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 nSelected = nPosReward + nNegReward 

for i in range(d):
    print('Machine number ' + str(i + 1) + ' was selected ' + str(nSelected[i]) + ' times')
print('Conclusion: Best machine is machine number ' + str(np.argmax(nSelected) + 1))


# Importing the libraries
import numpy as np

# Setting conversion rates and the number of samples
conversionRates = [0.15, 0.04, 0.13, 0.11, 0.05]
N = 10000
d = len(conversionRates)

# Creating the dataset
X = np.zeros((N, d))

for i in range(N):

    for j in range(d):
        if np.random.rand() < conversionRates[j]:
            X[i][j] = 1

# Making arrays to count our losses and wins
nPosReward = np.zeros(d)
nNegReward = np.zeros(d)

# Taking our best slot machine through beta distribution and updating its losses and wins
for i in range(N):
    selected = 0
    maxRandom = 0

    for j in range(d):
        randomBeta = np.random.beta(nPosReward[j] + 1, nNegReward[j] + 1)
        if randomBeta > maxRandom:
            maxRandom = randomBeta
            selected = j

    if X[i][selected] == 1:
        nPosReward[selected] += 1
        nNegReward[selected] += 1

# Showing which slot machine is considered the best

nSelected = nPosReward + nNegReward 

for i in range(d):
    print('Machine number ' + str(i + 1) + ' was selected ' + str(nSelected[i]) + ' times')
print('Conclusion: Best machine is machine number ' + str(np.argmax(nSelected) + 1))

Tags: andtheinnumberforisnprange












# Try and catch when Thompson fails:
# Also, compare performance of selecting 
# based on negRewards+posRewards vs just posRewards
# 03 Jan 2021 JFB
import numpy as np

# Note the following are the target conversion rates. 
# Further down pls remember to compare actual rates against selected machine.
# Also, in later versions reorder the rates from low to hi and visa-versa
# to determine if there is some "greedy Thompson" bias
# based on order of best rates.
conversionRates = [0.15, 0.04, 0.13, 0.11, 0.05]# hadelins AI Crash Course

N = 200   
# Increasing N improves the result, Hadelin explains this  in same chapter
# I've found that 10,000 results in about 1% error
# 2000 in about 20% error give or take when using 
# Hadelin's original conversion rates above.
# 100 results results in about 48% error, 
# and posRewards + negRewards disagree with posRewardOnly varying percent,
# my initial sampling of this indicates will be tricky to determine which
# performs better over a variety of situations.  But Hadelin provides code
# to create "tests" with various input states and policies.

catchLimit = 100

d = len(conversionRates)
wrong = 0.0
pcntWrong = 0.0

selectedWrong = 0.0

posOnlyWrong = 0.0
pcntPosOnlyWrong = 0.0

posOnlyVsActual = 0.0
pcntPosOnlyVsActual = 0.0

nSelectedArgMax = -1
NSelectedArgMaxPosOnly = -1

for ii in range( 1, catchLimit):

    ################   Original X generator  ##########################
    #creating the set of the bandit payouts at each time t.
    # Five columns, many rows. 
    # a 1 value means the the slot machine 
    # paid out if you selected that machine at this point in time.
    # this can be improved upon so we can order 
    # the best to worst, and visa vs.
    X = np.zeros((N, d))
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(d):
            if np.random.rand() < conversionRates[j]:
                X[i][j] = 1

    Xmean = X.mean(axis=0)
    ##############  end of the Original X generator  ###################
    #make arrays to count  rewards from the table of losses and wins.
    nPosReward = np.zeros(d)
    nNegReward = np.zeros(d)
    #Taking our best slot machine through beta distribution 
    # and updating its losses and wins.
    # Taking some of the slot machines through the beta distribution, 
    # with the goal of 
    # determining which slot machine is the best. 
    # because sometimes the best slot machine isn't found.
    for i in range(N):
        selected = 0
        maxRandom = 0
        for j in range(d):
            randomBeta = np.random.beta(nPosReward[j] + 1, 
                                        nNegReward[j] + 1)
            if randomBeta > maxRandom:
                maxRandom = randomBeta
                selected = j
        if X[i][selected] == 1:
            nPosReward[selected] +=1
            nNegReward[selected] +=1
    nSelected = nPosReward + nNegReward
    nSelectedPosOnly = nPosReward
    nSelectedArgMax = np.argmax(nSelected) + 1
    nSelectedArgMaxPosOnly = np.argmax(nSelectedPosOnly) + 1
    XMeanArgMax = np.argmax(Xmean) + 1  # find the actual true best slot machine

    if ( nSelectedArgMax != XMeanArgMax and
        XMeanArgMax != nSelectedArgMaxPosOnly):
        #for i in range(d):
            #print('Machine number ' + str(i+1) + ' was selected ' + str(nSelected[i]) + ' times')
        print('Fail: Pos&Neg predct slot ' + str(nSelectedArgMax),
              'posOnly predct ' + str(nSelectedArgMaxPosOnly),
             'But Xconv rates', Xmean,'actual best=',XMeanArgMax,'<>' )
        wrong +=1
    elif ( nSelectedArgMax != XMeanArgMax and
             XMeanArgMax == nSelectedArgMaxPosOnly):
        print('PosOnly==Actual pos&neg ' + str(nSelectedArgMax),
              'posOnly predct ' + str(nSelectedArgMaxPosOnly),
             'But Xconv rates', Xmean,'actual best=',XMeanArgMax,'*' )
        selectedWrong +=1
    elif ( nSelectedArgMax == XMeanArgMax and
                 XMeanArgMax != nSelectedArgMaxPosOnly):
        print('PosNeg==Actual predcts ' + str(nSelectedArgMax),
              'posOnly predct ' + str(nSelectedArgMaxPosOnly),
             'But Xconv rates', Xmean,'actual best=',XMeanArgMax,'***' )
        posOnlyWrong +=1
    elif ( nSelectedArgMax == nSelectedArgMaxPosOnly and
                 XMeanArgMax != nSelectedArgMax):
        print('PosNeg == PosOnly but != actual ' + str(nSelectedArgMax),
              'posOnly predct ' + str(nSelectedArgMaxPosOnly),
             'But Xconv rates', Xmean,'actual best=',XMeanArgMax,'<>' )
        wrong +=1  
pcntWrong = wrong / catchLimit * 100
pcntSelectedWrong = selectedWrong / catchLimit * 100
pcntPosOnlyVsActual = posOnlyWrong / catchLimit * 100

print('Catch Limit =', catchLimit, 'N=', N)
print('<>wrong: pos+neg != Actual, and PosOnly != Actual  Failure Rate=  %.1f' %pcntWrong, '%')
print('* PosOnly == Actual but Actual != pos+neg  Failure rate =  %.1f' %pcntSelectedWrong,'%')
print('** pos+Neg == Actual but Actual != PosOnly  Failure rate =   %.1f' %pcntPosOnlyVsActual, '%')

############# END #################

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