
2024-06-24 13:27:25 发布

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#Set default to True, shouldn't matter too much
pugs_enabled = True
async def disablepugs(ctx):
    user = ctx.message.author.name

    if user == "*My Name Here*":
        pugs_enabled = False
        await ctx.send("``Pugs are temporarily disabled.``")
        print(f"Set to {pugs_enabled}")
async def enablepugs(ctx):
    user = ctx.message.author.name

    if user == "*My Name Here*":
        pugs_enabled = True
        await ctx.send("``Pugs are now enabled.``")
        print(f"Set to {pugs_enabled}")
async def join(ctx):
    if helper.is_setup(ctx):
        print(f"The pug variable is set to {pugs_enabled}")
        if pugs_enabled is True:
            #Not detecting bool change. Still thinks it's false


Tags: to命令clienttrueasyncifisdef
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-24 13:27:25


pugs_enabled = True

async def disablepugs(ctx):
    user = ctx.message.author.name

    if user == "*My Name Here*":
        global pugs_enabled
        pugs_enabled = False
        await ctx.send("``Pugs are temporarily disabled.``")
        print(f"Set to {pugs_enabled}")

async def enablepugs(ctx):
    user = ctx.message.author.name

    if user == "*My Name Here*":
        global pugs_enabled
        pugs_enabled = True
        await ctx.send("``Pugs are now enabled.``")
        print(f"Set to {pugs_enabled}")

async def join(ctx):
    if helper.is_setup(ctx):
        print(f"The pug variable is set to {pugs_enabled}")
        if pugs_enabled is True:
            #Not detecting bool change. Still thinks it's false

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