
2024-10-01 04:53:39 发布

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from astropy.io import ascii
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize
from astropy.io import fits
import math

#plate scale for CofC Observatory
f = 3962                #mm
p = 206265./f           # arcsec/mm
p = p * 9.e-6           #arcsec/pix
finalp = p * 20         #pc/pix, sombrero = 97, ngc720 = 105, ngc6946 = 20
finalp = finalp/1000    #kpc

#importing files
data_b = ascii.read('/Users/research/Desktop/Dowd.A/Final/data/NGC6946/ngc6946_b_profile.dat')
data_g = ascii.read('/Users/research/Desktop/Dowd.A/Final/data/NGC6946/ngc6946_g_profile.dat')
data_r = ascii.read('/Users/research/Desktop/Dowd.A/Final/data/NGC6946/ngc6946_r_profile.dat')

#Converting x-axis from pixels to kpc
r_b = data_b['x']*finalp
r_g = data_g['x']*finalp
r_r = data_r['x']*finalp

y_b = data_b['y'] - 412.    #final number is background, different for each filter
y_g = data_g['y'] - 1288.
y_r = data_r['y'] - 1364.

r_b = np.array(r_b)
y_b = np.array(y_b)
r_g = np.array(r_g)
y_g = np.array(y_g)
r_r = np.array(r_r)
y_r = np.array(y_r)

#fitting the model for sersic and exponential
def GaussPoly(r, munaught, beta, n0):
    return munaught * np.exp(-beta*(r/re)**(1/n0))

munaught = 8       #change for each filter 
beta = .001            #change for each filter
r = r_b
n0 = 1.              #1 for spiral and 4 for elliptical
re = r_b[0]

nlfit, nlpcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(GaussPoly, r_b, y_b, p0=[munaught, beta, n0])
munaught, beta, n0 = nlfit

x600 = np.arange(0,10)
fit = GaussPoly(x600, munaught, beta, n0)

plt.plot(x600, fit, color = 'orange')

#commented out filters to see one graph at a time
plt.plot(r_b,y_b, 'b.')
plt.xlabel('Avg Radius (kpc)')
plt.ylabel('Surface Brightness (counts/pixel**2)')

Tags: fromimportfordatanpasciipltprofile