
2024-09-25 10:27:12 发布

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def chk_密码():

#Display info about password requirements
print('\n\nYou need a new password')
print('It must have at least six characters, but not more than 15')
print('It cannot contain any variation of \"umgc\"')
print('It cannot contain spaces')
print('It must contain the \"*\" character\n')

password = input('\nPlease enter your password:\n')

def chk_minlength():
    if len(password) >= 6:
        return True
        return False
def chk_maxlength():
    if len(password) <= 15:
        return True
        return False
def chk_spaces():
    if ' ' in password:
        return False
        return True
def chk_specchar():
    if '*' in password:
        return True
        return False
def chk_umgc():
    lower_password = password.lower()
    if 'umgc' in lower_password:
        return False
        return True


while chk_minlength == False or chk_maxlength == False or chk_spaces == False or chk_specchar == False or chk_umgc == False:
    print('Your password was invalid. Please make the following corrections:')          
    if chk_minlength == False:
        print('Your password must have at least six characters')
    if chk_maxlength == False:
        print('Your password cannot have more than 15 characters')
    if chk_spaces == False:         
        print('Your password cannot any spaces')
    if chk_specchar == False:
        print('Your password must contain the \"*\" character.')
    if chk_umgc == False:
        print('Your password cannot contain any variation of \"umgc\"')
    password = input('\nPlease enter your password:\n')
    if chk_minlength == True and chk_maxlength == True and chk_spaces == True and chk_specchar == True and chk_umgc == True: 
        print('Your password met all the requirements. Thank you.')


Tags: falsetrueyourreturnifdefpasswordelse

这看起来基本正确;但是,您永远不会保存chk_*方法的返回值。在while循环的条件下,检查ifchk_minlength == True or ...,这是检查方法定义的值是否为True,而不是检查返回值是否为True。要解决此问题,您可以简单地使用方法调用,而不是引用方法:

while not (chk_minlength() or chk_maxlength() or chk_spaces() or chk_specchar() or chk_umgc()):


valid_min_length = chk_minlength()
valid_max_length = chk_maxlength()
no_spaces = chk_spaces()
no_specchar = chk_specchar()
no_umgc = chk_umgc()

while not (valid_min_length or valid_max_length or no_spaces or no_specchar or nor_umgc):
#Display info about password requirements
print('\n\nYou need a new password')
print('It must have at least six characters, but not more than 15')
print('It cannot contain any variation of \"umgc\"')
print('It cannot contain spaces')
print('It must contain the \"*\" character\n')

password = input('\nPlease enter your password:\n')

def chk_minlength():
    return len(password) < 6
def chk_maxlength():
    return len(password) > 15
def chk_spaces():
    return ' ' in password
def chk_specchar():
    return not '*' in password
def chk_umgc():
    return 'umgc' in password.lower()

while chk_minlength() or chk_maxlength() or chk_spaces() or chk_specchar() or chk_umgc():
    print('Your password was invalid. Please make the following corrections:')          
    if chk_minlength():
        print('Your password must have at least six characters')
    if chk_maxlength():
        print('Your password cannot have more than 15 characters')
    if chk_spaces():         
        print('Your password cannot any spaces')
    if chk_specchar():
        print('Your password must contain the \"*\" character.')
    if chk_umgc():
        print('Your password cannot contain any variation of \"umgc\"')
    password = input('\nPlease enter your password:\n')
print('Your password met all the requirements. Thank you.')



def check_password(password):
    if len(password) <=6 or len(password) >=15: # Checks if password is between 6 and 15 charecters long
        return False
    if (' ' in password) or ('\n' in password) or ('*' in password): # Checking if there are any spaces, asteriks, or newlines are in the password
        return False

    if 'UMGC' in password.upper(): # Checking if the string 'UMGC' is in the password
        return False

    return True
    Since a return function will automatically exit the function,
    the only way for this line to be reached is if all the other if statements are not satisfied,
    meaning that your password is safe

print(check_password("Hello World"))


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