
2024-09-30 01:31:05 发布

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下面是我从中提取单词的文本字符串示例: "The SARs were leaked to the Buzzfeed website and shared with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). Panorama led the research for the BBC as part of a global probe. The ICIJ led the reporting of the Panama Papers and Paradise Papers leaks - secret files detailing the offshore activities of the wealthy and the famous. Fergus Shiel, from the consortium, said the FinCEN Files are an insight into what banks know about the vast flows of dirty money across the globe… [The] system that is meant to regulate the flows of tainted money is broken. The leaked SARs had been submitted to the US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FinCEN between 2000 and 2017 and cover transactions worth about $2 trillion. FinCEN said the leak could impact US national security, risk investigations, and threaten the safety of those who file the reports. But last week it announced proposals to overhaul its anti-money laundering programmes. The UK also unveiled plans to reform its register of company information to clamp down on fraud and money laundering.The investment scam that HSBC was warned about was called WCM777. It led to the death of investor Reynaldo Pacheco, who was found under water on a wine estate in Napa, California, in April 2014. Police say he had been bludgeoned with rocks. He signed up to the scheme and was expected to recruit other investors. The promise was everyone would get rich. A woman Mr Pacheco, 44, introduced lost about $3,000. That led to the killing by men hired to kidnap him. He literally was trying to… make people's lives better, and he himself was scammed, and conned, and he unfortunately paid for it with his life,said Sgt Chris Pacheco (no relation), one of the officers who investigated the killing. Reynaldo, he said, was murdered for being a victim in a Ponzi scheme."


[('Buzzfeed', 28, 36, 'ORG'), ('International Consortium of Investigative Journalists', 61, 118, 'ORG'), ('Panorama', 127, 135, 'ORG'), ('BBC', 161, 164, 'ORG'), ('Panama Papers', 222, 239, 'ORG'), ('Fergus Shiel', 346, 358, 'PERSON'), ('Files', 397, 402, 'PRODUCT'), ('US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network', 608, 651, 'ORG'), ('FinCEN', 733, 739, 'ORG'), ('US', 767, 769, 'GPE'), ('last week', 869, 878, 'DATE'), ('UK', 956, 958, 'GPE'), ('HSBC', 1094, 1098, 'ORG'), ('Reynaldo Pacheco', 1167, 1183, 'PERSON'), ('Napa', 1231, 1235, 'GPE'), ('California', 1237, 1247, 'GPE'), ('April 2014', 1252, 1262, 'DATE'), ('Mr Pacheco', 1431, 1441, 'PERSON'), ('44', 1443, 1445, 'DATE'), ('Sgt Chris Pacheco', 1677, 1694, 'PERSON')]

Tags: andofthetoorgled单词about


for w in sorted(words, key=lambda x:-x[1]):
    text = text[:w[1]] + '[' + text[w[1]:w[2]] + ']' + text[w[2]:]


SARs被泄露到[Buzzfeed]网站,并与[国际调查记者联合会](ICIJ)共享。作为全球调查的一部分,[Panorama]领导了[BBC]的研究。ICIJ领导了[巴拿马报]和天堂报泄密的报道,这两份机密文件详述了富人和名人的海外活动。该财团的Fergus Shiel表示,FinCEN[文件]是一个洞察银行对全球范围内大量脏钱流动情况的洞察....旨在监管受污染资金流动的[系统]被打破了。泄漏的SARs已于2000年至2017年间提交给[美国金融犯罪执法网络]或FinCEN,涉及价值约2万亿美元的交易。FinCEN表示,泄漏可能影响[美国]国家安全、风险调查,并威胁提交报告者的安全。但[上周]它宣布了全面改革其反洗钱计划的建议。[英国]还公布了改革其公司信息登记册的计划,以打击欺诈和洗钱。汇丰银行被警告的投资欺诈被称为WCM777。这导致投资者[Reynaldo Pacheco]死亡,他于[2014年4月]在加利福尼亚州[Napa]的一个葡萄酒庄园的水下被发现。警方说他被石头殴打。他签署了该计划,并有望招募其他投资者。承诺是每个人都会变得富有。一名妇女[帕切科先生],[44],损失约3000美元。这导致被雇来绑架他的人杀害。调查这起谋杀案的警官之一[克里斯·帕切科中士](无亲属)说:“他实际上是在试图……改善人们的生活,他自己也被骗上当,不幸的是,他为此付出了生命代价。”。他说,雷纳尔多因为是庞氏骗局的受害者而被谋杀

