
2024-10-05 13:20:26 发布

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我在地图上有特定的点,我需要将它们分组到具有相同大小的不同簇,最后一个簇可以是count %n。我读了这些答案12、和3,但没有帮助。我尝试过不同的方法,但没有一种有效。在这段代码中,我指定了n_clusters=4,因为这是一个集群的最佳数量,我可以对它们进行排序,并从排序的点获取n个最佳点,然后我将遍历所有点。例如,我需要图中所示的32点是集群到4集群,并且每个集群都有8enter image description here

dfcluster = DataFrame(position, columns=['x', 'y'])
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=4).fit(dfcluster)
centroids = kmeans.cluster_centers_

# plt.scatter(dfcluster['x'], dfcluster['y'], c=kmeans.labels_.astype(float), s=50, alpha=0.5)
# plt.scatter(centroids[:, 0], centroids[:, 1], c='red', s=50)
# plt.show()
dfcluster['cluster'] = kmeans.labels_
dfcluster=dfcluster.drop_duplicates(['x', 'y'], keep='last')
dfcluster = dfcluster.sort_values(['cluster', 'x', 'y'], ascending=True)
# d=pd.DataFrame()
# m = pd.DataFrame()
# n=8
# for x in range(4) :
#     m= dfcluster[dfcluster.cluster == x]
#     if len(m) > int( n /2)-1:
#         m=m.head(int(n/2)-1)
#         # for idx, row in m.iterrows():
#         #     print("code3 group",  "=", row['cluster'])
#         d=d.append(m,ignore_index = True)
#     else :
#         d=d.append(m,ignore_index = True)
# if len(d)>=n:
#     dfcluster = d
# dfcluster.groupby('cluster').nth(n))
if (len(dfcluster )< n):

Tags: truedataframelabelslenif排序集群plt

我发现这个模块使用了Same Size Constrained K-Means Heuristics: Use Heuristics methods to reach the same size clustering,它给出了相同大小的组

我从pip install size-constrained-clusteringpip install git+https://github.com/jingw2/size_constrained_clustering.git开始,您可以使用minmax flowHeuristics

n_samples = 2000
n_clusters = 3
X = np.random.rand(n_samples, 2)

model = equal.SameSizeKMeansMinCostFlow(n_clusters)

#model = equal.SameSizeKMeansHeuristics(n_clusters)
centers = model.cluster_centers_
labels = model.labels_


pip install k-means-constrained


from k_means_constrained import KMeansConstrained
import warnings
import base
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
class SameSizeKMeansMinCostFlow(base.Base):

    def __init__(self, n_clusters, max_iters=1000, distance_func=cdist, random_state=42):
            n_clusters (int): number of clusters
            max_iters (int): maximum iterations
            distance_func (object): callable function with input (X, centers) / None, by default is l2-distance
            random_state (int): random state to initiate, by default it is 42
        super(SameSizeKMeansMinCostFlow, self).__init__(n_clusters, max_iters, distance_func)
        self.clf = None

    def fit(self, X):
        n_samples, n_features = X.shape
        minsize = n_samples // self.n_clusters
        maxsize = (n_samples + self.n_clusters - 1) // self.n_clusters

        clf = KMeansConstrained(self.n_clusters, size_min=minsize,

        if minsize != maxsize:
            warnings.warn("Cluster minimum and maximum size are {} and {}, respectively".format(minsize, maxsize))


        self.clf = clf
        self.cluster_centers_ = self.clf.cluster_centers_
        self.labels_ = self.clf.labels_

    def predict(self, X):
        return self.clf.predict(X)


