
2024-09-30 14:28:40 发布

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import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

#Importing the original image and init the output image
img = plt.imread('/home/left/Desktop/computerVision/SET1/brain0030slice150_101x101.png',0)
outImg = np.zeros_like(img)

# Dimensions of the input image and output image (the same dimensions)
(width , height) = (img.shape[0], img.shape[1])

# Initialize the transformation matrix
T = np.array([[2,0,0], [0,2,0], [0,0,1]])

# Make an array with input image (x,y) coordinations and add [0 0 ... 1] row
coords = np.indices((width, height), 'uint8').reshape(2, -1)
coords = np.vstack((coords, np.zeros(coords.shape[1], 'uint8')))

output = T @ coords

# Arrays of x and y coordinations of the output image within the image dimensions
x_array, y_array = output[0] ,output[1]
indices = np.where((x_array >= 0) & (x_array < width) & (y_array >= 0) & (y_array < height))

# Final coordinations of the output image
fx, fy = x_array[indices], y_array[indices]

# Final output image after the affine transformation
outImg[fx, fy] = img[fx, fy]


enter image description here


enter image description here

Tags: andofthe图像imageimgoutputnp

如果您需要手动执行此操作,则只需在调整大小的图像中检测暗像素,并将其值更改为4个相邻像素的平均值(例如,这取决于所需的alghoritm) 见:东北邻、双线性、双三次等

您可以简单地使用opencv resize函数

import cv2 
new_image = cv2.resize(image, new_dim, interpolation=cv.INTER_AREA)


more on cv2.resize

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