x: df.change.shift(-1).iloc[x: x + 3].sum())





    ID        change         SX      Supresult
0  UNITY        NaN           0        NaN
1  UNITY    -0.009434        100       NaN
2  UNITY     0.003463         0        NaN
3  TRINITY   0.008628        100     -0.043363 
4  TRINITY  -0.027374        100       NaN
5  TRINITY  -0.011002         0        NaN
6  TRINITY  -0.004987        100       NaN
7  TRINITY   0.007566         0        NaN


Tags: 程序iddfindexunitynan指数change
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-01 11:02:34


# If your data frame is not indexed sequentially, this will make it so.
# The algorithm needs the frame to be indexed 0, 1, 2, ...

# Every row starts off in "unconsumed" state
consumed = np.repeat(0, len(df))
result = np.repeat(np.nan, len(df))

for i, sx in df['SX'].iteritems():
    # The next three rows
    slc = slice(i+1, i+4)

    # A row is considered a match if:
    #   * It has SX == 100
    #   * The next three rows have the same ID
    #   * The next three rows are not involved in a previous summation
    match = (
        (sx == 100) and
        (df.loc[slc, 'ID'].nunique() == 1) and
        (consumed[i] == 0)
    if match:
        consumed[slc] = 1
        result[i] = df.loc[slc, 'Supresult'].sum()

df['Supresult'] = result

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