
2024-10-01 04:45:01 发布

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    Int3det = TMake.intfromcoordrodswvl(coordinates, avgintensity, wavelength, NAobj, NAcond, alpha3, ndetectors=3) # make 3 by N_timesteps vector
    xpdens = 180 # number of points in x angle 
    ypdens = 360 # number of points in y angle

    thetarange = np.linspace(0, np.pi, xpdens) # range of theta angles
    phirange = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, ypdens) # range of phi angles
    matrix3pol = np.zeros([xpdens, ypdens, 3]) # initialise matrix of intensities for 3 detectors
    for j in enumerate(thetarange): # for angles in theta
        tempmatrix = IntGen.intensitydistribution(j[1], phirange, wavelength, NAobj, NAcond, alpha3, 3) # make intensities for theta, phirange angles for 3 detectors
        matrix3pol[j[0], :, 0] = tempmatrix[:, 0] # put detector 1 in axis 1
        matrix3pol[j[0], :, 1] = tempmatrix[:, 1] # put detector 2 in axis 2
        matrix3pol[j[0], :, 2] = tempmatrix[:, 2] # put detector 3 in axis 3

    for tstep in np.arange(0, len(Int3det)): # for timestep in time trace
         indices3 = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(matrix3pol, Int3det.values[tstep, :]), axis=-1)), matrix3pol[:, :, 0].shape) # get what angle most likely for time step
         Int3res[tstep, 0] = thetarange[indices3[0]] # put theta in result matrix for time step
         Int3res[tstep, 1] = phirange[indices3[1]] # put phi in result matrix for time step



Tags: ofinfortimeputnp时间angles
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-01 04:45:01

我相信这不是一个答案,但它太长了,无法发表评论。 由于您试图查找差异最小的值(根查找),因此根本没有必要使用np.linalg.norm(),您可以尝试比较非规范化和(平方或绝对):

difference = np.sum(np.abs(np.subtract(matrix3pol, Int3det.values[tstep, :])))
# or, whichever is faster
difference = np.sum((np.subtract(matrix3pol, Int3det.values[tstep, :]))**2)
# then
np.unravel_index(np.argmin(difference, axis=-1)), matrix3pol[:, :, 0].shape)




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