
2024-09-23 22:28:52 发布

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在程序中,您可以使用二维列表模拟幻方。编写一个函数,该函数接受二维列表作为参数,并确定该列表是否为Lo Shu幻方。在程序中测试功能。 4 9 2 3 5 7 816



def numOfRowsAndColumns(inp2DList):
    numOfRows = len(inp2DList)
    numOfColumns = len(inp2DList[0])
    return numOfRows, numOfColumns

#This function processes the individual numbers by row and column by adding
#them together.
def getRowSum(inp2DList, numOfColumns):
    firstRowSum = 0
    for currentRow in range (1):
        for currentColumn in range (numOfColumns):
            firstRowSum += firstRowSum + inp2DList[currentRow][currentColumn]
    return firstRowSum

#These functions returns a true/false value based on equality of Rows & Columns.
def equalRows (inp2DList, firstRowSum, numOfRows, numOfColumns):
    rowSum = 0
    for currentRow in range (numOfRows):
        for currentColumn in range (numOfColumns):
            rowSum = rowSum + inp2DList[currentRow][currentColumn]
        if rowSum != firstRowSum: 
            return False
        rowSum = 0      #resets rowSum to 0
    return True

def equalColumns (inp2DList, firstRowSum, numOfRows, numOfColumns):
    columnSum = 0
    for currentColumn in range (numOfColumns):
        for currentRow  in range (numOfRows):
            columnSum = columnSum + inp2DList[currentRow][currentColumn]
        if columnSum != firstRowSum:
            return False
        columnSum = 0       #resets columnSum to 0
    return True

#This function acts as a check against the previsous equalColumns &
#equalRows functions.
def equalRCSums(inp2DList,firstRowSum,numOfRows,numOfColumns):
    if equalRows(inp2DList,firstRowSum,numOfRows,numOfColumns)\
         and equalColumns(inp2DList, firstRowSum,numOfRows, numOfColumns):
        return True
        return False
#These functions do the same thing as the previous ones, except diagonally.
def leftEqDiagonalSum(inp2DList,randLengthAnyRC,firstRowSum):
    leftDiagonalSum = 0
    for currentDiagonalNum in range (randLengthAnyRC):
        leftDiagonalSum = leftDiagonalSum + \
            inp2DList[leftEqDiagonalSum, currentDiagonalNum]
    if leftDiagonalSum != firstRowSum:
        return False
        return True

def rightEqDiagonalSum(inp2DList,randLengthAnyRC,firstRowSum):
    rightDiagonalSum = 0
    currentDiagonalNumColumn = randLengthAnyRC - 1
    for currentDiagonalNumRow in range (randLengthAnyRC):
        rightDiagonalSum = rightDiagonalSum + inp2DList[currentDiagonalNumColumn][currentDiagonalNumRow]
        currentDiagonalNumColumn = currentDiagonalNumColumn - 1
    if rightDiagonalSum != firstRowSum:
        return False
        return True

#This function returns true or false based on the diagonal sums of the
#numbers in the list.
def eqDiagonalSums(inp2DList, randLengthAnyRC, firstRowSum):
    if eqDiagonalSums(inp2DList,randLengthAnyRC, firstRowSum)\
         and eqDiagonalSums(inp2DList, randLengthAnyRC, firstRowSum):
        return True
        return False

#This functuon determines if the list given is a Lo Shu Magic Sqaure.
def isThisALoShu(inp2DList, firstRowSum, numOfRows, numOfColumns, randLengthAnyRC):
    if equalRCSums(inp2DList, firstRowSum, numOfRows, numOfColumns)\
        and eqDiagonalSums(inp2DList, randLengthAnyRC, firstRowSum):
        return True
        return False

#This main function takes the sample list and will tell you if it's
#a magic square or not.
def main():
    inp2DList = [[4,9,2],[3,5,7],[8,1,6]]
    numOfRows, numOfColumns = numOfRowsAndColumns(inp2DList)
    randLengthAnyRC = numOfRows
    firstRowSum = getRowSum(inp2DList, numOfColumns)
    if isThisALoShu(inp2DList, firstRowSum, numOfRows, numOfColumns,randLengthAnyRC):
        print("This is a Lo Shu Magic Square!")
        print("This is NOT a Lo Shu Magic Square, please try again.")