#!usr/bin/python 3.7

@file: base.py, base for clustering algorithm
@Author: Jing Wang (jingw2@foxmail.com)
@Date: 06/07/2020
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
import numpy as np 
import warnings
import scipy.sparse as sp

import os 
import sys 
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
from k_means_constrained.sklearn_import.utils.extmath import stable_cumsum

class Base(object):

    def __init__(self, n_clusters, max_iters, distance_func=cdist):
        Base Cluster object

            n_clusters (int): number of clusters 
            max_iters (int): maximum iterations
            distance_func (callable function): distance function callback
        assert isinstance(n_clusters, int)
        assert n_clusters >= 1
        assert isinstance(max_iters, int)
        assert max_iters >= 1
        self.n_clusters = n_clusters 
        self.max_iters = max_iters
        if distance_func is not None and not callable(distance_func):
            raise Exception("Distance function is not callable")
        self.distance_func = distance_func

    def fit(self, X):

    def predict(self, X):

def k_init(X, n_clusters, x_squared_norms, random_state=42, distance_func=cdist, n_local_trials=None):
    """Init n_clusters seeds according to k-means++

    X : array or sparse matrix, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        The data to pick seeds for. To avoid memory copy, the input data
        should be double precision (dtype=np.float64).

    n_clusters : integer
        The number of seeds to choose

    x_squared_norms : array, shape (n_samples,)
        Squared Euclidean norm of each data point.

    random_state : int, RandomState instance
        The generator used to initialize the centers. Use an int to make the
        randomness deterministic.
        See :term:`Glossary <random_state>`.

    n_local_trials : integer, optional
        The number of seeding trials for each center (except the first),
        of which the one reducing inertia the most is greedily chosen.
        Set to None to make the number of trials depend logarithmically
        on the number of seeds (2+log(k)); this is the default.

    Selects initial cluster centers for k-mean clustering in a smart way
    to speed up convergence. see: Arthur, D. and Vassilvitskii, S.
    "k-means++: the advantages of careful seeding". ACM-SIAM symposium
    on Discrete algorithms. 2007

    Version ported from http://www.stanford.edu/~darthur/kMeansppTest.zip,
    which is the implementation used in the aforementioned paper.
    n_samples, n_features = X.shape

    centers = np.empty((n_clusters, n_features), dtype=X.dtype)

    assert x_squared_norms is not None, 'x_squared_norms None in _k_init'

    # Set the number of local seeding trials if none is given
    if n_local_trials is None:
        # This is what Arthur/Vassilvitskii tried, but did not report
        # specific results for other than mentioning in the conclusion
        # that it helped.
        n_local_trials = 2 + int(np.log(n_clusters))

    # Pick first center randomly
    center_id = random_state.randint(n_samples)
    if sp.issparse(X):
        centers[0] = X[center_id].toarray()
        centers[0] = X[center_id]

    # Initialize list of closest distances and calculate current potential
    closest_dist_sq = distance_func(
        centers[0, np.newaxis], X)
    current_pot = closest_dist_sq.sum()

    # Pick the remaining n_clusters-1 points
    for c in range(1, n_clusters):
        # Choose center candidates by sampling with probability proportional
        # to the squared distance to the closest existing center
        rand_vals = random_state.random_sample(n_local_trials) * current_pot
        candidate_ids = np.searchsorted(stable_cumsum(closest_dist_sq),
        # XXX: numerical imprecision can result in a candidate_id out of range
        np.clip(candidate_ids, None, closest_dist_sq.size - 1,

        # Compute distances to center candidates
        # distance_to_candidates = euclidean_distances(
        #     X[candidate_ids], X, Y_norm_squared=x_squared_norms, squared=True)
        distance_to_candidates = distance_func(X[candidate_ids], X)

        # update closest distances squared and potential for each candidate
        np.minimum(closest_dist_sq, distance_to_candidates,
        candidates_pot = distance_to_candidates.sum(axis=1)

        # Decide which candidate is the best
        best_candidate = np.argmin(candidates_pot)
        current_pot = candidates_pot[best_candidate]
        closest_dist_sq = distance_to_candidates[best_candidate]
        best_candidate = candidate_ids[best_candidate]

        # Permanently add best center candidate found in local tries
        if sp.issparse(X):
            centers[c] = X[best_candidate].toarray()
            centers[c] = X[best_candidate]

    return centers


如果要根据接近程度将数据分成4个同样大的组,则应确定距离最远的4个点,然后迭代地向这些数据点添加最近的邻居,以防这些数据点不在群集中。 但我不希望这看起来很漂亮

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