
2024-05-04 00:24:13 发布

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目前,考虑到延迟,在我的游戏中(基本上是tron lightcycles,但要移动,必须解决一个数学问题),每次一个玩家转向时,我都会向两个玩家发送游戏状态。在前端,我有一个用于绘制的函数和一个用于取消绘制的函数(用于说明何时存在延迟)。目前,设置未执行所需的行为:两名玩家彼此不同步(两名玩家的移动或转身位置都不相同)。有人能帮我吗?这是我第一次做游戏。以下是后端代码(当用户提交数学问题的答案以转换其角色时,此代码将运行):

def send_answer(answer, game_object, player_type, current_position, current_direction):

    creator_directions = ['p1up', 'p1right', 'p1down', 'p1left']
    opponent_directions = ['p2up', 'p2right', 'p2down', 'p2left']

    with transaction.atomic():
        # d for direction

        if player_type == 'creator':
            for d in creator_directions:

                if is_correct_answer(getattr(game_object, d), int(answer)):
                    context['move_direction'] = d
                    new_problem = generate_problem_game(
                        game_object.level, game_object.operation, game_object, player_type)
                    setattr(game_object, d, new_problem)
                    context['new_problem'] = [d, new_problem]
                    # calculate draw and undraw positions
                    # p1_last_pos: player 1 last position
                    p1_last_pos = game_object.p1lastposupdate
                    # p1_lp_timestamp: player 1 last position timestamp
                    p1_lp_timestamp = game_object.p1lpuTimestamp
                    time_inbetween = timezone.now() - p1_lp_timestamp
                    # ti_milliseconds: time inbetween, milliseconds
                    ti_milliseconds = time_inbetween.seconds * 1000
                    # p1_lp_split: player 1 last_position (split)
                    p1_lp_split = p1_last_pos.split(',')
                    # p1_lp_x: player 1 last position, x
                    p1_lp_x = int(p1_lp_split[0])
                    # p1_lp_y: player 1 last_position, y
                    p1_lp_y = int(p1_lp_split[1])

                    draw_positions = []
                    if current_direction == 'up' or current_direction == 'down':
                        # works with 100ms loop on front end
                        # cycles move 4 pixels every 100ms
                        space_inbetween_x = int(
                            (ti_milliseconds / 100) * 4)
                        for i in range(0, space_inbetween_x, 4):
                                '%s,%s' % (str(p1_lp_x + i), str(p1_lp_y)))
                    elif current_direction == 'left' or current_direction == 'right':
                        space_inbetween_y = int(
                            (ti_milliseconds / 100) * 4)
                        for i in range(0, space_inbetween_y, 4):
                                '%s,%s' % (str(p1_lp_x), str(p1_lp_y + i)))

                    context['cdp'] = draw_positions
                        'p1_last_pos_update'] = game_object.p1lastposupdate

        elif player_type == 'opponent':
            for d in opponent_directions:
                if is_correct_answer(getattr(game_object, d), int(answer)):
                    context['move_direction'] = d

                    new_problem = generate_problem_game(
                        game_object.level, game_object.operation, game_object, player_type)

                    setattr(game_object, d, new_problem)

                    context['new_problem'] = [d, new_problem]

                    # calculate draw and undraw positions
                    # p2_last_pos = player 2 last position
                    p2_last_pos = game_object.p2lastposupdate
                    # p2_lp_timestamp: player 2 last position timestamp
                    p2_lp_timestamp = game_object.p2lpuTimestamp
                    time_inbetween = timezone.now() - p2_lp_timestamp
                    # ti_milliseconds: time inbetween, milliseconds
                    ti_milliseconds = time_inbetween.seconds * 1000
                    # p2_lp_split: player 2 last position (split)
                    p2_lp_split = p2_last_pos.split(',')
                    # p2_lp_x: player 2 last position, x
                    p2_lp_x = int(p2_lp_split[0])
                    # p2_lp_y: player 2 last position, y
                    p2_lp_y = int(p2_lp_split[1])

                    draw_positions = []
                    if current_direction == 'up' or current_direction == 'down':
                        # works with 100ms loop on front end
                        # cycles move 4 pixels every 100ms
                        space_inbetween_x = int(
                            (ti_milliseconds / 100) * 4)
                        for i in range(0, space_inbetween_x, 4):
                                '%s,%s' % (str(p2_lp_x + i), str(p2_lp_y)))
                    elif current_direction == 'left' or current_direction == 'right':
                        space_inbetween_y = int(
                            (ti_milliseconds / 100) * 4)
                        for i in range(0, space_inbetween_y, 4):
                                '%s,%s' % (str(p2_lp_x), str(p2_lp_y + i)))

                    context['odp'] = draw_positions
                        'p2_last_pos_update'] = game_object.p2lastposupdate



Tags: gameobjectpositioncurrentintsplitlastplayer