
2024-09-28 21:54:33 发布

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我在这里发现了一个问题(Multivariate (polynomial) best fit curve in python?),我相信它可以回答我的问题(我没有任何曲线拟合经验,但我知道我的原始数据几乎总是这种形状),但我无法完全安装multipolyfit。我使用了“pip install myltipolyfit”,这很有效,但是当我运行这个脚本时,我得到一个回溯,说


"from core import multipolyfit, mk_model, mk_sympy_function
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'core'"



import os
import csv
import pandas as pd
import re
import matplotlib
import multipolyfit as mpf
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib import style
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerLine2D
from scipy.stats import linregress

x = [190,195,200,205,210,215,220,225,230,235,240,245,250,255,260,265,270,275,280,285,290]
av_50 = [5.045, 5.05, 5.115, 5.23, 5.355, 5.42, 5.59, 5.77, 5.855, 5.8, 5.745, 5.725, 5.795, 5.835, 5.81, 5.73, 5.675, 5.65, 5.63, 5.555, 5.405]

def min_max_values(num_list):
    results_list = sorted(num_list)
    return results_list[0], results_list[-1]

min_x, max_x = min_max_values(x)

# Plotting
plt.axis([min_x - 5, max_x + 5, 0, 8])

x = np.array(x)
y = np.array(av_50)
plt.plot(x, y, 'kx')

stacked_x = numpy.array([x,x+1,x-1])
coeffs = mpf(stacked_x, y, deg) 
x2 = numpy.arange(min(x)-1, max(x)+1, .01) #use more points for a smoother plot
y2 = numpy.polyval(coeffs, x2) #Evaluates the polynomial for each x2 value
plt.plot(x2, y2, label="deg=3")



from numpy import arange
from pandas import read_csv
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# define the true objective function
def objective(x, a, b, c):
    return a * x + b * x**2 + c
sclk = [190,195,200,205,210,215,220,225,230,235,240,245,250,255,260,265,270,275,280,285,290]
av_50 = [5.045, 5.05, 5.115, 5.23, 5.355, 5.42, 5.59, 5.77, 5.855, 5.8, 5.745, 5.725, 5.795, 5.835, 5.81, 5.73, 5.675, 5.65, 5.63, 5.555, 5.405]

# curve fit
popt, _ = curve_fit(objective, sclk, av_50)

# summarize the parameter values
a, b, c = popt
print('y = %.5f * x + %.5f * x^2 + %.5f' % (a, b, c))

# plot input vs output
plt.scatter(sclk, av_50)

# define a sequence of inputs between the smallest and largest known inputs
sclk_line = arange(min(sclk), max(sclk), 1)

# calculate the output for the range
av_50_line = objective(sclk_line, a, b, c)

# create a line plot for the mapping function
plt.plot(sclk_line, av_50_line, '--', color='red')

Tags: thefromimportnumpyplotmatplotlibasline
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-28 21:54:33


直接从GitHub上的存储库页面安装Python时,您可能会更幸运(在使用Python 3时;我不建议您使用Python 2):

pip install https://github.com/mrocklin/multipolyfit.git  force-reinstall

force-reinstall以覆盖当前安装)。 从那边的代码来看,至少那里的导入似乎与Python3兼容



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