
2024-10-01 02:37:10 发布

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Guess initial jointangles θ
Solve the equation J∗dθ=dp=pf−pi Increment jointangles θf = θi+dθ

calculate the numerical value of J at each point, you can use the following lines: Jsub = J.subs({theta1:theta_i[0], theta2:theta_i[1], theta3:theta_i[2], theta4:theta_i[3], theta5:theta_i[4], theta6:theta_i[5]}) Jeval = Jsub.evalf()

The method subs() is used to substitute the numerical values of θ for the symbolicones, and then the method evalf() is used to evaluate the overall value for each element of the expression.Lastly,

you need to solve the expression in a manner that you can find values of θthat “work” for reaching the new point. You can find such values using the solve()function.



import sim
import time
import cv2
import numpy as np
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from sympy import Matrix, Symbol, symbols, solveset,solve, simplify, diff, det
from sympy import S, erf, log, sqrt, pi, sin, cos, tan
from sympy import init_printing

def T(x, y, z):
    T_xyz = Matrix([[1,         0,          0,          x],
                    [0,         1,          0,          y],
                    [0,         0,          1,          z],
                    [0,         0,          0,          1]])
    return T_xyz
def Rx(roll):
    R_x = Matrix([[1,         0,          0, 0],
                  [0, cos(roll), -sin(roll), 0],
                  [0, sin(roll),  cos(roll), 0],
                  [0,         0,          0, 1]])
    return R_x
def Ry(pitch):
    R_y = Matrix([[ cos(pitch), 0, sin(pitch), 0],
                  [          0, 1,          0, 0],
                  [-sin(pitch), 0, cos(pitch), 0],
                  [          0, 0,          0, 1]])
    return R_y
def Rz(yaw):
    R_z = Matrix([[cos(yaw),-sin(yaw), 0, 0],
                  [sin(yaw), cos(yaw), 0, 0],
                  [       0,        0, 1, 0],
                  [       0,        0, 0, 1]])
    return R_z

#Program Variables
joint1Angle = 0.0
joint2Angle = 0.0
joint3Angle = 0.0
joint4Angle = 0.0
joint5Angle = 0.0
joint6Angle = 0.0
joint7Angle = 0.0
gripper_finger_pos = 0.0
#Start Program and just in case, close all opened connections
print('Program started')

#Connect to simulator running on localhost
#V-REP runs on port 19997, a script opens the API on port 19999
clientID = sim.simxStart('', 19999, True, True, 5000, 5)
thistime = time.time()

#Connect to the simulation
if clientID != -1:
    print('Connected to remote API server')

    #Start main control loop
    print('Starting control loop')
    p0 = 0.064
    p1 = 0.13986
    p2 = 0.16057
    p3 = 0.19469
    p4 = 0.090084
    p5 = 0.233536
    p6 = 0.0606

    #theta1 = joint1Angle-pi/2
    #theta2 = -joint2Angle
    #theta3 = joint3Angle
    #theta4 = -joint4Angle + pi/2
    #theta5 = joint5Angle
    #theta6 = -joint6Angle-pi/2
    #theta7 = joint7Angle
    #joint angles as SymPy symbols
    theta1,theta2,theta3,theta4,theta5,theta6,theta7 = symbols('theta_1 theta_2 theta_3 theta_4 theta_5 theta_6 theta_7')
    theta = Matrix([theta1,theta2,theta3,theta4,theta5,theta6,theta7])

    #joint angles as SymPy symbols
    dtheta1,dtheta2,dtheta3,dtheta4,dtheta5,dtheta6,dtheta7 = symbols('dtheta_1 dtheta_2 dtheta_3 dtheta_4 dtheta_5 dtheta_6 dtheta_7')
    dtheta = Matrix([dtheta1,dtheta2,dtheta3,dtheta4,dtheta5,dtheta6,dtheta7])
    # Not necessary but gives nice-looking latex output
    gripper_offset = 0.17000
    # Define transforms to each joint
    T1 = Ry(-pi/2) * T(p0, 0, 0) * Rx(theta1)
    T2 = T1 * T(p1, 0, 0) * Rz(theta2)
    T3 = T2 * T(p2, 0, 0) * Rx(theta3)
    T4 = T3 * T(p3, 0, 0) * Rz(theta4)
    T5 = T4 * T(p4, 0, 0) * Rx(theta5)
    T6 = T5 * T(p5, 0, 0) * Rz(theta6)
    T7 = T6 * T(p6, 0, 0) * Rx(theta7) * T(gripper_offset, 0, 0)
    # Find joint positions in space
    p0 = Matrix([0,0,0,1])
    p1 = T1 * p0
    p2 = T2 * p0
    p3 = T3 * p0
    p4 = T4 * p0
    p5 = T5 * p0
    p6 = T6 * p0
    p7 = T7 * p0
    #define p_i for initial
    p_i = Matrix([p7[0], p7[1], p7[2]]) # coordinates of arm tip
    #creating jacobian matrix
    J = p_i.jacobian(theta)
    #print('\n\nJ=', J)

