
2024-09-28 20:46:55 发布

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After you have scaled an image too much it may look blocky. One way of reducing the blockiness of the image is to replace each pixel with the average values of the pixels around it. This has the effect of smoothing (or blurring) out the changes in color. Write a function smooth(imageFile) that takes an image and returns a new image of the same size as the original but with the colors smoothed. To smooth a pixel at location (c, r) you would need to average the color components of nine values located as follows: ...


def smooth(imageFile):
    w = imageFile.getWidth()
    h = imageFile.getHeight()
    newImg = image.EmptyImage(w, h)

    for col in range(1, w-1):
        for row in range(1, h-1):
            pix = imageFile.getPixel(col, row)
            top = imageFile.getPixel(col, row-1)
            tr = imageFile.getPixel(col+1, row-1)
            r = imageFile.getPixel(col+1, row)
            br = imageFile.getPixel(col+1, row+1)
            bot = imageFile.getPixel(col, row+1)
            bl = imageFile.getPixel(col-1, row+1)
            l = imageFile.getPixel(col-1, row)
            tl = imageFile.getPixel(col-1, row-1)
            for x in range(-1, 1):
                for y in range(-1, 1):
                    if (-1 < x < w) and (-1 < y < h):
                        red = int((pix.getRed() + top.getRed() + tr.getRed() + r.getRed() + br.getRed() + bot.getRed() + bl.getRed() + l.getRed() + tl.getRed()) // 9)
                        green = int((pix.getGreen() + top.getGreen() + tr.getGreen() + r.getGreen() + br.getGreen() + bot.getGreen() + bl.getGreen() + l.getGreen() + tl.getGreen()) // 9)
                        blue = int((pix.getBlue() + top.getBlue() + tr.getBlue() + r.getBlue() + br.getBlue() + bot.getBlue() + bl.getBlue() + l.getBlue() + tl.getBlue()) // 9)
                        new_pix = image.Pixel(red, green, blue)
                        newImg.setPixel(col, row, new_pix)

    return newImg

def main():
    width = 100
    height = 50
    win = image.ImageWin(width*2, height)
    img = makeBlockImage(width, height, 10, 10, 1)

    newimg = smooth(img)
    newimg.draw(win, width, 0)

if __name__ == "__main__":


Tags: oftheinimageforifcolrow