
2024-09-27 09:29:51 发布

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我试图用右预条件子p实现GMRES算法来求解线性系统Ax=benter image description here。代码运行时没有错误;然而,对我来说,它突然出现了不精确的结果,因为我的误差非常大。对于GMRES方法(在算法中没有预处理矩阵-remove P),我得到的误差约为1e^{-12},并且它收敛于相同的矩阵

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.linalg import norm as norm
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.sparse import diags

"""The program is to split the matrix into D-diagonal; L: strictly lower matrix; U strictly upper matrix
    satisfying: A = D - L - U  """
def splitMat(A):
    n,m = A.shape
    if (n == m):
        diagval = np.diag(A)
        D = diags(diagval,0).toarray()
        L = (-1)*np.tril(A,-1)
        U = (-1)*np.triu(A,1)
        print("A needs to be a square matrix")
    return (L,D,U)

"""Preconditioned Matrix for symmetric successive over-relaxation (SSOR): """
def P_SSOR(A,w): 
    ## Split up matrix A: 
    L,D,U = splitMat(A)
    Comp1 = (D - w*U)
    Comp2 = (D - w*L)
    Comp1inv = np.linalg.inv(Comp1)
    Comp2inv = np.linalg.inv(Comp2)
    P = w*(2-w)*np.matmul(Comp1inv, np.matmul(D,Comp2inv))
    return  P

"""GMRES_SSOR using right preconditioning P: 
A - matrix of linear system Ax = b
x0 - initial guess
tol - tolerance
maxit - maximum iteration """

def myGMRES_SSOR(A,x0, b, tol, maxit):
    matrixSize = A.shape[0] 
    e = np.zeros((maxit+1,1))
    rr = 1
    rstart = 2
    X = x0
    w = 1.9 ## in ssor
    P = P_SSOR(A,w) ### preconditioned matrix 
    ### Starting the GMRES #### 
    for rs in range(0,rstart+1):
        ### first check the residual: 
        if rr<tol: 
            r0 = (b-A.dot(x0))
            rho = norm(r0)
            e[0] = rho 
            H = np.zeros((maxit+1,maxit))
            Qcol = np.zeros((matrixSize, maxit+1))
            Qcol[:,0:1] = r0/rho 
        for k in range(1, maxit+1):
            ### Arnodi procedure ##
            Qcol[:,k] =np.matmul(np.matmul(A,P), Qcol[:,k-1])  ### This step applies P here: 
            for j in range(0,k):
                H[j,k-1] = np.dot(np.transpose(Qcol[:,k]),Qcol[:,j])
                Qcol[:,k] = Qcol[:,k] - (np.dot(H[j,k-1], Qcol[:,j]))
            H[k,k-1] =norm(Qcol[:,k])
            Qcol[:,k] = Qcol[:,k]/H[k,k-1]

            ###  QR decomposition step ### 
            n = k 
            Q = np.zeros((n+1, n))
            R = np.zeros((n, n))
            R[0, 0] = norm(H[0:n+2, 0])
            Q[:, 0] = H[0:n+1, 0] / R[0,0]
            for j in range (0, n+1):
                t = H[0:n+1, j-1]
                for i in range (0, j-1):
                    R[i, j-1] = np.dot(Q[:, i], t)
                    t = t - np.dot(R[i, j-1], Q[:, i])
                R[j-1, j-1] = norm(t)
                Q[:, j-1] = t / R[j-1, j-1]

            g = np.dot(np.transpose(Q), e[0:k+1])
            Y = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(R), g) 

            Res= e[0:n] - np.dot(H[0:n, 0:n], Y[0:n])
            rr = norm(Res) 

            #### second check on the residual ###
            if rr < tol: 

        #### Updating the solution with the preconditioned matrix ####
        X = X  + np.matmul(np.matmul(P,Qcol[:, 0:k]), Y) ### This steps applies P here: 
    return X 

A = np.random.rand(100,100)
x = np.random.rand(100,1)
b = np.matmul(A,x) 
x0 = np.zeros((100,1))
maxit = 100
tol = 0.00001
x = myGMRES_SSOR(A,x0,b,tol,maxit) 
res = b - np.matmul(A,x) 
print("Solution with gmres\n", np.matmul(A,x))
print("b matrix:", b)


Tags: theinimportnormfornpzerosmatrix
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-27 09:29:51


SSOR's Wikipedia entry之后,我用

def P_SSOR(A,w): 
    L,D,U = splitMat(A)
    P = 2/(2-w) * (1/w*D+L)*np.linalg.inv(D)*(1/w*D+L).T
    return P


A = np.random.rand(100,100)
A = A + A.T


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