
2024-09-24 02:23:19 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


我不希望它在缩写词(Dr.{}{}{}上分裂,例如"Dr. Jones")。


input = "I think Dr. Jones is busy now. Can you visit some other day? I was really surprised!"


output=['I think Dr. Jones is busy now.','Can you visit some other day?','I was really surprised!']


# performing somthing like this:
output = input.split('.')
# will produce
['I think Dr', ' Jones is busy now', ' Can you visit some other day? I was really surprised!']

# where as doing
output = input.split(' ')
# will produce
['I', 'think', 'Dr.', 'Jones', 'is', 'busy', 'now.', 'Can', 'you', 'visit', 'some', 'other', 'day?', 'I', 'was', 'really', 'surprised!']


Tags: youissomevisitcannowotherday
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-24 02:23:19


abbr = {'Dr.', 'Mr.', 'Mrs.', 'Ms.'}
sentence_ender = ['.', '?', '!']

s = "I think Dr. Jones is busy now. Can you visit some other day? I was really surprised!"

def containsAny(wrd, charList):
    # The list comprehension generates a list of True and False.
    # "1 in [ ... ]" returns true is the list has atleast 1 true, else false
    # we are essentially testing whether the word contains the sentence ender char
    return 1 in [c in wrd for c in charList]

def separate_sentences(string):
    sentences = []    # will be a list of all complete sentences
    temp = []         # will be a list of all words in current sentence

    for wrd in string.split(' '):  # the input string is split on spaces
        temp.append(wrd)           # append current word to temp

        # The following condition checks that if the word is not an abbreviation
        # yet contains any of the sentence delimiters,
        # make 'space separated' sentence and clear temp
        if wrd not in abbr and containsAny(wrd, sentence_ender):
            sentences.append(' '.join(temp))  # combine words currently in temp
            temp = []                         # clear temp, for next sentence
    return sentences



['I think Dr. Jones is busy now.', 'Can you visit some other day?', 'I was really surprised!']

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