
2024-09-28 10:12:10 发布

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possibles = [ "InfluenzaA", "InfluenzaB", "InfluenzaC", "CommonCold", "Pneumonia", "StrepThroat", "b", "n", "Croup", "EnterovirusD68", "h", "Herpangina", "PinkEye", "Pertussis"]

InfluenzaA = ["Cough", "Runny nose" "Stuffy nose", "Sneezing", "Sorethroat", "Fever", "Headache", "Bodychills", "Fatigue", "Body aches"]

CommonCold = ["Cough", "Runny nose" "Stuffy nose", "Sneezing", "Sorethroat", "Fever", "Headache", "Bodychills", "Fatigue", "Body aches"]

InfluenzaB = ["Cough", "Stuffy nose", "Sore throat", "Fever", "Headache", "Body chills", "Fatigue", "Muscle aches", "Nausea", "Vomiting"]

InfluenzaC = ["Cough", "Rhinorrhea", "Fever", "Headache", "Muscle pain" ]

CommonCold = ["Cough", "Runny nose", "Stuffy nose", "Congestion", "Sneezing","Sore throat", "Fever", "Headache", "Malaise"]

Pneumonia = ["Cough", "Chest pain", "Fever", "Fatigue", "Loss of appetite", "Body pain", "Shortness of breath", "Fast heartbeat"]

StrepThroat = ["Fever", "Headache", "Throat pain", "Loss of appetite", "Nausea", "Vomiting", "White dots", "Red dots", "Inability or diffuculty swallowing"]

Bronchiolitis = ["Cough", "Runny nose", "Stuffy nose", "Fever", "Shortness of breath", "Wheezing", "Ear pain", "Loss of fluids"]

Norovirus = ["Fever", "Abdominal pain", "Malaise", "Muscle pain", "Diarrhea", "Nausea", "Vomiting"]

Croup = ["Cough", "Runny nose", "Stuffy nose", "Shortness of breath", "Wheezing", "Sore throat", "Fever", "Throat pain", "Fatigue"]

EnterovirusD68 = ["Cough", "Runny nose", "Stuffy nose", "Sneezing", "Wheezing", "Fever", "Body aches"]

HandFootandMouthDisease = ["Sore throat", "Fever", "Headache", "Fatigue","Rash", "Drooling"]

Herpangina = ["Sore throat", "Fever", "Headache", "Fatigue", "Loss of appetite", "Inabilty or diffuculty swallowing", "Mouth blisters or ulcers", "Drooling", "Vomiting"]

PinkEye = ["Red eye", "Eye discharge", "Blurred vision", "Light sensitivity"]

Pertussis = ["Cough", "Runny nose", "Stuffy nose", "Fever", "Fatigue", "Vomiting", "Mucus in the throat"]

stinA = "yes"

stinBe = "yes"

stinC = "yes"

stinPer = "yes"

stinHM = "yes"

stinH = "yes"

stinE = "yes"

stinN = "yes"

stinPE = "yes"

stinCr = "yes"

stinCC = "yes"

stinST = "yes"

def cycleInfluenzaA(sy, stinA):

     for i in range(len(InfluenzaA)):

          if InfluenzaA[i].upper() == sy.upper():



     stinA = "no"


def ask(bod, stinCC, stinCr, stinE, stinA, stinC, stinBe, stinH, stinN, stinPer, stinPE):

  sy = input("Have you experienced any symptoms relation to your " + bod + "\n")

     if stinCC == "yes":

         cycleCold(sy, stinCC)


print("Welcome to this medical database. This is an interactive test to determine what illness a taker may be suffering from. Let's begin.")

ask("chest", stinCC, stinCr, stinE, stinA, stinC, stinBe, stinH, stinN, stinPer, stinPE)

ask("throat", stinCC, stinCr, stinE, stinA, stinC, stinBe, stinH, stinN, stinPer, stinPE)


Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 150, in

ask("throat", stinCC, stinCr, stinE, stinA, stinC, stinBe, stinH, stinN, stinPer, stinPE)

File "main.py", line 140, in ask

cycleHerpangina(sy, stinH)

File "main.py", line 100, in cycleHerpangina


ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

Tags: ofinnosefeveryes疾病painfatigue


>>> def interview_patient(patient):
...     for disease in symptom_dict['possibles']:
...         try:
...             for symptom in symptom_dict[disease]:
...                 # answer will be either "yes" or "no".
...                 answer = ask(patient, disease, symptom)
...                 try:
...                     # The patient dict has keys for "yes" and "no".
...                     patient[disease][answer]  += 1
...                     patient[disease]['total'] += 1
...                 except KeyError:
...                     # If the patient didn't have "yes" and "no" keys, 
...                     # create them.
...                     patient[disease] = {'yes': 0, 'no': 0, 'total': 1}
...                     patient[disease][answer]  += 1
...         except KeyError as ke:
...             print(f"There was an error accessing a symptom_dict key: {ke}")
...     return patient


