
2024-09-29 21:21:07 发布

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import sympy as sym
from sympy import cos as cos
from sympy import sin as sin
import time

#Starting timer
t0 = time.time()

#Defining symbolic variables
x1,y1,theta1,x1dot,y1dot,theta1dot,x1ddot,y1ddot,theta1ddot,x2,y2,theta2,x2dot,y2dot,theta2dot, \
    x2ddot,y2ddot,theta2ddot,x3,y3,theta3,x3dot,y3dot,theta3dot,x3ddot,y3ddot,theta3ddot, \
    R1x,R1y,J1x,J1y,J2x,J2y,R2x,R2y,l1,l2,l3,m1,m2,m3,g = sym.symbols("x1 y1 theta1 x1dot y1dot theta1dot x1ddot y1ddot "
    "theta1ddot x2 y2 theta2 x2dot y2dot theta2dot x2ddot y2ddot theta2ddot x3 y3 theta3 x3dot y3dot theta3dot x3ddot "
    "y3ddot theta3ddot R1x R1y J1x J1y J2x J2y R2x R2y l1 l2 l3 m1 m2 m3 g",real=True)

#Defining parameters
d1 = l1/2; d2 = l2/2; d3 = l3/2
I1 = (1/12)*m1*l1**2
I2 = (1/12)*m2*l2**2
I3 = (1/12)*m3*l3**2

#Defining unit vectors
ihat = sym.Matrix([1,0,0])
jhat = sym.Matrix([0,1,0])
khat = sym.Matrix([0,0,1])

#Defining useful position vectors
rg1 = d1*sin(theta1)*ihat - d1*cos(theta1)*jhat
rp1 = l1*sin(theta1)*ihat - l1*cos(theta1)*jhat
rg2p1 = d2*sin(theta2)*ihat - d2*cos(theta2)*jhat
rp2p1 = l2*sin(theta2)*ihat - l2*cos(theta2)*jhat
rg3p2 = d3*sin(theta3)*ihat - d3*cos(theta3)*jhat
rp3p2 = l3*sin(theta3)*ihat - l3*cos(theta3)*jhat

#Defining useful acceleration vectors
ap1 = (theta1ddot*khat).cross(rp1) + (theta1dot*khat).cross((theta1dot*khat).cross(rp1))
ap2 = ap1 + (theta2ddot*khat).cross(rp2p1) + (theta2dot*khat).cross((theta2dot*khat).cross(rp2p1))

#Defining equations
eqn1 = sym.Eq( m1*x1ddot, R1x + J1x)
eqn2 = sym.Eq( m1*y1ddot, -m1*g + R1y - J1y)
eqn3 = sym.Eq( m2*x2ddot, -J1x + J2x)
eqn4 = sym.Eq( m2*y2ddot, -m2*g + J1y - J2y)
eqn5 = sym.Eq( m3*x3ddot, -J2x + R2x)
eqn6 = sym.Eq( m3*y3ddot, -m3*g + J2y + R2y)
eqn7 = sym.Eq( (rg1.cross(-m1*g*jhat) + rp1.cross(J1x*ihat - J1y*jhat))[2],
               (rg1.cross(m1*(x1ddot*ihat + y1ddot*jhat)) + I1*theta1ddot*khat)[2])
eqn8 = sym.Eq( (rg2p1.cross(-m2*g*jhat) + rp2p1.cross(J2x*ihat - J2y*jhat))[2],
               (rg2p1.cross(m2*(x2ddot*ihat + y2ddot*jhat)) + I2*theta2ddot*khat)[2])
eqn9 = sym.Eq( (rg3p2.cross(-m3*g*jhat) + rp3p2.cross(R2x*ihat + R2y*jhat))[2],
               (rg3p2.cross(m3*(x3ddot*ihat + y3ddot*jhat)) + I3*theta3ddot*khat)[2])
eqn10 = sym.Eq( (x1ddot*ihat + y1ddot*jhat)[0],
                ((theta1ddot*khat).cross(rg1) + (theta1dot*khat).cross((theta1dot*khat).cross(rg1)))[0])
eqn11 = sym.Eq( (x1ddot*ihat + y1ddot*jhat)[1],
                ((theta1ddot*khat).cross(rg1) + (theta1dot*khat).cross((theta1dot*khat).cross(rg1)))[1])
eqn12 = sym.Eq( (x2ddot*ihat + y2ddot*jhat)[0],
                (ap1 + (theta2ddot*khat).cross(rg2p1) + (theta2dot*khat).cross((theta2dot*khat).cross(rg2p1)))[0])
eqn13 = sym.Eq( (x2ddot*ihat + y2ddot*jhat)[1],
                (ap1 + (theta2ddot*khat).cross(rg2p1) + (theta2dot*khat).cross((theta2dot*khat).cross(rg2p1)))[1])
eqn14 = sym.Eq( (x3ddot*ihat + y3ddot*jhat)[0],
                (ap2 + (theta3ddot*khat).cross(rg3p2) + (theta3dot*khat).cross((theta3dot*khat).cross(rg3p2)))[0])
eqn15 = sym.Eq( (x3ddot*ihat + y3ddot*jhat)[1],
                (ap2 + (theta3ddot*khat).cross(rg3p2) + (theta3dot*khat).cross((theta3dot*khat).cross(rg3p2)))[1])
eqn16 = sym.Eq( (ap2 + (theta3ddot*khat).cross(rp3p2) + (theta3dot*khat).cross((theta3dot*khat).cross(rp3p2)))[0],0)
eqn17 = sym.Eq( (ap2 + (theta3ddot*khat).cross(rp3p2) + (theta3dot*khat).cross((theta3dot*khat).cross(rp3p2)))[1],0)

