
2024-09-30 07:26:56 发布

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import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
        "I think the movie is fantastic. Shame it's so short!",
        "How did they make it?",
        "I had a fantastic time at the cinema last night!",
        "I really disliked the cast",
        "the film was sad and boring",
        "Absolutely loved the movie! Can't wait to see part 2",

keywords = ['movie', 'great', 'fantastic', 'loved']

query = '|'.join(keywords)
df['word'] = df['opinions'].str.extract( '({})'.format(query) )



enter image description here

Tags: the代码df列表it关键字moviequery


import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
        "I think the movie is fantastic. Shame it's so short!",
        "How did they make it?",
        "I had a fantastic time at the cinema last night!",
        "I really disliked the cast",
        "the film was sad and boring",
        "Absolutely loved the movie! Can't wait to see part 2",
        "He has greatness within"

keywords = ['movie', 'great', 'fantastic', 'loved']

query = '|'.join(keywords)
df['word'] = df['opinions'].str.findall(r'\b({})\b'.format(query))



                                            opinions                word
0  I think the movie is fantastic. Shame it's so ...  [movie, fantastic]
1                              How did they make it?                  []
2   I had a fantastic time at the cinema last night!         [fantastic]
3                         I really disliked the cast                  []
4                        the film was sad and boring                  []
5  Absolutely loved the movie! Can't wait to see ...      [loved, movie]
6                            He has greatness within                  []




import pandas as pd
import trrex as tx

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'opinions': [
        "I think the movie is fantastic. Shame it's so short!",
        "How did they make it?",
        "I had a fantastic time at the cinema last night!",
        "I really disliked the cast",
        "the film was sad and boring",
        "Absolutely loved the movie! Can't wait to see part 2",
        "He has greatness within"

keywords = ['movie', 'great', 'fantastic', 'loved']
query = tx.make(keywords, left=r"\b(", right=r")\b")

df['word'] = df['opinions'].str.findall(r'{}'.format(query))



                                            opinions                word
0  I think the movie is fantastic. Shame it's so ...  [movie, fantastic]
1                              How did they make it?                  []
2   I had a fantastic time at the cinema last night!         [fantastic]
3                         I really disliked the cast                  []
4                        the film was sad and boring                  []
5  Absolutely loved the movie! Can't wait to see ...      [loved, movie]
6                            He has greatness within                  []

有关性能的比较,请参见下图: enter image description here




Find all occurrences of pattern or regular expression in the Series/Index.

Equivalent to applying re.findall() to all the elements in the Series/Index.

                                                opinions                word
    0  I think the movie is fantastic. Shame it's so ...  [movie, fantastic]
    1                              How did they make it?                  []
    2   I had a fantastic time at the cinema last night!         [fantastic]
    3                         I really disliked the cast                  []
    4                        the film was sad and boring                  []
    5  Absolutely loved the movie! Can't wait to see ...      [loved, movie]

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