
2024-05-21 14:58:35 发布

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import luigi

class FileToStaging(ImportToTable):
    filename = Luigi.Parameter(default = '')
    #import file from some folder to a staging database
    def requires(self):
         return luigi.LocalTarget(self.filename)
    #truncate table
    #load the file into staging

class StgToOfficial(RunQuery):
    filename = Luigi.Parameter
    # run a process in the database to load data from staging to the final table
    def requires(self):
        return FileToStaging(self.filename)

    # run query

class LoadFileGroups(luigi.WrapperTask):

    def requires(self):
        list_of_files = get_list_of_files_currently_in_folder() # The folder can have an arbitrary number of files inside
        for file in list_of_files:
            yield(StgToOfficial(filename = file))





Draft of the structure I'm trying to achieve



Tags: 文件ofthetoselfdeffilesfolder
1楼 · 发布于 2024-05-21 14:58:35

根据以下讨论中Peter Weissbrod的答案,通过在requires()方法中创建递归模式解决: https://groups.google.com/g/luigi-user/c/glvU_HxYmr0/m/JvV3xgsiAwAJ


Here is a snippet which isnt precisely tailored to your needs but at the same time you might find useful. Consider a "sql" directory like this:

  ~ :>ll somedir/sql
-rw-rw-r  1 pweissbrod authenticatedusers   513 Jan 27 09:15 stage01_test.sqltemplate
-rw-rw-r  1 pweissbrod authenticatedusers  1787 Jan 28 13:57 stage02_test.sqltemplate
-rw-rw-r  1 pweissbrod authenticatedusers  1188 Jan 28 13:57 stage03_test.sqltemplate
-rw-rw-r  1 pweissbrod authenticatedusers 13364 Jan 29 07:16 stage04_test.sqltemplate
-rw-rw-r  1 pweissbrod authenticatedusers  1344 Jan 28 13:57 stage05_test.sqltemplate
-rw-rw-r  1 pweissbrod authenticatedusers  1983 Jan 28 17:03 stage06_test.sqltemplate
-rw-rw-r  1 pweissbrod authenticatedusers  1224 Jan 28 16:05 stage07_test.sqltemplate

# Consider a luigi task with a dynamic requires method like this:
class BuildTableTask(luigi.Task):
    table = luigi.Parameter(description='the name of the table this task (re)builds')
    def requires(self):
        tables = [f.split('_')[0] for f in os.listdir('sql') if re.match(f'stage[0-9]+[a-z]*_{config().environment}', f)]
        prereq = next(iter([t for t in sorted(tables, reverse=True) if t < self.table]), None)
        yield BuildTableTask(table=prereq) or []
    def run(self):
        with open(f'sql/{self.table}_{config().environment}.sqltemplate'.format(**config().to_dict())) as sqltemplate:
            sql = sqltemplate.read().format(**config().to_dict())
        db.run(f'create table {config().srcdbname}.{self.table} stored as orc as {sql}')

the task tree is built by observing the files in that directory:
 └─ [BuildTableTask-{'table': 'stage07'} (COMPLETE)]
    └─ [BuildTableTask-{'table': 'stage06'} (COMPLETE)]
       └─ [BuildTableTask-{'table': 'stage05'} (COMPLETE)]
          └─ [BuildTableTask-{'table': 'stage04'} (COMPLETE)]
             └─ [BuildTableTask-{'table': 'stage03'} (COMPLETE)]
                └─ [BuildTableTask-{'table': 'stage02'} (COMPLETE)]
                   └─ [BuildTableTask-{'table': 'stage01'} (COMPLETE)]

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