
2024-09-27 09:34:02 发布

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抱歉,我是python新手,抱歉,如果问题太简单的话。我正在尝试为一款名为pishti或bastra的纸牌游戏编写代码。很快,两个玩家(在我的例子中是一个用户和一台计算机)每个手都有4张牌,中间有一些卡在上面,玩家可以看到(其他人是封闭的)。很快,我就可以用四个卡片对象的列表为用户处理卡片。但是,在用户玩完他/她的一张卡后,我无法从列表中删除该卡,因为找不到该卡。(我尝试使用.remove()和del)但是,我可以使用list[index]访问卡 这是我的代码(简称为与此问题相关的部分):

import random
class Card:
    def __init__(self,value,suit):
        self.value = value
        self.suit = suit
    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self.suit} {self.value}"
    def execute(self):
        return None
class Deck:
    def __init__(self):
        suits = ["Hearts","Spades","Clubs","Diamonds"]
        values = ["A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"]
        self.cards = [Card(value,suit) for value in values for suit in suits]
    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Deck of {self.count()}"
    def count(self):
        return len(self.cards)
    def shuffle(self):
        if self.count() < 52:
            raise ValueError ("Sorry only complete decks can be shuffled.")
        return self
    def _deal(self,num_of_cards_to_be_dealt):
        if self.count() == 0:
            raise ValueError ("Sorry, all of the cards have been dealt.")
        actual = min(self.count(),num_of_cards_to_be_dealt)
        dealt_cards = self.cards[-actual:]
        self.cards = self.cards[:-actual]
        return dealt_cards
    def deal_hand(self,hand_size = 4):
        return self._deal(hand_size)

deste = Deck()
kar_deste = deste.shuffle()

orta = (kar_deste.deal_hand())

print(f"The card in the middle: {orta[-1]}")
user_score = 0
comp_score = 0
while kar_deste.count() != 0:
    computer_hand = kar_deste.deal_hand()
    user = kar_deste.deal_hand()
    print(f"Your cards: {user}")
    while len(user) != 0:
        card_suit = input("Choose a suit: ")
        card_val = input("Choose a value: ")
        user_turn = Card(card_val,card_suit)
        card_index = user.index(user_turn)
        del user[card_index]


Tags: selfindexreturnvaluedefcountcardcards
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-27 09:34:02



def __eq__(self, other):
    return all((isinstance(other, self.__class__),
                self.suit == other.suit,
                self.value == other.value))


The card in the middle: Clubs 4
Your cards: [Diamonds 10, Hearts K, Clubs 10, Hearts 5]
Choose a suit: Hearts
Choose a value: 5
Hearts 5
[Diamonds 10, Hearts K, Clubs 10]
Choose a suit: Diamonds
Choose a value: 10
Diamonds 10
[Hearts K, Clubs 10]
Choose a suit: Hearts
Choose a value: K
Hearts K
[Clubs 10]
Choose a suit: Clubs
Choose a value: 10
Clubs 10

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