
2024-10-04 01:22:41 发布

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回溯(最近一次呼叫最后一次): 文件“C:\Users\sada\Desktop\ask\pyKSP Example.py”,第7行,在 从ksp导入PykshortThesTPathGraph 导入错误:无法从“ksp”(C:\Users\sada\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site packages\ksp\uuu init\uuu.py)导入名称“pyKShorthestPathGraph”

Tags: 文件pyexamplelocal错误uuuusersappdata
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-04 01:22:41
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, 'pyKSP')

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from ksp import pyKShorthestPathGraph
# Define a couple of usefull functions
def get_fake():
    # To create fake tracks
    out = np.zeros((37,36)) + 0.00001
    out[10,10] = 0.99
    out[20,20] = 0.99

    return out

def convert_v(v,dims,depth):
    # To convert the output of KSP into tracks format
    MAP = np.zeros(dims)
    n_tracks = len(v)/(depth)
    out = np.zeros((depth,n_tracks,2))
    for t in range(depth-1):
        for i in range(n_tracks):
            out[t,i,0] = v[t*n_tracks + i]/dims[1]
            out[t,i,1] = v[t*n_tracks + i]%dims[1]

    return np.int32(out)

# Import the wrapper
from ksp import pyKShorthestPathGraph

    We will need to create a pyKShorthestPathGraph object. The constructor takes the following inputs, which we are going to build:
    - A flattened vector containing the costs of going through each grid location at each time step.
    - The W and H dimensions of your grid here 36 and 37.
    - The number of frames to be processed, called depth, here 10.
    - The admissible radius for two consecutive detections of the same track.
    - The access points of your grid, in flattened format as well. These are the points where tracks can enter and exit the grid.

depth = 30 #Number of frames

# Prepare flat vector for ksp containing costs at each grid locations at each time step
q_vector = np.zeros(37*36*depth)
for t in range(0,depth):
    Q_loc = get_fake()
    flat_q = np.clip(np.ndarray.flatten(Q_loc),1e-6,0.999999)
    q_vector[37*36*t:37*36*(t+1)] = -np.log(flat_q/(1-flat_q)) # Costs in -log() format

access_points = np.asarray([0]) # Define the access points on your grid
G = pyKShorthestPathGraph(q_vector,36,37,depth,4,access_points) #Be carefull ordering of dimensions inverted
v = G.getPath(0,depth-1) # From_frame - To_frame (inclusive). Be carrefull if you set To_frame>depth - 1, you get a memory leak
print (v)
del G

# Convert output to a "tracks" format
out = convert_v(v,(37,36),depth)
print (out)

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