
2024-07-06 19:18:32 发布

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Obtaining some-package from git+git://github.com/some-user/some-package.git@commit-hash#egg=some_package-dev (from -r requirements.txt
 (line 3))
  git clone in /Users/me/Development/some-env/src/some-package exists with
 URL https://github.com/some-user/some-package.git
  The plan is to install the git repository git://github.com/some-user/some-package.git
What to do?  (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup



Tags: piptofromhttpsgitgithubcom消息
1楼 · 发布于 2024-07-06 19:18:32


exists-action option

This option specifies default behavior when path already exists. Possible cases: downloading files or checking out repositories for installation, creating archives. If exists-action is not defined, pip will prompt when decision is needed.

  • (s)witch

    Only relevant to VCS checkout. Attempt to switch the checkout to the appropriate url and/or revision.

  • (i)gnore

    Abort current operation (e.g. don't copy file, don't create archive, don't modify a checkout).

  • (w)ipe

    Delete the file or VCS checkout before trying to create, download, or checkout a new one.

  • (b)ackup

    Rename the file or checkout to {name}{'.bak' * n}, where n is some number of .bak extensions, such that the file didn't exist at some point. So the most recent backup will be the one with the largest number after .bak.


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