
2024-04-28 02:19:38 发布

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from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup

print('What is the date (format 2018-09-18)?')
weather_date = input()
print('What time are you looking for?')
weather_time = input()

#connect to url
weather_url = 'https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/KTTD/date/' + weather_date
uClient = uReq(weather_url)
weather_html = uClient.read()
weather_soup = soup(weather_html, "html.parser")
weather = weather_soup.findAll......

temperature =
dew_point =
humidity =
pressure =
condition =

print('The weather on', + weather_date, 'at time', weather_time, 'was')
print('Temperature', + temperature)
print('Dew Point', + dew_point)
print('Humidity', + humidity)
print('Pressure', + pressure)
print('Condition', + condition)

Tags: 数据用户fromimporturldatetimehtml