
2024-05-20 03:14:48 发布

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Tags: 标记证据help句子word段落文字tokenize

nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(text)只是一个薄的wrapper function,它调用TreebankWordTokenizer类实例的tokenize方法,显然它使用简单的regex来解析一个句子。在


This tokenizer assumes that the text has already been segmented into sentences. Any periods apart from those at the end of a string are assumed to be part of the word they are attached to (e.g. for abbreviations, etc), and are not separately tokenized.


def tokenize(self, text):
    for regexp in self.CONTRACTIONS2:
        text = regexp.sub(r'\1 \2', text)
    for regexp in self.CONTRACTIONS3:
        text = regexp.sub(r'\1 \2 \3', text)

    # Separate most punctuation
    text = re.sub(r"([^\w\.\'\-\/,&])", r' \1 ', text)

    # Separate commas if they're followed by space.
    # (E.g., don't separate 2,500)
    text = re.sub(r"(,\s)", r' \1', text)

    # Separate single quotes if they're followed by a space.
    text = re.sub(r"('\s)", r' \1', text)

    # Separate periods that come before newline or end of string.
    text = re.sub('\. *(\n|$)', ' . ', text)

    return text.split()




>>> nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize("Hello, world. How are you?") 
['Hello', ',', 'world.', 'How', 'are', 'you', '?']



>>> from string import punctuation as punct
>>> sent = "Mr President, Mr President-in-Office, indeed we know that the MED-TV channel and the newspaper Özgür Politika provide very in-depth information. And we know the subject matter. Does the Council in fact plan also to use these channels to provide information to the Kurds who live in our countries? My second question is this: what means are currently being applied to integrate the Kurds in Europe?"
# Add spaces before punctuations
>>> for ch in sent:
...     if ch in punct:
...             sent = sent.replace(ch, " "+ch+" ")
# Remove double spaces if it happens after adding spaces before punctuations.
>>> sent = " ".join(sent.split())



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