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l=[list(i) for i in l]
for i in range(len(l)):
    x1, x2=l[i][1], l[i][2]
    t=t[:x1]+ '[' + t[x1:x2] + ']' +t[x2:]
    for k in range(i+1, len(l)):


"The SARs were leaked to the [Buzzfeed] website and shared with [the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists] (ICIJ). [Panorama] led the research for the [BBC] as part of a global probe. The ICIJ led the reporting of [the Panama Papers] and Paradise Papers leaks - secret files detailing the offshore activities of the wealthy and the famous. [Fergus Shiel], from the consortium, said the FinCEN [Files] are an insight into what banks know about the vast flows of dirty money across the globe… [The] system that is meant to regulate the flows of tainted money is broken. The leaked SARs had been submitted to [the US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network], or FinCEN between 2000 and 2017 and cover transactions worth about $2 trillion. [FinCEN] said the leak could impact [US] national security, risk investigations, and threaten the safety of those who file the reports. But [last week] it announced proposals to overhaul its anti-money laundering programmes. The [UK] also unveiled plans to reform its register of company information to clamp down on fraud and money laundering.The investment scam that [HSBC] was warned about was called WCM777. It led to the death of investor [Reynaldo Pacheco], who was found under water on a wine estate in [Napa], [California], in [April 2014]. Police say he had been bludgeoned with rocks. He signed up to the scheme and was expected to recruit other investors. The promise was everyone would get rich. A woman [Mr Pacheco], [44], introduced lost about $3,000. That led to the killing by men hired to kidnap him. He literally was trying to… make people's lives better, and he himself was scammed, and conned, and he unfortunately paid for it with his life,said [Sgt Chris Pacheco] (no relation), one of the officers who investigated the killing. Reynaldo, he said, was murdered for being a victim in a Ponzi scheme."


text = "The SARs were leaked..."
keywords_indexed = [('Buzzfeed', 28, 36, 'ORG'), ...]

# Construct a set of keywords that we want to bracket
words_to_bracket = set(k[0] for k in keywords_indexed)

# Replace every instance of a word-to-be-bracketed
bracketed_text = text
for word in words_to_bracket:
    bracketed_text = bracketed_text.replace(word, "[{}]".format(word))






The SARs were leaked to the [Buzzfeed] website and shared with the [International Consortium of Investigative Journalists] (ICIJ). [Panorama] led the research for the [BBC] as part of a global probe. The ICIJ led the reporting of the [Panama Papers] and Paradise Papers leaks - secret files detailing the offshore activities of the wealthy and the famous. [Fergus Shiel], from the consortium, said the [FinCEN] [Files] are an insight into what banks know about the vast flows of dirty money across the globe… [The] system that is meant to regulate the flows of tainted money is broken. The leaked SARs had been submitted to the [US] Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or [FinCEN] between 2000 and 2017 and cover transactions worth about $2 trillion. [FinCEN] said the leak could impact [US] national security, risk investigations, and threaten the safety of those who file the reports. But [last week] it announced proposals to overhaul its anti-money laundering programmes. The [UK] also unveiled plans to reform its register of company information to clamp down on fraud and money laundering.The investment scam that [HSBC] was warned about was called WCM777. It led to the death of investor [Reynaldo Pacheco], who was found under water on a wine estate in [Napa], [California], in [April 2014]. Police say he had been bludgeoned with rocks. He signed up to the scheme and was expected to recruit other investors. The promise was everyone would get rich. A woman [Mr Pacheco], [44], introduced lost about $3,000. That led to the killing by men hired to kidnap him. He literally was trying to… make people's lives better, and he himself was scammed, and conned, and he unfortunately paid for it with his life,said [Sgt Chris Pacheco] (no relation), one of the officers who investigated the killing. Reynaldo, he said, was murdered for being a victim in a Ponzi scheme.

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