
2024-09-30 22:11:53 发布

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import random
def fillEnemyField():
    print("Here's your first EnemyField")
    zombies = []
    zombies = random.randrange(0, 15)
    trolls = []
    trolls = random.randrange(0, 15)
    vampires = []
    vampires = random.randrange(0, 15)
    ghosts = []
    ghosts = random.randrange(0, 15)

def printEnemyField():
    choice1 = int(input("Press 1 to get a new EnemyField"))
    choice2 = int(input("Press 2 to get a new EnemyField"))
    choice3 = int(input("Press 3 to get a new EnemyField"))
    choice4 = int(input("Press 4 to get a new EnemyField"))
    choice5 = int(input("Press 5 to quit"))
    while choice != 5:
        if choice ==1:
            choice = print(fillEnemyField(zombies))

Tags: to类型newinputgetdefrandomint


import random

def fillEnemyField():
      # Define enemy amounts
      zombies = random.randrange(0, 15)
      trolls = random.randrange(0, 15)
      vampires = random.randrange(0, 15)
      ghosts = random.randrange(0, 15)

      # return enemy amounts so you can use them later
      # if you don't care about these names, you could do something like this
      # return [random.randrange(0, 15), random.randrange(0, 15), random.randrange(0, 15), random.randrange(0, 15]
      return [zombies, trolls, vampires, ghosts]

def printEnemyField():
    # when you do something multiple times, it's cleaner to use a loop
    for x in range(4):
        # this is formating a string, here is a great guide on this
        # https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-us-string-formatters-in-python-3
        print("Press {} to get a new EnemyField".format(x+1))
    print("Press 5 to quit") # this print is differnt, so we won't use it in the loop

    fields = fillEnemyField() # get all those enemies we worked so hard to make

    choice = int(input()) # get input from the user
    while choice != 5: # we want to quit on 5
        print(fields[choice-1]) # here we print out the ith value of the array, remember to subract 1 because arrays start at 0
        choice = int(input()) # get more input from the user so our loop doesn't just print forever

printEnemyField() # remember to call your functions from somewhere, otherwise it wont get run



import random
def fillEnemyField():
    print("Here's your first EnemyField")
    return {"zombies": random.randrange(0, 15),
            "trolls": random.randrange(0, 15),
            "vampires": random.randrange(0, 15),
            "ghosts": random.randrange(0, 15)

def printEnemyField():
    print("Press 1 to get a new EnemyField")
    print("Press 2 to get a new EnemyField")
    print("Press 3 to get a new EnemyField")
    print("Press 4 to get a new EnemyField")
    print("Press 5 to quit")
    choice = int(input("Enter a number: "))
    while choice != 5:
        if choice ==1:
            print(fillEnemyField()['zombies'], "zombies in the field")
        choice = int(input("Enter a number: "))



def fillEnemyField(choise):
    print("Here's your first EnemyField")
    options = {"zombies": random.randrange(0, 15),
               "trolls": random.randrange(0, 15),
               "vampires": random.randrange(0, 15),
               "ghosts": random.randrange(0, 15)
    return options[choise]

def printEnemyField():
    choice = int(input("Enter a number: "))
    while choice != 5:
        if choice == 1:
            print(fillEnemyField('zombies'), "enemies on the field")
        choice = int(input("Enter a number: "))

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