Tags: theinfalsetrueforreturnifdef
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-23 22:28:52


def getRowSum(inp2DList, numOfColumns):
    firstRowSum = 0
    for currentRow in range (1):
        for currentColumn in range (numOfColumns):
            firstRowSum += firstRowSum + inp2DList[currentRow][currentColumn]
    return firstRowSum


def getRowSum(inp2DList, numOfColumns):
    firstRowSum = 0
    for currentRowIndex in range(1):
        for currentColumnIndex in range(numOfColumns):
            firstRowSum = firstRowSum + inp2DList[currentRowIndex][currentColumnIndex]
    return firstRowSum


for currentDiagonalNumber in range (randLengthAnyRC):
    leftDiagonalSum = leftDiagonalSum +\


def numOfRowsAndColumns(inp2DList):
    numOfRows = len(inp2DList)
    numOfColumns = len(inp2DList[0])
    return numOfRows, numOfColumns

#This function processes the individual numbers by row and column by adding
#them together.
def getRowSum(inp2DList, numOfColumns):
    firstRowSum = 0
    for currentRow in range(1):
        for currentColumn in range(numOfColumns):
            firstRowSum = firstRowSum + inp2DList[currentRow][currentColumn]
    return firstRowSum

#These functions returns a true/false value based on equality of Rows & Columns.
def equalRows (inp2DList, firstRowSum, numOfRows, numOfColumns):
    rowSum = 0
    for currentRow in range(numOfRows):
        for currentColumn in range (numOfColumns):
            rowSum = rowSum + inp2DList[currentRow][currentColumn]
        if rowSum != firstRowSum:
            return False
        rowSum = 0      #resets rowSum to 0
    return True

def equalColumns (inp2DList, firstRowSum, numOfRows, numOfColumns):
    columnSum = 0
    for currentColumn in range(numOfColumns):
        for currentRow  in range (numOfRows):
            columnSum = columnSum + inp2DList[currentRow][currentColumn]
        if columnSum != firstRowSum:
            return False
        columnSum = 0       #resets columnSum to 0
    return True

#This function acts as a check against the previsous equalColumns &
#equalRows functions.
def equalRCSums(inp2DList,firstRowSum,numOfRows,numOfColumns):
    if equalRows(inp2DList,firstRowSum,numOfRows,numOfColumns)\
         and equalColumns(inp2DList, firstRowSum,numOfRows, numOfColumns):
        return True
        return False
#These functions do the same thing as the previous ones, except diagonally.
def leftEqDiagonalSum(inp2DList,randLengthAnyRC,firstRowSum):
    leftDiagonalSum = 0
    for currentDiagonalNumber in range (randLengthAnyRC):
        leftDiagonalSum = leftDiagonalSum +\
    if leftDiagonalSum != firstRowSum:
        return False
        return True

def rightEqDiagonalSum(inp2DList,randLengthAnyRC,firstRowSum):
    rightDiagonalSum = 0
    currentDiagonalNumColumn = randLengthAnyRC - 1
    for currentDiagonalNumRow in range (randLengthAnyRC):
        rightDiagonalSum = rightDiagonalSum + inp2DList[currentDiagonalNumColumn][currentDiagonalNumRow]
        currentDiagonalNumColumn = currentDiagonalNumColumn - 1
    if rightDiagonalSum != firstRowSum:
        return False
        return True

#This function returns true or false based on the diagonal sums of the
#numbers in the list.
def eqDiagonalSums(inp2DList, randLengthAnyRC, firstRowSum):
    if rightEqDiagonalSum(inp2DList,randLengthAnyRC, firstRowSum)\
         and leftEqDiagonalSum(inp2DList, randLengthAnyRC, firstRowSum):
        return True
        return False

#This functuon determines if the list given is a Lo Shu Magic Sqaure.
def isThisALoShu(inp2DList, firstRowSum, numOfRows, numOfColumns, randLengthAnyRC):
    if equalRCSums(inp2DList, firstRowSum, numOfRows, numOfColumns)\
        and eqDiagonalSums(inp2DList, randLengthAnyRC, firstRowSum):
        return True
        return False

#This main function takes the sample list and will tell you if it's
#a magic square or not.
def main():
    inp2DList = [[4,9,2],[3,5,7],[8,1,6]]
    numOfRows, numOfColumns = numOfRowsAndColumns(inp2DList)
    randLengthAnyRC = numOfRows
    firstRowSum = getRowSum(inp2DList, numOfColumns)
    if isThisALoShu(inp2DList, firstRowSum, numOfRows, numOfColumns,randLengthAnyRC):
        print("This is a Lo Shu Magic Square!")
        print("This is NOT a Lo Shu Magic Square, please try again.")


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