
2024-09-27 21:31:56 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


# A game that will tell that the news is fake or not.

# Welcome message
print("Want to know that a news is fake or not?\nYou are at a right place. Welcome to\nAt here we provide the news which is not fake and you can add more news if you want!!\nSo are you excited? Let's get started\n")

# User input + print for input
print("What thing you want do?")
print("1: Ask a news is fake or not?\n2: Tell a news it is fake or not\n")
number = int(input("We will answer your question just enter the number. Press ctrl+c anywhere if you want to exit: "))

# if then else

# Appending part
if number == 2:
    number = int(input("What is the number of news you are adding?: "))
    whatAreYouTelling = input("What news you want to say? Not include that the news is false or true: ")
    with open('news.txt', 'a') as f:
        a = f.write(f"\n{number}: {whatAreYouTelling}")
    trueOrFalse = input("Is the fact true(T) or false(F)?")
    if trueOrFalse == "t" or trueOrFalse == "T":
        fact = True

    elif trueOrFalse == "f" or trueOrFalse == "F":
        fact = False


# Reading part
elif number == 1:
    with open('news.txt', 'r') as f:
        a =

    news = int(input("What news do you want to ask? Enter number: "))

    if news == 1:
        fact = False
        print(f"The news is {fact}.")

    elif news == 2:
        fact = True
        print(f"The news is {fact}")

    elif news > 2:

# print("\nThanks for using our news service. I hope you like it\n Created by Anant Gupta\n Class 7D\n Homework: ATL")


[anant@anant-hpprobook440g4 atlProject]$ python -u "/home/anant/Desktop/anant/codingPlayground/pythonProject/atlProject/"
Want to know that a news is fake or not?
You are at a right place. Welcome to
At here we provide the news which is not fake and you can add more news if you want!!
So are you excited? Let's get started

What thing you want do?
1: Ask a news is fake or not?
2: Tell a news it is fake or not

We will answer your question just enter the number. Press ctrl+c anywhere if you want to exit: 2
What is the number of news you are adding?: 3
What news you want to say? Not include that the news is false or true: Hello I am nothing
Is the fact true(T) or false(F)?F
[anant@anant-hpprobook440g4 atlProject]$ python -u "/home/anant/Desktop/anant/codingPlayground/pythonProject/atlProject/"
Want to know that a news is fake or not?
You are at a right place. Welcome to
At here we provide the news which is not fake and you can add more news if you want!!
So are you excited? Let's get started

What thing you want do?
1: Ask a news is fake or not?
2: Tell a news it is fake or not

We will answer your question just enter the number. Press ctrl+c anywhere if you want to exit: 1
1: Obama tweeted 'ashamed to shake hands with Modi'
2: Kamala Harris hasn't attacked Indian government on farmers
3: Hello I am nothing
What news do you want to ask? Enter number: 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/anant/Desktop/anant/codingPlayground/pythonProject/atlProject/", line 51, in <module>
NameError: name 'trueOrFalse' is not defined
[anant@anant-hpprobook440g4 atlProject]$ 


Tags: orthetoyounumberifisnot
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-27 21:31:56


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