#Lists of equations and variables
eqns = [eqn1,eqn2,eqn3,eqn4,eqn5,eqn6,eqn7,eqn8,eqn9,eqn10,eqn11,eqn12,eqn13,eqn14,eqn15,eqn16,eqn17]
vars = [x1ddot,y1ddot,theta1ddot,x2ddot,y2ddot,theta2ddot,x3ddot,y3ddot,theta3ddot,R1x,R1y,J1x,J1y,J2x,J2y,R2x,R2y]

#Generating u vector
u = sym.solve(eqns,vars,simplify=False,rational=False)

elapsedTime = time.time()-t0

print(elapsedTime, " seconds")


clear; close all; clc;
%Defining variables
syms x1 y1 theta1 x1dot y1dot theta1dot x1ddot y1ddot theta1ddot x2 y2 theta2 x2dot y2dot theta2dot ...
    x2ddot y2ddot theta2ddot x3 y3 theta3 x3dot y3dot theta3dot x3ddot y3ddot theta3ddot ...
    l1 l2 l3 g R1x R1y J1x J1y J2x J2y R2x R2y m1 m2 m3 real

d1 = l1/2; d2 = l2/2; d3 = l3/2;

%Defining moments of inertia
I1 = (1/12)*m1*l1^2;
I2 = (1/12)*m2*l2^2;
I3 = (1/12)*m3*l3^2;

%Defining unit vectors
ihat = [1 0 0];
jhat = [0 1 0];
khat = [0 0 1];

%Defining useful position vectors
rg1 = d1*sin(theta1)*ihat - d1*cos(theta1)*jhat;
rp1 = l1*sin(theta1)*ihat - l1*cos(theta1)*jhat;
rg2p1 = d2*sin(theta2)*ihat - d2*cos(theta2)*jhat;
rp2p1 = l2*sin(theta2)*ihat - l2*cos(theta2)*jhat;
rg3p2 = d3*sin(theta3)*ihat - d3*cos(theta3)*jhat;
rp3p2 = l3*sin(theta3)*ihat - l3*cos(theta3)*jhat;

%Defining useful acceleration vectors
ap1 = cross(theta1ddot*khat,rp1) + cross(theta1dot*khat,cross(theta1dot*khat,rp1));
ap2 = ap1 + cross(theta2ddot*khat,rp2p1) + cross(theta2dot*khat,cross(theta2dot*khat,rp2p1));