    dp = Matrix([0.0,0.0,20.0])
    p_f = p_i + dp  
    theta_i = Matrix([-pi/2,0,0,pi/2,0,-pi/2,0])
    theta_f = Matrix([0,0,0,0,0,0,0])
    while (sim.simxGetConnectionId(clientID) != -1):

        #To calculate the numerical value of J at each point        
        Jsub = J.subs({theta1:theta_i[0], theta2:theta_i[1], theta3:theta_i[2], theta4:theta_i[3], theta5:theta_i[4], theta6:theta_i[5],theta7:theta_i[6]})
        #o evaluate the overall value for each element of the expression.
        Jeval = Jsub.evalf()

        #to solve and find values of θ that “work” for reaching the new point. 
        sol = solve(Jeval * dtheta - dp , dtheta)
        theta_f = theta_i + dtheta

        p0sub = p0.subs({theta1:theta_i[0], theta2:theta_i[1], theta3:theta_i[2], theta4:theta_i[3], theta5:theta_i[4], theta6:theta_i[5],theta7:theta_i[6]})
        p1sub = p1.subs({theta1:theta_i[0], theta2:theta_i[1], theta3:theta_i[2], theta4:theta_i[3], theta5:theta_i[4], theta6:theta_i[5],theta7:theta_i[6]})
        p2sub = p2.subs({theta1:theta_i[0], theta2:theta_i[1], theta3:theta_i[2], theta4:theta_i[3], theta5:theta_i[4], theta6:theta_i[5],theta7:theta_i[6]})
        p3sub = p3.subs({theta1:theta_i[0], theta2:theta_i[1], theta3:theta_i[2], theta4:theta_i[3], theta5:theta_i[4], theta6:theta_i[5],theta7:theta_i[6]})
        p4sub = p4.subs({theta1:theta_i[0], theta2:theta_i[1], theta3:theta_i[2], theta4:theta_i[3], theta5:theta_i[4], theta6:theta_i[5],theta7:theta_i[6]})
        p5sub = p5.subs({theta1:theta_i[0], theta2:theta_i[1], theta3:theta_i[2], theta4:theta_i[3], theta5:theta_i[4], theta6:theta_i[5],theta7:theta_i[6]})
        p6sub = p6.subs({theta1:theta_i[0], theta2:theta_i[1], theta3:theta_i[2], theta4:theta_i[3], theta5:theta_i[4], theta6:theta_i[5],theta7:theta_i[6]})
        p7sub = p7.subs({theta1:theta_i[0], theta2:theta_i[1], theta3:theta_i[2], theta4:theta_i[3], theta5:theta_i[4], theta6:theta_i[5],theta7:theta_i[6]})
        theta_i = theta_f
        p_i = p_f

    #End simulation

    print('Could not connect to remote API server')

#Close all simulation elements
print('Simulation ended')


在解方程sol = solve(Jeval * dtheta - dp , dtheta)后得到dtheta值。我需要7dtheta值,因为一个矩阵有7dthetadtheta = Matrix([dtheta1,dtheta2,dtheta3,dtheta4,dtheta5,dtheta6,dtheta7]),但是我得到了其中3个的值,其余的仍然在符号中,就像下面的输出一样

sol= {dtheta_2: 0.0546786247729014 - 0.649102066092439*dtheta_6, dtheta_4: 0.649102066092439*dtheta_6 - 0.0608587125301476, dtheta_1: -dtheta_3 + 0.712564118410481*dtheta_5}

Tags: theimportmatrixsubsprintthetap0theta3