带windows的jupyter notebbok中neuralprophet的安装问题

2024-09-30 03:26:15 发布

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The conflict is caused by:
        neuralprophet 0.2.7 depends on torch<1.7.0 and >=1.4.0
        neuralprophet 0.2.6 depends on torch<1.7.0 and >=1.4.0
        neuralprophet 0.2.5 depends on torch<1.7.0 and >=1.4.0
To fix this you could try to:
    1. loosen the range of package versions you've specified
    2. remove package versions to allow pip attempt to solve the dependency conflict
    ERROR: Cannot install neuralprophet==0.2.5, neuralprophet==0.2.6 and neuralprophet==0.2.7 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.
    ERROR: ResolutionImpossible:


Tags: pipandtheto命令youpackageon