%Defining equations of motion
eq1 = m1*x1ddot == R1x + J1x;
eq2 = m1*y1ddot == -m1*g + R1y - J1y;
eq3 = m2*x2ddot == -J1x + J2x;
eq4 = m2*y2ddot == -m2*g + J1y - J2y;
eq5 = m3*x3ddot == -J2x + R2x;
eq6 = m3*y3ddot == -m3*g + J2y + R2y;
eq7 = (cross(rg1,-m1*g*jhat) + cross(rp1,J1x*ihat - J1y*jhat)) == ...
    (cross(rg1,m1*(x1ddot*ihat + y1ddot*jhat)) + I1*theta1ddot*khat);
eq7 = eq7(3);
eq8 = cross(rg2p1,-m2*g*jhat) + cross(rp2p1,J2x*ihat-J2y*jhat) == ...
    cross(rg2p1,m2*(x2ddot*ihat+y2ddot*jhat)) + I2*theta2ddot*khat;
eq8 = eq8(3);
eq9 = cross(rg3p2,-m3*g*jhat) + cross(rp3p2,R2x*ihat+R2y*jhat) == ...
eq9 = eq9(3);
eqns10_11 = x1ddot*ihat + y1ddot*jhat == ...
    cross(theta1ddot*khat,rg1) + cross(theta1dot*khat,cross(theta1dot*khat,rg1));
eq10 = eqns10_11(1);
eq11 = eqns10_11(2);
eqns12_13 = x2ddot*ihat + y2ddot*jhat == ...
    ap1 + cross(theta2ddot*khat,rg2p1) + cross(theta2dot*khat,cross(theta2dot*khat,rg2p1));
eq12 = eqns12_13(1);
eq13 = eqns12_13(2);
eqns14_15 = x3ddot*ihat + y3ddot*jhat == ...
    ap2 + cross(theta3ddot*khat,rg3p2) + cross(theta3dot*khat,cross(theta3dot*khat,rg3p2));
eq14 = eqns14_15(1);
eq15 = eqns14_15(2);
eqns16_17 = ap2 + cross(theta3ddot*khat,rp3p2) + cross(theta3dot*khat,cross(theta3dot*khat,rp3p2)) == 0;
eq16 = eqns16_17(1);
eq17 = eqns16_17(2);

%Putting equations in matrix form
eqns = [eq1 eq2 eq3 eq4 eq5 eq6 eq7 eq8 eq9 eq10 eq11 eq12 eq13 eq14 eq15 eq16 eq17];
vars = [x1ddot y1ddot theta1ddot x2ddot y2ddot theta2ddot x3ddot y3ddot theta3ddot ...
    R1x R1y J1x J1y J2x J2y R2x R2y];
[A,b] = equationsToMatrix(eqns,vars);

u = A\b;



(3*g*m2*sin(2*theta2) - 9*g*m2*sin(2*theta1) - 6*g*m1*sin(2*theta1) - 3*g*m3*sin(2*theta1) - 3*g*m2*sin(2*theta3) + 3*g*m3*sin(2*theta2) - 3*g*m3*sin(2*theta3) + 3*g*m1*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) + 3*g*m1*sin(2*theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 6*g*m2*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) + 3*g*m2*sin(2*theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 3*g*m3*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) - 3*g*m2*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) + 3*g*m2*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) - 3*g*m3*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 3*g*m2*sin(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 3*g*m3*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) - 3*g*m3*sin(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) - 12*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2) + 4*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta3) - 8*l1*m3*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2) + 2*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*sin(theta2 - 2*theta3) - 10*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - theta2) - 8*l2*m3*theta2dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - theta2) - 2*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - theta3) + 6*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*sin(2*theta2 - theta3) - 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - theta3) + 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*sin(2*theta2 - theta3) - 8*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1) - 20*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1) - 8*l1*m3*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1) + 10*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*sin(theta2) + 8*l2*m3*theta2dot^2*sin(theta2) + 2*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*sin(theta3) + 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*sin(theta3) + 4*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) + 4*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 6*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) + 6*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 2*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*sin(2*theta1 + theta2 - 2*theta3) - 6*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + theta3) - 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + theta3))/(8*(2*m1 + 5*m2 + 2*m3 - 3*m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 2*m1*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) - 2*m3*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 3*m2*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3)))

