如何在ListApiView DRF中引发错误

2024-09-30 16:36:44 发布

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class GetFollowers(ListAPIView):

    Returns the users who follw user,along with weather the visiter — the one who sent api request — 
    follows them or they follow him/her

    permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated,]
    serializer_class = None

    def get_queryset(self,*args,**kwargs):
        user = self.request.data.get('user',None)
        if user is None:

        followers_obj, created = Follow.objects.get_or_create(user=user)
        all_followers =  followers_obj.followers.all()


Tags: ortheselfnoneobjgetrequestall
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-30 16:36:44


from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError

class GetFollowers(ListAPIView):

    Returns the users who follw user,along with weather the visiter — the one who sent api request — 
    follows them or they follow him/her

    permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated,]
    serializer_class = None

    def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # some code
        if not_followed_condition:  # I hope you know what you need to check here
            raise ValidationError(
                {'permission denied': "Can't see user's followers"}
        # some other code
        return queryset


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