
2024-10-01 07:34:20 发布

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def parse(info):
    'info' is a list made out of data received (info = list(data)). Examples are as follows:
    ['NEWGAME', '1', 'testbot', 'testbot', '100', '200', '2', '1', '10000.00000']
    ['NEWHAND', '1', '0', '4c', '5d', '0', '0', '0', '10000.00000']
    ['GETACTION', '3', '0', '2', 'POST:testbot:1,POST:testbot:2', '3', 'FOLD,CALL,RAISE:4', '10000.0']
    ['HANDOVER', '0', '0', '0', '3', 'FOLD:bot3001,FOLD:testbot,WIN:testbot:3', '9999.9506']
    phase = info[0]   # setting board cards to 0
    boardCard1 = 0    # 0 means no card
    boardCard2 = 0
    boardCard3 = 0
    boardCard4 = 0
    boardCard5 = 0
    if phase == "NEWGAME":
        gameID = int(info[1])  # Game ID
        leftOpp = info[2]  # Left Opponent
        rightOpp = info[3]  # Right Opponent
        maxHands = int(info[4]) #Initializing number of hands that will be played
        maxStackSize = int(info[5]) # Stack size, also the maximum bet size
        bigBlind = int(info[6])
        smBlind = int(info[7])
        maxTime = float(info[8])  # Initiallizing milliseconds of time allocated for the game
        return (phase, gameID, leftOpp, rightOpp, maxHands, maxStackSize, bigBlind, smBlind, maxTime)
    if phase == "NEWHAND":
        handID = int(info[1]) # The hand number which we're currently at
        position = int(info[2]) # Possition, either 0, 1, or 2. 0 = dealer, 1 = smalll blind, 2 = big blind
        card1 = info[3]              # Card 1
        card1Rank = (list(info[3]))[0] # Rank of Card 1
        card1Suit = (list(info[3]))[1] # Suit of Card 1
        card2 = info[4]              # Card 2
        card2Rank = (list(info[4]))[0] # Rank of Card 2
        card2Suit = (list(info[4]))[1] # Suit of Card 2
        hand = [card1, card2]        # A list containing the 2 cards in your hand
        bankRoll = int(info[5])    # Your bank roll, total amount made (can be negative)
        leftOppBank = info[6]   # Left Opponent's bankroll
        rightOppBank = info[7]  # Right Opponent's bankroll
        timeLeft = float(info[8])  # Milliseconds of time allocated for the game
        boardPhase = "PREFLOP"     # Initializing boardPhase
        return(boardPhase, phase, handID, position, card1, card1Rank, card1Suit, card2, card2Rank, card2Suit, hand, bankRoll, leftOppBank, rightOppBank, timeLeft)
    elif phase == "GETACTION":
        potSize = int(info[1])
        numBoardCards = int(info[2]) # can be 0,3,4 or 5
        boardCardsPacket = 0    # 0 for none, 1 for present
        boardCards =[]
        if numBoardCards != 0:       
            boardCardsPacket = 1
            boardCards = (info[4]).split(",")   # info[4] looks like 'Th,Ad,Js,5h' and split(",") turns it into [Th, Ad, Js, 5h]
            boardCard1 = boardCards[0]
            boardCard2 = boardCards[1]
            boardCard3 = boardCards[2]
                boardCard4 = boardCards[3]
                    boardCard5 = boardCards[4]
        numLastActions = int(info[3+boardCardsPacket])
        lastActions = []
        if numLastActions != 0:
            actionsString = info[4+boardCardsPacket] # a string of actions ex: POST:testbot:1,POST:testbot:2
            lastActions = actionsString.split(",")         # A list of the actions ex: ['POST:testbot:1','FOLD:testbot','WIN:testbot:3']
        for i, item in enumerate(actions):
            if "DEAL" in item.split(":"):
                boardPhase = item.split(":")[1]
        numLegalActions = int(info[5+boardCardsPacket])
        legalActions = (info[6+boardCardsPacket]).split(",") # List of Legal Actions, ex: ['FOLD', 'CALL', 'RAISE:4']
        minBet = "NULL"   # it will be NULL if BET is not a legal action.
        for i, item in enumerate(legalActions):
            if "BET" in item.split(":"):
                minBet = item.split(":")[1]
        minRaise = "NULL"
        for i, item in enumerate(legalActions):
            if "RAISE" in item.split(":"):
                minRaise = item.split(":")[1]        
        realLegalActions = []
        for item1 in legalActions:
            for item2 in item1.split(":"):    # this creates realLegalActions which will not include numbers, will look like ['FOLD','CALL', 'RAISE'], makes it easier to check if an action is in legalActions
        timeLeft = float(info[7+boardCardsPacket])
        try:                                             # If the boardPhase is still PREFLOP then there is no variable boardPhase to return, so we have an exception for that.
            return (realLegalActions, minBet, timeLeft, boardPhase, legalActions, numLegalActions, lastActions, numLastActions, boardCardsPacket,
                    boardCards, boardCard1, boardCard2, boardCard3, boardCard4, boardCard5, potSize, numBoardCards, minRaise)
            return (realLegalActions, minBet, timeLeft, legalActions, numLegalActions, lastActions, numLastActions, boardCardsPacket,
                    boardCards, boardCard1, boardCard2, boardCard3, boardCard4, boardCard5, potSize, numBoardCards, minRaise)
    elif info[0] == "HANDOVER":
        bankRoll = int(info[1])
        leftOppBank = int(info[2])
        rightOppBank = int(info[3])
        numLastAction = int(info[4])
        LastActions =[]
        if numLastAction!=0:
            LastActions = (info[5]).split(",")
        timeLeft = float(info[6])
        return(numLastAction, timeLeft, bankRoll, leftOppBank, rightOppBank, LastActions)    


编辑---- 我只想解析字符串,然后返回所有变量,以便在其他类和函数中使用它们。这是导入它的主要功能:


Tags: ofininfoforifitemlistint


>>> def myfunction():
...    a = 1
...    b = 2
...    c = 3
...    return locals()
>>> print myfunction()
{'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2}
def test():
  return 1, 2, 3

a, b, c = test()  # a=1, b=2, c=3







if phase == "NEWGAME":
    return tuple([i for i in info[1:]]) # Returns everything in info except "NEWGAME"


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