
2024-06-01 11:18:29 发布

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我在Python numpy数组中有一个3D向量的时间序列,类似于以下内容:

array([[-0.062, -0.024,  1.   ],
       [-0.071, -0.03 ,  0.98 ],
       [-0.08 , -0.035,  0.991],
       [-0.083, -0.035,  0.98 ],
       [-0.083, -0.035,  0.977],
       [-0.082, -0.035,  0.993],
       [-0.08 , -0.034,  1.006],
       [-0.081, -0.032,  1.008],


v1 = np.array ([1, -2, 0])
axis = np.array([-4, -2,  3])
theta = 1.5

rot_axis = np.insert(axis, 0, 0, axis=0)
axis_angle = (theta*0.5) * rot_axis/np.linalg.norm(rot_axis)
vec = quat.quaternion(*v1)
qlog = quat.quaternion(*axis_angle)
q = np.exp(qlog)
v_prime = q * vec * np.conjugate(q)
v_prime_vec = v_prime.imag




Tags: numpynp数组array向量primev1axis



def rotate_vectors(vecs, axis):
    Rotate a list of 3D [x,y,z] vectors about corresponding 3D axis
    [x,y,z] with norm equal to the rotation angle in radians

    vectors : numpy.ndarray with shape [n,3]
        list of [x,y,z] cartesian vector coordinates
    axis : numpy.ndarray with shape [3]
        [x,y,z] axis to rotate corresponding vectors about
    # Make an 4 x n array of zeros
    vecs4 = np.zeros([vecs.shape[0],vecs.shape[1]+1])
    # Fill the imaginary i, j, k components with x, y, z values, leaving the real part w=0
    vecs4[:,1:] = vecs
    # Convert to quaternion array
    vecsq = quat.as_quat_array(vecs4)

    # Make a rotation quaternion
    qrot = quat.from_rotation_vector(axis)
    # Rotate vectors
    vecsq_rotated = qrot * vecsq * qrot.conjugate()
    # Cast quaternion array to float and return only imaginary components (ignore real part)
    return quat.as_float_array(vecsq_rotated)[:,1:]


def rotate_vectors_each(vecs, axes):
    Rotate a list of 3D [x,y,z] vectors about corresponding 3D axes
    [x,y,z] with norm equal to the rotation angle in radians

    vectors : numpy.ndarray with shape [n,3]
        list of [x,y,z] cartesian vector coordinates
    axes : numpy.ndarray with shape [n,3]
        axes to rotate corresponding vectors about
        n = pulse shape time domain
        3 = [x,y,z]
    # Make an 4 x n array of zeros
    vecs4 = np.zeros([vecs.shape[0],vecs.shape[1]+1])
    # Fill the imaginary i, j, k components with x, y, z values, leaving the real part w=0
    vecs4[:,1:] = vecs
    # Convert to quaternion array
    vecsq = quat.as_quat_array(vecs4)

    # Make an 4 x n array of zeros
    rots4 = np.zeros([rots.shape[0],rots.shape[1]+1])
    # Fill the imaginary i, j, k components with x, y, z values, leaving the real part w=0
    rots4[:,1:] = rots
    # Convert to quaternion array and take exponential
    qrots = np.exp(quat.as_quat_array(0.5 * rots4))

    # Rotate vectors
    vecsq_rotated = qrots * vecsq * qrots.conjugate()

    return quat.as_float_array(vecsq_rotated)[:,1:]



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