
2024-09-28 03:20:37 发布

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predictions[predictions < 0] = 0
scaled_predictions = (predictions - np.min(predictions)) / (np.max(predictions) - np.min(predictions))


<ipython-input-17-4d18bbcabb28> in run_metrics(model_type, trained_weights, vid_number)
---> 72             auc_borji_score.append( AUC_Borji(scaled_predictions[i], fixation[i]) )

<ipython-input-5-0f936e3c9c4f> in AUC_Borji(saliency_map, fixation_map, n_rep, step_size, rand_sampler)
    210     for rep in range(n_rep):
--> 211         thresholds = np.r_[0:np.max(np.r_[S_fix, S_rand[:,rep]]):step_size][::-1]
    212         tp = np.zeros(len(thresholds)+2)
    213         fp = np.zeros(len(thresholds)+2)

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/numpy/lib/ in __getitem__(self, key)
    349                     newobj = linspace(start, stop, num=size)
    350                 else:
--> 351                     newobj = _nx.arange(start, stop, step)
    352                 if ndmin > 1:
    353                     newobj = array(newobj, copy=False, ndmin=ndmin)

ValueError: arange: cannot compute length


def AUC_Borji(saliency_map, fixation_map, n_rep=100, step_size=0.1, rand_sampler=None):
    This measures how well the saliency map of an image predicts the ground truth human fixations on the image.
    ROC curve created by sweeping through threshold values at fixed step size
    until the maximum saliency map value.
    True positive (tp) rate correspond to the ratio of saliency map values above threshold
    at fixation locations to the total number of fixation locations.
    False positive (fp) rate correspond to the ratio of saliency map values above threshold
    at random locations to the total number of random locations
    (as many random locations as fixations, sampled uniformly from fixation_map ALL IMAGE PIXELS),
    averaging over n_rep number of selections of random locations.
    saliency_map : real-valued matrix
    fixation_map : binary matrix
        Human fixation map.
    n_rep : int, optional
        Number of repeats for random sampling of non-fixated locations.
    step_size : int, optional
        Step size for sweeping through saliency map.
    rand_sampler : callable
        S_rand = rand_sampler(S, F, n_rep, n_fix)
        Sample the saliency map at random locations to estimate false positive.
        Return the sampled saliency values, S_rand.shape=(n_fix,n_rep)
    AUC : float, between [0,1]
    saliency_map = np.array(saliency_map, copy=False)
    fixation_map = np.array(fixation_map, copy=False) > 0.5
    # If there are no fixation to predict, return NaN
    if not np.any(fixation_map):
        print('no fixation to predict')
        return np.nan
    # Make the saliency_map the size of the fixation_map
    if saliency_map.shape != fixation_map.shape:
        saliency_map = resize(saliency_map, fixation_map.shape, order=3, mode='nearest')
    # Normalize saliency map to have values between [0,1]
    saliency_map = normalize(saliency_map, method='range')

    S = saliency_map.ravel()
    F = fixation_map.ravel()
    S_fix = S[F] # Saliency map values at fixation locations
    n_fix = len(S_fix)
    n_pixels = len(S)
    # For each fixation, sample n_rep values from anywhere on the saliency map
    if rand_sampler is None:
        r = random.randint(0, n_pixels, [n_fix, n_rep])
        S_rand = S[r] # Saliency map values at random locations (including fixated locations!? underestimated)
        S_rand = rand_sampler(S, F, n_rep, n_fix)
    # Calculate AUC per random split (set of random locations)
    auc = np.zeros(n_rep) * np.nan
    for rep in range(n_rep):
        thresholds = np.r_[0:np.max(np.r_[S_fix, S_rand[:,rep]]):step_size][::-1]
        tp = np.zeros(len(thresholds)+2)
        fp = np.zeros(len(thresholds)+2)
        tp[0] = 0; tp[-1] = 1
        fp[0] = 0; fp[-1] = 1
        for k, thresh in enumerate(thresholds):
            tp[k+1] = np.sum(S_fix >= thresh) / float(n_fix)
            fp[k+1] = np.sum(S_rand[:,rep] >= thresh) / float(n_fix)
        auc[rep] = np.trapz(tp, fp)
    return np.mean(auc) # Average across random splits


Tags: ofthetomapsizenprandomfix


np.r_[0:np.max(np.r_[S_fix, S_rand[:,rep]]):step_size]



np.r_[S_fix, S_rand[:,rep]]   # What is `S_fix`?  `S_rand`?
np.r_[0:_:step_size]          # this uses `np.arange`


ValueError: arange: cannot compute length



尝试在predictions[predictions < 0] = 0之后打印值 也许您需要将其等同于某个变量,例如: someVariable=predictions[predictions < 0] = 0

我也有同样的错误,我通过删除Nan值来解决: df.dropna()

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