
2024-09-25 00:31:35 发布

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Home                Start Date     Gross Earning Tax Gross Rental Commission Net Rental
3157    2020-03-26 00:00:00 -268.8  -28.8   -383.8  -36 -338.66
3157    2020-03-26 00:00:00 268.8   28.8    153.8   36  108.66
3157    2020-03-24 00:00:00 264.32  28.32   149.32  35.4    104.93
3157    2020-03-13 00:00:00 625.46  67.01   510.46  83.7675 405.4225
3157    2020-03-13 00:00:00 558.45  0   443.45  83.7675 342.9325
3157    2020-03-11 00:00:00 142.5   0   27.5    21.375  1.855
3157    2020-03-11 00:00:00 159.6   17.1    44.6    21.375  17.805
3157    2020-03-03 00:00:00 349.52  0   234.52  52.428  171.612
3157    2020-03-03 00:00:00 391.46  41.94   276.46  52.428  210.722

enter image description here

因此,如果您查看前两行,Home列中的名称是相同的(在本例中为3157 Tocoa),但接下来几行中的名称也是相同的。但在“开始日期”列中,该列中只有前两项是相同的(在本例中为2020年3月26日12:00:00 AM),因此我需要执行以下操作

如果日期相同,家也相同,那么我需要以下所有列的总和。 (在本例中,我需要-268.8和268.8之和,以及-28.8和28.8之和,依此类推)还需要指出的是,在某些情况下,总共有两个以上的匹配开始日期

我将介绍我现在使用的代码,我想说的是我对python相当陌生,所以我确信有一种方法可以做到这一点,非常简单,但我并不熟悉。 我也是stackoverflow的新手,所以如果我遗漏了什么或添加了什么,请原谅我

import pandas as pd
from pandas import ExcelWriter
from pandas import ExcelFile
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os

# class airbnb:

#Gets the location path for the reports that come raw from the channel
airbnb_excel_file = (r'C:\Users\Christopher\PycharmProjects\Reporting with 
empty_excel_file = (r'C:\Users\Christopher\PycharmProjects\Reporting with 

#Defines the data frame
df_airbnb = pd.read_excel(airbnb_excel_file)
df_empty = pd.read_excel(empty_excel_file)

gross_earnings = df_airbnb['Gross Earnings']
tax_amount = df_airbnb['Gross Earnings'] * 0.06
gross_rental = df_airbnb['Gross Earnings'] - df_airbnb['Cleaning Fee']
com = ((gross_rental - tax_amount) + df_airbnb['Cleaning Fee']) * 0.15
net_rental = (gross_rental - (com + df_airbnb['Host Fee']))
house = df_airbnb['Listing']
start_date = df_airbnb['Start Date']

# df = pd.DataFrame(df_empty)
# df_empty.replace('nan', '')
# print(net_rental)

df_report = pd.DataFrame(
    {'Home': house, 'Start Date': start_date, 'Gross Earning': gross_earnings, 'Tax': tax_amount,
     'Gross Rental': gross_rental, 'Commission': com, 'Net Rental': net_rental})

df_report.loc[(df_report.Home == 'New house, Minutes from Disney & Attraction'), 'Home'] = '3161 
df_report.loc[(df_report.Home == 'Brand-New House, located minutes from Disney 5151'), 'Home'] = 
'5151 Adelaide'
df_report.loc[(df_report.Home == 'Luxury House, Located Minutes from Disney-World 57'), 'Home'] = 
'3157 Tocoa'
df_report.loc[(df_report.Home == 'Big house, Located Minutes from Disney-World 55'), 'Home'] = '3155 

df_report.sort_values(by=['Home'], inplace=True)

# writer = ExcelWriter('Final_Report.xlsx')
# df_report.to_excel(writer, 'sheet1', index=False)
# writer.save()

# class homeaway:
homeaway_excel_file = (r'C:\Users\Christopher\PycharmProjects\Reporting with 
df_homeaway = pd.read_excel(homeaway_excel_file)

cleaning = int(115)

house = df_homeaway['Address']
start_date = df_homeaway['Check-in']
gross_earnings = df_homeaway['Gross booking amount']
taxed_amount = df_homeaway['Lodging Tax Owner Remits']
gross_rental = (gross_earnings - cleaning)
com = ((gross_rental-taxed_amount) + cleaning) * 0.15
net_rental = (gross_rental - (com + df_homeaway['Deductions']))

df_report2 = pd.DataFrame(
    {'Home': house, 'Start Date': start_date, 'Gross Earning': gross_earnings, 'Tax': taxed_amount,
     'Gross Rental': gross_rental, 'Commission': com, 'Net Rental': net_rental})

# writer = ExcelWriter('Final_Report2.xlsx')
# df_report2.to_excel(writer, 'sheet1', index=False)
# writer.save()

df_combined = pd.concat([df_report, df_report2])

writer = ExcelWriter('Final_Report_combined.xlsx')
df_report2.to_excel(writer, 'sheet1', index=False)

Tags: fromreportdfhomexlsxexcelamountwriter
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-25 00:31:35

一种可能的方法是按主页开始日期分组,以及 然后计算所涉及行的总和:

df.groupby(['Home', 'Start Date']).sum()


但如果超过2行,且具有相同的主页开始日期 你想:

  • 将它们分成连续行的
  • 然后计算它们的总和(分别针对每一对)


  • 第一层-按主页开始日期分组(如前所述)
  • 第二层-成对分组



df.groupby(['Home', 'Start Date']).apply(
    lambda grp: grp.groupby(np.arange(len(grp.index)) // 2).sum())\
    .reset_index(level=-1, drop=True)

这里需要的附加操作是删除索引的最后一级 (重置索引


1234 Bogus Street,2020-03-26 00:00:00,20.0,2.0,15.0,3,10.0

因此,1234 Bogus Street/2020-03-26 00:00:00组现在包含 三行


                                       Gross Earning    Tax  Gross Rental  Commission  Net Rental
Home              Start Date                                                                     
1234 Bogus Street 2020-03-03 00:00:00         740.98  41.94        510.98     104.856     382.334
                  2020-03-11 00:00:00         302.10  17.10         72.10      42.750      19.660
                  2020-03-13 00:00:00        1183.91  67.01        953.91     167.535     748.355
                  2020-03-24 00:00:00         264.32  28.32        149.32      35.400     104.930
                  2020-03-26 00:00:00           0.00   0.00       -230.00       0.000    -230.000
                  2020-03-26 00:00:00          20.00   2.00         15.00       3.000      10.000


  • 重复开始日期(从上一行开始)
  • 添加行中的值

最后一行只包含前两行的和 各自的主页/开始日期

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