>>> def get_patient():
...     return { 'likelihood': random.choice(symptom_dict['possibles']) }


>>> def ask(patient, disease ,symptom):
...     if patient['likelihood'] == disease:
...         answer = random.choices(['yes', 'no'], [25, 5])[0]
...     else:
...         answer = random.choices(['yes', 'no'], [5, 25])[0]
...     print('have you experienced %-35s %s' % (symptom, answer))
...     return answer



>>> symptom_dict = {'possibles': ['InfluenzaA', 'InfluenzaB', 'InfluenzaC', 'CommonCold', 'Pneumonia', 'StrepThroat', 'b', 'n', 'Croup', 'EnterovirusD68', 'h', 'Herpangina', 'PinkEye', 'Pertussis'], 'InfluenzaA': ['Cough', 'Runny noseStuffy nose', 'Sneezing', 'Sorethroat', 'Fever', 'Headache', 'Bodychills', 'Fatigue', 'Body aches'], 'CommonCold': ['Cough', 'Runny nose', 'Stuffy nose', 'Congestion', 'Sneezing', 'Sore throat', 'Fever', 'Headache', 'Malaise'], 'InfluenzaB': ['Cough', 'Stuffy nose', 'Sore throat', 'Fever', 'Headache', 'Body chills', 'Fatigue', 'Muscle aches', 'Nausea', 'Vomiting'], 'InfluenzaC': ['Cough', 'Rhinorrhea', 'Fever', 'Headache', 'Muscle pain'], 'Pneumonia': ['Cough', 'Chest pain', 'Fever', 'Fatigue', 'Loss of appetite', 'Body pain', 'Shortness of breath', 'Fast heartbeat'], 'StrepThroat': ['Fever', 'Headache', 'Throat pain', 'Loss of appetite', 'Nausea', 'Vomiting', 'White dots', 'Red dots', 'Inability or diffuculty swallowing'], 'Bronchiolitis': ['Cough', 'Runny nose', 'Stuffy nose', 'Fever', 'Shortness of breath', 'Wheezing', 'Ear pain', 'Loss of fluids'], 'Norovirus': ['Fever', 'Abdominal pain', 'Malaise', 'Muscle pain', 'Diarrhea', 'Nausea', 'Vomiting'], 'Croup': ['Cough', 'Runny nose', 'Stuffy nose', 'Shortness of breath', 'Wheezing', 'Sore throat', 'Fever', 'Throat pain', 'Fatigue'], 'EnterovirusD68': ['Cough', 'Runny nose', 'Stuffy nose', 'Sneezing', 'Wheezing', 'Fever', 'Body aches'], 'HandFootandMouthDisease': ['Sore throat', 'Fever', 'Headache', 'Fatigue', 'Rash', 'Drooling'], 'Herpangina': ['Sore throat', 'Fever', 'Headache', 'Fatigue', 'Loss of appetite', 'Inabilty or diffuculty swallowing', 'Mouth blisters or ulcers', 'Drooling', 'Vomiting'], 'PinkEye': ['Red eye', 'Eye discharge', 'Blurred vision', 'Light sensitivity'], 'Pertussis': ['Cough', 'Runny nose', 'Stuffy nose', 'Fever', 'Fatigue', 'Vomiting', 'Mucus in the throat']}


>>> patient = get_patient()
>>> interview_patient(patient)

have you experienced Cough                               no
have you experienced Runny noseStuffy nose               yes
have you experienced Sneezing                            yes
have you experienced Sorethroat                          yes
have you experienced Fever                               no
have you experienced Headache                            yes
have you experienced Bodychills                          yes
have you experienced Fatigue                             yes
have you experienced Body aches                          no
have you experienced Cough                               yes
<< list continues on and on >>


>>> patient
{'likelihood': 'StrepThroat', 
'InfluenzaA': {'yes': 4, 'no': 14, 'total': 18}, 
'InfluenzaB': {'yes': 4, 'no': 16, 'total': 20}, 
'InfluenzaC': {'yes': 1, 'no': 9, 'total': 10}, 
'CommonCold': {'yes': 2, 'no': 16, 'total': 18}, 
'Pneumonia': {'yes': 1, 'no': 15, 'total': 16}, 
'StrepThroat': {'yes': 17, 'no': 1, 'total': 18}, 
'Croup': {'yes': 5, 'no': 13, 'total': 18}, 
'EnterovirusD68': {'yes': 2, 'no': 12, 'total': 14}, 
'Herpangina': {'yes': 2, 'no': 16, 'total': 18}, 
'PinkEye': {'yes': 1, 'no': 7, 'total': 8}, 
'Pertussis': {'yes': 3, 'no': 11, 'total': 14}}



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