-(6*g*m1 + 9*g*m2 + 3*g*m3 - 6*g*m1*cos(2*theta1) - 9*g*m2*cos(2*theta1) + 3*g*m2*cos(2*theta2) - 3*g*m3*cos(2*theta1) - 3*g*m2*cos(2*theta3) + 3*g*m3*cos(2*theta2) - 3*g*m3*cos(2*theta3) + 3*g*m1*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) + 3*g*m1*cos(2*theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 6*g*m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) + 3*g*m2*cos(2*theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 3*g*m3*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) - 3*g*m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 6*g*m1*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 3*g*m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) - 3*g*m3*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 9*g*m2*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 3*g*m3*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) - 3*g*m3*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 12*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 - 2*theta2) - 4*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 - 2*theta3) + 8*l1*m3*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 - 2*theta2) - 2*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*cos(theta2 - 2*theta3) - 10*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*cos(2*theta1 - theta2) - 8*l2*m3*theta2dot^2*cos(2*theta1 - theta2) - 2*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*cos(2*theta1 - theta3) + 6*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*cos(2*theta2 - theta3) - 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*cos(2*theta1 - theta3) + 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*cos(2*theta2 - theta3) - 8*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1) - 20*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1) - 8*l1*m3*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1) + 10*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*cos(theta2) + 8*l2*m3*theta2dot^2*cos(theta2) + 2*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*cos(theta3) + 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*cos(theta3) + 4*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) + 4*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 6*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) + 6*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 2*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*cos(2*theta1 + theta2 - 2*theta3) - 6*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + theta3) - 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + theta3))/(8*(2*m1 + 5*m2 + 2*m3 - 3*m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 2*m1*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) - 2*m3*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 3*m2*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3)))

-(6*g*m1*sin(theta1) + 9*g*m2*sin(theta1) + 3*g*m3*sin(theta1) - 3*g*m1*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) - 3*g*m1*sin(theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) - 6*g*m2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) - 3*g*m2*sin(theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) - 3*g*m3*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) + 3*g*m2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2) - 3*g*m2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta3) + 3*g*m3*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2) - 3*g*m3*sin(theta1 - 2*theta3) + 10*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*sin(theta1 - theta2) + 8*l2*m3*theta2dot^2*sin(theta1 - theta2) + 2*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*sin(theta1 - theta3) + 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*sin(theta1 - theta3) + 6*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 2*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) + 4*l1*m3*theta1dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 2*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*sin(theta1 + theta2 - 2*theta3) + 6*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2 + theta3) + 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2 + theta3))/(2*l1*(2*m1 + 5*m2 + 2*m3 - 3*m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 2*m1*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) - 2*m3*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 3*m2*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3)))

-(9*g*m1*sin(2*theta1) - 3*g*m1*sin(2*theta2) + 12*g*m2*sin(2*theta1) + 3*g*m1*sin(2*theta3) - 6*g*m2*sin(2*theta2) + 3*g*m3*sin(2*theta1) + 12*g*m2*sin(2*theta3) - 3*g*m3*sin(2*theta2) + 9*g*m3*sin(2*theta3) - 6*g*m1*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) - 3*g*m1*sin(2*theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) - 3*g*m2*sin(2*theta2 - 2*theta1 + 2*theta3) - 12*g*m2*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) - 3*g*m2*sin(2*theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) - 3*g*m3*sin(2*theta2 - 2*theta1 + 2*theta3) - 6*g*m3*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) - 3*g*m1*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) + 3*g*m1*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) - 3*g*m1*sin(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 3*g*m3*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 3*g*m3*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) + 3*g*m3*sin(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) - 4*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2) + 4*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta3) + 6*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2) - 2*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta3) + 8*l1*m3*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2) + 8*l2*m1*theta2dot^2*sin(theta2 - 2*theta3) + 8*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*sin(theta2 - 2*theta3) + 8*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - theta2) + 8*l2*m3*theta2dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - theta2) + 8*l3*m1*theta3dot^2*sin(2*theta2 - theta3) - 2*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - theta3) + 6*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*sin(2*theta2 - theta3) + 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - theta3) - 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*sin(2*theta2 - theta3) + 12*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1) + 22*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1) + 8*l1*m3*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1) + 8*l2*m1*theta2dot^2*sin(theta2) - 8*l2*m3*theta2dot^2*sin(theta2) - 8*l3*m1*theta3dot^2*sin(theta3) - 22*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*sin(theta3) - 12*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*sin(theta3) - 8*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) - 4*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) - 12*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) - 6*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 2*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*sin(theta2 - 2*theta1 + 2*theta3) - 2*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*sin(2*theta1 + theta2 - 2*theta3) + 6*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*sin(2*theta2 - 2*theta1 + theta3) + 12*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + theta3) + 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*sin(2*theta2 - 2*theta1 + theta3) + 8*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + theta3))/(8*(2*m1 + 5*m2 + 2*m3 - 3*m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 2*m1*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) - 2*m3*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 3*m2*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3)))

