
2024-09-30 16:22:19 发布

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   station from  station to  lgot  count  
0         20001       20040  stud     22   
1         20001       20040   fed     33  
0         20040       20001  stud     44
2         20040       20001   reg     55 
3         20002       20015  stud     66 
3         20015       20002  stud     77 

   station from  station to  lgot  count  count_back
0         20001       20040  stud     22          44
1         20001       20040   fed     33           0
2         20040       20001   reg     55           0
3         20002       20015  stud     66          77

我的解决方案是,用int-lgot-id替换lgot(lgot~7的类型不多),用列“station from”“station to”替换concat,使用解决方案中建议的函数。对生成的数据帧执行反向转换。也许是因为对函数如何工作的误解

    station from    station to  lgot    count
0   2030080         2030000     full    464
1   2030000         2030080     full    395
2   2030150         2030000     full    330
3   2030000         2030150     full    285
4   2030240         2030000     full    249

df.loc[df['lgot'] == 'full', 'lgot'] = '11'
df.loc[df['lgot'] == 'rzd', 'lgot'] = '22'
df.loc[df['lgot'] == 'fed', 'lgot'] = '33'
df.loc[df['lgot'] == 'reg', 'lgot'] = '44'
df.loc[df['lgot'] == 'stud', 'lgot'] = '55'
df.loc[df['lgot'] == 'voen', 'lgot'] = '66'

df['station to'] = df['station to'].astype('string')+df['lgot']
df['station from'] = df['station from'].astype('string')+df['lgot']

df['station to'] = df['station to'].astype('int')
df['station from'] = df['station from'].astype('int')

df.drop(['lgot'], axis='columns', inplace=True)

def roundtrip(df):
    a, b, c, d = 'station from', 'station to', 'count', 'count_back'
    idx = df[a] > df[b]
    df = df.assign(**{d: 0})
    df.loc[idx, [a, b, c, d]] = df.loc[idx, [b, a, d, c]].values
    return df.groupby([a, b]).sum()

df = roundtrip(df)
df= df.reset_index()

df['lgot'] = df["station from"].astype('string').str.slice(start=-2)
df['station from'] = df['station from'].astype('string').str.slice(stop=7)
df['station to'] = df['station to'].astype('string').str.slice(stop=7)

    station from    station to  count   count_back  lgot
0   1003704         2030133     0       1           11
1   1003704         2030160     0       1           11
2   1003704         2031321     0       1           11
3   1003704         2030132     0       1           22
4   1003704         2030133     0       1           22

Tags: to函数fromdfstringcountbackreg
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-30 16:22:19

皮埃尔的解决方案不再适用于另一个问题;因为,使用新数据df[a] > df[b]失败,因为第五行现在小于第四行。因此,对新数据执行此操作的最佳方法是使用.shift()。此外,您还可以将sort=False传递给您的groupby以提高性能和维护秩序。最后,我使用了.reset_index(),并根据新数据修改了a,b,c,d,e的列变量

def roundtrip(df):
    a, b, c, d, e = 'station from', 'station to', 'lgot', 'count', 'count_back'
    idx = (df[a] == df[b].shift()) & (df[b] == df[a].shift())
    df = df.assign(**{e: 0})
    df.loc[idx, [a, b, c, d, e]] = df.loc[idx, [b, a, c, e, d]].values
    return df.groupby([a, b, c], sort=False).sum().reset_index()

   station from  station to  lgot  count  count_back
0         20001       20040  stud     22          44
1         20001       20040   fed     33           0
2         20040       20001   reg     55           0
3         20002       20015  stud     66          77

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