
2024-04-25 01:06:55 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

我已经创建了下面的数据框,列出了用户访问的页面,按访问日期的升序排列。共有5页:BLQ2\ U 1至BLQ2\ U 5

user_id  created_at  PAGE  
72672    2017-02-20  BLQ2_1
72672    2017-03-03  BLQ2_5
72672    2017-03-03  BLQ2_3
72672    2017-03-05  BLQ2_4
12370    2017-03-06  BLQ2_4
12370    2017-03-06  BLQ2_5
12370    2017-03-06  BLQ2_3
94822    2017-03-06  BLQ2_2
94822    2017-03-10  BLQ2_4
94822    2017-03-10  BLQ2_5
94822    2017-02-24  BLQ2_4


Path to BLQ2_5 is: 2 times from BLQ2_4 and 1 time from BLQ2_1.

Path to BLQ2_3 is: 2 times from BLQ2_5 and 1 time from BLQ2_4.

Path to BLQ2_4 is: 1 time from BLQ2_5, 1 time from BLQ2_3, 1 time from BLQ2_2, and 1 time from nowhere.



pg_BLQ2_5 = pd.DataFrame()
pg_BLQ2_4 = pd.DataFrame()
pg_BLQ2_3 = pd.DataFrame()
pg_BLQ2_2 = pd.DataFrame()
pg_BLQ2_1 = pd.DataFrame()
first_pages = pd.DataFrame()

for user_id in df['user_id'].unique():
    #get only current user's records, and reset index
    _pg = df[df['user_id'] == user_id].reset_index()
    _pg.drop('index', axis=1, inplace=True)

    #if this is the first page visited, treat differently
    first_page = _pg.iloc[0]
    first_pages = first_pages.append(first_page)

    #exclude the first page visited from the dataframe
    _pg = _pg.loc[1:].reset_index()
    _pg.drop('index', axis=1, inplace=True)

    #for each page, get the record from its previous index, and build the dataframe.
    pg_BLQ2_5 = pg_BLQ2_5.append(_pg.iloc[_pg[_pg['PAGE'] == 'BLQ2_5'].index -1])
    pg_BLQ2_4 = pg_BLQ2_4.append(_pg.iloc[_pg[_pg['PAGE'] == 'BLQ2_4'].index -1])
    pg_BLQ2_3 = pg_BLQ2_3.append(_pg.iloc[_pg[_pg['PAGE'] == 'BLQ2_3'].index -1])
    pg_BLQ2_2 = pg_BLQ2_2.append(_pg.iloc[_pg[_pg['PAGE'] == 'BLQ2_2'].index -1])
    pg_BLQ2_1 = pg_BLQ2_1.append(_pg.iloc[_pg[_pg['PAGE'] == 'BLQ2_1'].index -1])

Tags: andthefromiddataframeindextimepage
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-25 01:06:55


df['prev'] = df['PAGE'].shift()
# remove when different user
df['prev'] = df['prev'].where(df['user_id'].shift() == df['user_id'], np.nan)



PAGE    prev  
BLQ2_3  BLQ2_5    2
BLQ2_4  BLQ2_2    1
        BLQ2_3    1
        BLQ2_5    1
BLQ2_5  BLQ2_4    2
        BLQ2_1    1


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