-(9*g*m1 + 18*g*m2 + 9*g*m3 - 9*g*m1*cos(2*theta1) + 3*g*m1*cos(2*theta2) - 12*g*m2*cos(2*theta1) - 3*g*m1*cos(2*theta3) + 6*g*m2*cos(2*theta2) - 3*g*m3*cos(2*theta1) - 12*g*m2*cos(2*theta3) + 3*g*m3*cos(2*theta2) - 9*g*m3*cos(2*theta3) + 6*g*m1*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) + 3*g*m1*cos(2*theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 3*g*m2*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta1 + 2*theta3) + 12*g*m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) + 3*g*m2*cos(2*theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 3*g*m3*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta1 + 2*theta3) + 6*g*m3*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) - 3*g*m1*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) + 3*g*m1*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) - 12*g*m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 9*g*m1*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 6*g*m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) - 9*g*m3*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 12*g*m2*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 3*g*m3*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) - 3*g*m3*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) - 4*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 - 2*theta2) + 4*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 - 2*theta3) + 6*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 - 2*theta2) - 2*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 - 2*theta3) + 8*l1*m3*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 - 2*theta2) + 8*l2*m1*theta2dot^2*cos(theta2 - 2*theta3) + 8*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*cos(theta2 - 2*theta3) - 8*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*cos(2*theta1 - theta2) - 8*l2*m3*theta2dot^2*cos(2*theta1 - theta2) - 8*l3*m1*theta3dot^2*cos(2*theta2 - theta3) + 2*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*cos(2*theta1 - theta3) - 6*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*cos(2*theta2 - theta3) - 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*cos(2*theta1 - theta3) + 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*cos(2*theta2 - theta3) - 12*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1) - 22*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1) - 8*l1*m3*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1) - 8*l2*m1*theta2dot^2*cos(theta2) + 8*l2*m3*theta2dot^2*cos(theta2) + 8*l3*m1*theta3dot^2*cos(theta3) + 22*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*cos(theta3) + 12*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*cos(theta3) + 8*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) + 4*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 12*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 - 2*theta2 + 2*theta3) + 6*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*cos(theta1 + 2*theta2 - 2*theta3) - 2*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*cos(theta2 - 2*theta1 + 2*theta3) + 2*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*cos(2*theta1 + theta2 - 2*theta3) - 6*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta1 + theta3) - 12*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + theta3) - 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta1 + theta3) - 8*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2 + theta3))/(8*(2*m1 + 5*m2 + 2*m3 - 3*m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 2*m1*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) - 2*m3*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 3*m2*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3)))

(3*g*m1*sin(theta2) - 3*g*m3*sin(theta2) - 3*g*m1*sin(2*theta1 + theta2 - 2*theta3) + 3*g*m2*sin(theta2 - 2*theta1 + 2*theta3) - 3*g*m2*sin(2*theta1 + theta2 - 2*theta3) + 3*g*m3*sin(theta2 - 2*theta1 + 2*theta3) + 3*g*m1*sin(theta2 - 2*theta3) + 6*g*m2*sin(theta2 - 2*theta3) + 3*g*m3*sin(theta2 - 2*theta3) + 3*g*m1*sin(2*theta1 - theta2) + 6*g*m2*sin(2*theta1 - theta2) + 3*g*m3*sin(2*theta1 - theta2) + 4*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 - theta2) + 18*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 - theta2) + 8*l1*m3*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 - theta2) - 8*l3*m1*theta3dot^2*sin(theta2 - theta3) - 18*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*sin(theta2 - theta3) - 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*sin(theta2 - theta3) + 6*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 4*l2*m1*theta2dot^2*sin(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + 4*l2*m3*theta2dot^2*sin(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 6*l2*m2*theta2dot^2*sin(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) - 4*l1*m1*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 + theta2 - 2*theta3) - 6*l1*m2*theta1dot^2*sin(theta1 + theta2 - 2*theta3) - 6*l3*m2*theta3dot^2*sin(theta2 - 2*theta1 + theta3) - 4*l3*m3*theta3dot^2*sin(theta2 - 2*theta1 + theta3))/(2*l2*(2*m1 + 5*m2 + 2*m3 - 3*m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 2*m1*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3) + m2*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta3) - 2*m3*cos(2*theta1 - 2*theta2) - 3*m2*cos(2*theta2 - 2*theta3)))




