
2024-10-01 15:38:11 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文



abc.exe TryEndHand [520] 30-4-2020 8:8:52.786  [3636] Handshake value
Executing end handlier

abc.exe QueueSharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.583  [3760] Create the general message 
Error Occured!! 30-4-2020 8:9:29.93  [2932] WARNING cannot remove qid
def.exe SharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.584  [3636] Create the general different message 


abc1.exe TryEndHand [520] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.786  [3636] Handshake value 
abc1.exe QueueSharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:52.58  [3760] Create the general message 
def1.exe SharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.53  [3636] Create the general different message


输入文件N: ...........


abc.exe TryEndHand [520] 30-4-2020 8:8:52.786  [3636] Handshake value 
Executing end handlier
Error Occured!! 30-4-2020 8:9:29.93  [2932] WARNING cannot remove qid
abc.exe QueueSharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.583  [3760] Create the general message 
abc1.exe TryEndHand [520] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.786  [3636] Handshake value
def1.exe SharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.53  [3636] Create the general different message 
def.exe SharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.584  [3636] Create the general different message 
abc1.exe QueueSharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:52.58  [3760] Create the general message 

请帮助根据输出文件中以粗体字母显示的日期和时间戳生成排序日志。 请注意,输入文件包含空格和不带时间戳的语句,还包含错误案例。

Tags: 文件themessagevaluecreateexegeneralabc


import os
# pip install datefinder
import datefinder
# pip install pandas
import pandas as pd

PATH = './input_files/'
# a dictonary with key - datetime and values - substrings
df_dict = dict()
for in_file in os.listdir(PATH):
    # read input files one by one
    input_file = open(os.path.join(PATH,in_file)).read()
    # to store prev datetime to handle lines with no datetime
    prev_dt = 0
    for line in input_file.splitlines():
        # parse lines one by one
        if line.strip():
            pre, dt, post, raw_dt = '', 0, '', 0
            # using datefinder to extract datetime
            for match in datefinder.find_dates(line, index=True, source=True):
                # change valid year conditions accoring to use_case
                if match[0].year == 2020:
                    dt, pre, raw_dt, post  = match[1], line[:match[2][0]], match[1], line[match[2][1]:]
            if dt:
                prev_dt = dt
                df_dict[dt] = [pre, raw_dt, post]
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dt_dict, orient='index')
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
next_lines = df.pop(3)
df = pd.concat([df,next_lines]).dropna(how='all').fillna('').sort_index()

output =df[df.columns].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x), axis=1)
output.to_csv('output.txt', header=False, index=None)


abc.exe TryEndHand [520] 30-4-2020 8:8:52.786 [3636] Handshake value
Executing end handlier  
Error Occured!! 30-4-2020 8:9:29.93 [2932] WARNING cannot remove qid
def1.exe SharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.53 [3636] Create the general different message
abc.exe QueueSharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.583 [3760] Create the general message 
def.exe SharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.584 [3636] Create the general different message
abc1.exe TryEndHand [520] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.786 [3636] Handshake value 
abc1.exe QueueSharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:52.58 [3760] Create the general message


def main():

    import re
    from datetime import datetime

    with open("log1.txt", "r") as log_1, open("log2.txt", "r") as log_2:
        all_lines = log_1.read().splitlines() + log_2.read().splitlines()

    for line in sorted(all_lines, key=lambda s: datetime.strptime(re.search("\\] ([^\\[]+) \\[", s).group(1), "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S.%f")):

    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys


abc1.exe TryEndHand [520] 30-4-2020 8:8:51.786 [3636] Handshake value from driver = 1
abc.exe TryEndHand [520] 30-4-2020 8:8:52.786 [3636] Handshake value from driver = 1
def1.exe SharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.53 [3636] Create the general different message
abc.exe QueueSharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.583 [3760] Create the general message
def.exe SharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.584 [3636] Create the general different message
abc1.exe QueueSharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:52.58 [3760] Create the general message



def main():

    from pathlib import Path
    from contextlib import ExitStack

    with ExitStack() as stack:
        def get_line():
            for file in (stack.enter_context(path.open()) for path in Path("logs/").glob("*.txt")):
                for line in file.read().splitlines():
                    yield line
        all_lines = list(get_line())

    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys


def main():

    from pathlib import Path
    from contextlib import ExitStack
    import re
    from datetime import datetime
    from itertools import groupby

    with ExitStack() as stack:
        def get_line():
            for file in (stack.enter_context(path.open()) for path in Path("logs/").glob("*.txt")):
                for line in filter(None, file.read().splitlines()):
                    yield line
        all_lines = list(get_line())

    pattern = "(?P<timestamp>{}-{}-{} {}:{}:{}\\.{})".format(*["\\d+"] * 7)
    strptime_fmt = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S.%f"

    def get_group():
        group = []
        for line in all_lines:
            match = re.search(pattern, line)
            if group:
                if match is None:
                    yield group
                    group = [line]
                if match is not None:
        yield group

    for group in sorted(list(get_group()), key=lambda g: datetime.strptime(re.search(pattern, g[0]).group("timestamp"), strptime_fmt)):
        for line in group:
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys


abc.exe TryEndHand [520] 30-4-2020 8:8:52.786  [3636] Handshake value
Executing end handlier
Error Occured!! 30-4-2020 8:9:29.93  [2932] WARNING cannot remove qid
def1.exe SharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.53  [3636] Create the general different message
abc.exe QueueSharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.583  [3760] Create the general message 
def.exe SharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.584  [3636] Create the general different message
abc1.exe TryEndHand [520] 30-5-2020 8:8:51.786  [3636] Handshake value 
abc1.exe QueueSharedCreateNamed [488] 30-5-2020 8:8:52.58  [3760] Create the general message 

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