Tags: l1sincosm3crossl3m1m2
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-29 21:21:07


在sympy 1.7中,有一个基于多项式域的矩阵的新实现(未记录且主要是实验性的)。虽然这并没有真正向用户公布,但现在solvelinsolvesolve_linear_system使用它来求解线性方程组。其思想是让矩阵中的元素具有类似于numpy数组的dtype的东西,除了这里的数据类型称为“域”,并且基于诸如环和场之类的数学概念,例如ZZ[x, y]具有整系数的xy中的环多项式


In [2]: eqns = [nsimplify(eqn) for eqn in eqns]  # replace floats

In [3]: thetas = [theta1, theta2, theta3]
   ...: reps = {sin(t): s for s, t in zip(symbols('s1:4'), thetas)}
   ...: reps.update({cos(t): c for c, t in zip(symbols('c1:4'), thetas)})
   ...: eqns = [eq.subs(reps) for eq in eqns]    # replace sin/cos


In [5]: M, b = linear_eq_to_matrix(eqns, vars)

In [6]: from sympy.polys.domainmatrix import DomainMatrix

In [7]: dM = DomainMatrix.from_list_sympy(*M.shape, M.tolist())

In [8]: dM
Out[8]: DomainMatrix([[m1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, m1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, m2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, m2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, m3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, m3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1], [-1/2*c1*l1*m1, -1/2*s1*l1*m1, -1/12*l1**2*m1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, c1*l1, -s1*l1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1/2*c2*l2*m2, -1/2*s2*l2*m2, -1/12*l2**2*m2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, c2*l2, -s2*l2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1/2*c3*l3*m3, -1/2*s3*l3*m3, -1/12*l3**2*m3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, c3*l3, s3*l3], [1, 0, -1/2*c1*l1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, -1/2*s1*l1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -c1*l1, 1, 0, -1/2*c2*l2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -s1*l1, 0, 1, -1/2*s2*l2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -c1*l1, 0, 0, -c2*l2, 1, 0, -1/2*c3*l3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -s1*l1, 0, 0, -s2*l2, 0, 1, -1/2*s3*l3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, c1*l1, 0, 0, c2*l2, 0, 0, c3*l3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, s1*l1, 0, 0, s2*l2, 0, 0, s3*l3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], (17, 17), QQ[s1,s2,s3,c1,c2,c3,l1,l2,l3,m1,m2,m3])

In [9]: dM.domain
Out[9]: QQ[s1,s2,s3,c1,c2,c3,l1,l2,l3,m1,m2,m3]

我们看到域是给定符号l1, l2, ...和符号c1, s1等中有理数QQ上的多项式环,我们刚刚替换了cos(theta1), sin(theta1), ...



In [10]: %time p = dM.charpoly()
CPU times: user 1min 2s, sys: 1.56 s, total: 1min 4s
Wall time: 1min 8s

特征多项式系数的表达式很复杂,但基于Berkowitz算法,其速度相对较快: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuelson%E2%80%93Berkowitz_algorithm


In [15]: ps = [dM.domain.to_sympy(pi) for pi in p]

In [18]: sol = ps[0] * b

In [19]: for n in range(1, 17):
    ...:     sol = M*sol + ps[n]*b

In [20]: sol = sol / (-ps[17])  # Divide by the determinant


最终结果应该是一个解决方案,尽管有一个重要的警告。将sin(theta)cos(theta)替换为符号cs忽略了这样一个事实,即它们是代数依赖的,因为c**2 + s**2 = 1。可以建立一个多项式域,该域可以考虑这种代数依赖性,而且实际上可能更有效,因为将进行中间简化(例如,可以减少c的任何幂)。由于这种技术不涉及选择枢轴,唯一的风险是我们可能没有意识到行列式ps[17]何时为零


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